How to raise chickens

in #animals7 years ago

 Chicken  Man has raised chickens since ancient times in pursuit of its benefits  mainly in its eggs and meat, and sometimes for feathers and other  products. The chickens are scientifically divided into up to sixty species of medium-sized poultry,
All  of these breeds come from a bird called the Red Jungle Cock, whose  natural habitat is in India's forests. It has bright red and green  feathers, and it has a tousling under its chin. The modern chicken  breeds are mixed with several other birds nearby, Who lives in southern India) and others
The giant industrial production of chicken meat began at the beginning of the 20th century,
The sector continued to grow until the production of chicken eggs and  meat was separated into two different areas, and the trade in chicken  meat expanded so dramatically that its export rate reached about 14  million tons per year at the beginning of the present century.
BABY  DESCRIPTION OF CHICKEN The average length of a hen is about 70  centimeters or less, often weighing about two and a half kilograms. Both males and females have red-brown circular flesh hanging under  their beaks, and long curved tails, up to 30 centimeters in length.
In  nature, chickens live in the form of swarms with a hierarchical social  system; each squadron is led by a dominant male who has preference over  all other members of the group, accompanied by two or more female  chickens guarded with care. The squadron may include some weak  subordinate males, Of his chickens, and this social arrangement is determined by a competition between males, which may be a fight with ducks.
How  to raise chickens after the male is fertilized Chicken egg begins to be  born inside and develops quickly, and after three weeks or exactly  twenty-one days hatch chick from the egg, and is initially covered with  fuzz, but it is similar to feathers for adult chickens during a period  of four to five weeks . Males  and females reach puberty after six months of hatching, and then the  females begin laying eggs while the cock is ready to reproduce. An  adult hen can live in the wild for six to eight years. It is known that  some chickens lived in captivity for up to 30 years, but when raised on  farms they either grow up to get their eggs and then live for two to  three years, For slaughtering her meat,
And then live for a year or less. The  raising of chickens needs attention and care in terms of providing a  suitable and warm place, so that the fresh air enters it in a healthy  manner. It must also be provided with fodder, water and vaccines to  protect against various diseases 


After a period of 21 days and hatching the chicks, and then raising them for a few weeks, the stage of caring for the chickens begins inside the amber, which is a very difficult and difficult stage, as the size of the chicks increases, and the crowd increases in the amber or hanger. You must take care of the chicken housing and health in different ways, you must do several procedures to ensure that grow up well, and these actions are what follows

Commitment to provide balanced feed and pure water from reliable sources that are replaced daily to ensure proper feeding of chickens.

Customize a course of water and hangover vessels for each few chicks. Take care of the cleanliness of the amber, and try to get rid of excess moisture by constantly changing the bedding

Pay attention to the fact that the amber is well closed (for example, or closed) to protect chickens from predators that may be trying to reach them, such as stray dogs and others.

It is preferable to raise chickens inside a closed space to facilitate care and reduce the cost, although this has some disadvantages, such as the risk of rapid outbreak of disease among chickens if one of them.

The advantage of raising chickens in a closed space to facilitate care and reduce the cost, although this has some disadvantages, such as the risk of rapid outbreak of disease among chickens if one of them.

Try to provide a stream of fresh air and a relatively warm atmosphere by closing any openings in the windows and adjusting ventilation areas.

To ensure that non-workers enter the dormitory

Conduct a daily record of the ages of the chickens, their health condition, and any deaths that occur between them

When leaving chickens without health care and not taking any action until signs of disease, there may be significant economic losses, so it is better and better for chickens to be vaccinated in advance against diseases, and avoid exposure to many external influences, and reduce the number of people entering the amber, cleaning Continuous breeding area for chickens

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