The blind belief in authority

in #anarchy7 years ago


Why is it we automatically give others the right to tell us what to do, make laws for us, and dictate our lives? I mean what did they do to actually earn these rights? Are these men and women in suits who pull the strings pillars of our society? Are they people we can look up to and admire? I mean correct me if Im wrong to get any kind of respect don't you have to EARN it first??

At what point in history did we all say right there is a select group of people we will call government that decide EVERYTHING! Oh I am sorry I forgot we get the one measly vote every four years to give us the illusion that we have any kind of freedom or choice! Why is someone other than my own soul allowed such massive influence on my life if I am not causing any harm or loss to any other beings??


The whole idea of the term to be 'ruled over' makes my stomach turn inside out! Surely we are above that kind of slave talk? But no we're not and you know what we LOVE it! If you take the UK for example look at the millions of people that go to worship a women everytime she has a birthday or a jubilee, the streets are mobbed with flag waving morons gushing love and affection onto the head slave master! Here is a women who talks about austerity in a hat encrusted with jewels, who pays ZERO taxes whilst the streets are lined with homeless people in her own Country! Here inThailand when the king died we didnt just have a week or a months mourning we had a whole entire YEAR!

A belief in authority shows an inherently weak and immature mindset, nobody who knows what they are worth and that has any kind of self love should be giving their energy to what is nothing more than a parasitical force running this Planet. Its not like we can even look around us and say these bloodsuckers have led us into a Utopian paradise, no on the contrary we go into one war after another, the tax evasion from the 1% is nothing more than daylight robbery to the rest of us who work our backsides off, and thats without mentioning the rife child abuse with countless 'lost' enquiries! What on Earth are we doing?


How many times do people fall for this illusion of voting in someone who says a few truths to sweeten people up and then pull off the mask to reveal their TRUE agendas when they get into office?? Time after time after time, and still we fall for it, all hyped up and excited about who we are going to put a little x on a piece of paper for. Running down the polling booths like the willing slaves that we are. PLEASE give me a new master so he can whip me harder!

Im tired of this. Why are we allowing this to happen? I hear people say oh without government there would be anarchy. The true meaning of the word anarchy actually means 'without rulers' its nothing to do with smashing car and shop windows and chaos. And guess what folks we already have chaos! We've had it for eons, and quite frankly Im willing to risk a bit more if it means taking our sovereignty back. It might not be easy but it will be dam worth it!


Here is vlog I made regarding more on this topic.

Tony Sayers

love, care, courage

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