Enable Sleeping Tabs (edge://flags/#edge-sleeping-tabs) -- The main preference. Set it to enabled to enable the sleep mode functionality in the browser.
Enable immediate timeout for Sleeping Tabs (edge://flags/#edge-sleeping-tabs-immediate-timeout) --The optional setting bypasses the timeout setting to put background tabs into sleep mode immediately. If you don't want background tabs to be disabled after a very short period, several seconds, keep it disabled.
Sleeping Tabs use observed site characteristics heuristics (edge://flags/#edge-sleeping-tabs-site-characteristics) -- The optional setting enables heuristics to identify sites that should not be put to sleep mode, e.g. those with notifications or background tasks such as video or audio playback.
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Copying/Pasting full or partial texts without adding anything original is frowned upon by the community. Repeated copy/paste posts could be considered spam. Spam is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.