Happy Mothers' Day to the Mother I Never Had

in Christian Fellowship4 years ago


Yes! I know I am late but it is better late than never. Mothers are great gifts from God to us. They deserve so much love and appreciation because of their tenderness, loving-kindness, caring lifestyle and loving attitude. I want to use this medium to celebrate my late mother and every other mother in the world as well as potential mothers. I love you all.

Among the many things we get to choose, we cannot choose our mothers. God chooses our mothers for us and this is what makes them to be really special. A mother's love for her child cannot be compared to anything on earth. A mother's love is true and forever. irrespective of how a child hurts the mother, irrespective of how angry a mother can be with her child,the mother's love never goes away.

Mothers are strong. Oftentimes, we call women the weaker vessels but that is false. Women (mothers) are very strong set of persons. Do you know what it means to carry a full human being inside of you? And not just for one day or two, rather for nine good months? That requires so much strength. God knew that men will not have this patience and power that's why, he designed women for the child-bearing job. Indeed! Mother's are strong.

Mothers will always go all out to make sure their children become something good in the future. Some go as far as selling their clothes and personal belongings just to send their children to school. Some spend sleepless nights just to ensure their child sleep well.

Mothers deserve so much love; they deserve to reap the fruit of their labour. It pains me and breaks my heart remembering that my mother is dead and gone. She gave us so much but got little or nothing from us in return. I feel so sad each time I remember that my mother will not be there when I have finally made it. My heart bleeds. I pray her soul continues to find rest in the Lord. I miss her a lot.

If you still have your mother with you, please, love her, care for her, made her smile all the time. Show her so much love in the little way you can. Mothers are just one, value the one you have.

To all the mothers and women out there, I pray God's blessings upon you. More strength and capacity to care for your children. You will not die untimely rather, you will reap the fruit of your labour.

Happy Mothers' Day!

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