War on Syria just been announced- Fuck Trump and Fuck the Military that will do his bidding!

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


So the bombing of Syria starts. Theyve been desperate for this for years, anything to get a WW3 going. As always yes its those who give themselves power who make the decision but it boils down to humans killing other humans because they are told to do so, and dont exercise moral thinking or even question their orders. Its not Trump or Theresa May that will be maming innocent people in far away lands, it is the ORDER FOLLOWERS of the military, the so called HEROES (dont make me laugh!) who use the highest most potent technology on poor people, and then come back to be celebrated by a bunch of morons.

Blame Trump all you like, yes he's a cunt, but once again its down to a small number of us that are doing their bidding. Know this those of you in the US Military, British Army etc I am ASHAMED of you, you DO NOT represent me or my version of humanity, you are COWARDS who do not question your orders from people who give ZERO shits about you and use you for their own expansion of greed and power. YOU are at fault for a constant state of perpetual war on this Planet and many of us have had enough of your bullshit bravado! SCUM of the highest order!

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Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

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Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'

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That's right, ultimately, it's gonna be the order followers who will be responsible for this crap, since they are MORE guilty than the order givers! Order givers couldn't do squat without people who blindly obey them!

Been saying this for years. It's not one person, it's the order followers - brainwashed fks.

We are all tired of the charades from politicians and their supporters. Working towards a new world @tonysayers33! It's coming my friend, there will be a breaking point reached very soon. They will be swallowed up and drowned by their own murderous, traitorous bullshit.

definitely had enough!

Americans: Izzzzreeeeeal's little bitches.
4 great prospects of a kokesh presidency - jpg.JPG