1 Corinthians 15:57 New International Version (NIV)
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
We must always be grateful to God in everything, because every detail of our lives is part of the wonderful plan he has with each of us according to the immense love he professes to us.
The word given in this verse is clear evidence of the grace of God, who sent his son Jesus to die on the cross, thus paying ransom for us and giving us victory over Satan and death, henceforth there is nothing that can condemn the one who believed in Jesus Christ therefore we are more than victors.
So there is only one thing left to do and that is to say thank you, thank you, thank God; for freeing us from the sting of death, from the bondage of sin and its consequences, so the law goes to the background before grace.
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In the next verse it says that our work on the Lord is not in vain and that we are firm and consistent 1 Corinthians 15:58 New International Version (NIV), this is the best way to thank Him for all that he did for us, so let us hope that his grace will surround us at all times and do the good work he has entrusted to us.
Original Text of:@tomas.enrique
Receive very blessings.
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My special thanks also goes to: @darlenys01, @sirknight,@sniffnscurry, @heartchurch @maxdevalue @uyobong
also to: all the parishioners.
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