Sincerity remedy against sin

in #undefined6 years ago

Worse than the error is the omission of the error. In few experiences where I had under my responsibility people, I could notice it. To err is a frustrating but common attitude. Omitting errors is also frustrating, but it becomes an abyss of humiliations. Many of us must have already gone through experiences of that kind: that little lie told to the boss that turns into an avalanche and culminates in the bankruptcy of the employment bond; exaggerated about school grades, which leads to a greater frustration in the discovery; among others.

The truth is that the omission, the fruit of our arrogance and arrogance, isolates us and brings to us all the evil fruits of that error when, if we expose it, we can share with someone the suffering and be helped. If a person under my responsibility to err, I will help her, if she omits it, I can not do anything. These and other daily situations lead me to meditate on this matter, but none is as serious as the problem of sin, described in the Bible:

As I healed my sins, my bones aged through my constant moans all day long. Because your hand weighed day and night on me, and my vigor became dry of estio. Ps 32.3-4

Sin can illustrate how an illness, just as the psalmist did. Sin corrodes us, destroys us inside and out, leaves us helpless, weak. We can not get away from such a great evil. We are incapable against him, we need help! When there is sin in us, we become inconvenient before the omnipresent God. And if God is omnipresent, we grieve knowing that He sees us in sin and sin takes us away from Him. Thus we can only groan in our spiritual agony. But what to do to get out of that agony, if we know that hiding sins only leaves us more sick and lonely? The Bible answers us:

I confessed my sin and my iniquity no longer hidden. I said: I will confess my transgressions to the Lord; and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Sal 32.5

We are arrogant when we keep sin in our hearts. By our illusion of being righteous and correct we become haughty and do not want to confess to God our sins and insults, because we believe that we are going to get rid of those sins alone. We destroy the Lord's help and we want to walk on our own legs.

But the truth is that the more we hide the sin of God - which is not really hidden, for God knows all things - the more weight we take upon ourselves. An unnecessary weight. Jesus Christ, when he died for us on the cross, took the weight of our hands, so that we could walk freely. And today, in our arrogance, we keep those evils in ourselves.

The remedy against sin is not meditation. The remedy against sin is not self-flagellation. The remedy against sin is sincerity. Sincerity that we are sinners and that we need the Lord. Sincerity in asking God for help, because we can not do. And when we confess our sins, that is, when we are sincere, the Lord forgives us and frees us from the terrible weight of sin. Be sincere and free yourself from the sin that is so hard on you.

God bless you!


Yes Sister T, every day we can der better people, God help us to be an example for others, walking in the truth.



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