A look at Microsoft Edge 87's Sleeping Tabs feature - gHacks Tech News

in DLIKE5 years ago


  1. Load edge://flags in the browser's address bar.
  2. Search for sleep; Edge should return three flags.
    1. Enable Sleeping Tabs (edge://flags/#edge-sleeping-tabs) -- The main preference. Set it to enabled to enable the sleep mode functionality in the browser.
    2. Enable immediate timeout for Sleeping Tabs (edge://flags/#edge-sleeping-tabs-immediate-timeout) --The optional setting bypasses the timeout setting to put background tabs into sleep mode immediately. If you don't want background tabs to be disabled after a very short period, several seconds, keep it disabled.
    3. Sleeping Tabs use observed site characteristics heuristics (edge://flags/#edge-sleeping-tabs-site-characteristics) -- The optional setting enables heuristics to identify sites that should not be put to sleep mode, e.g. those with notifications or background tasks such as video or audio playback.
  3. Restart the Edge web browser

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