Secrets of Scandinavian gods. Road of runes : Gift and Partnership

in #writing7 years ago


  Is there anything in common between gift and partnership? It seems like no. But the rune Gebo gives us a completely new understanding of these concepts. At first glance this understanding may seem strange, but after thinking, we come to the conclusion that in this understanding there is a logic and many rules that Gebo offers, we use in modern life.

    So "gift" and "partnership" are two main meanings of Gebo. At first glance everything seems simple and clear, but in fact Gebo requires us to have a new look at such seemingly familiar things as a gift and partnership.

    The first meaning of Gebo is a gift. What is the meaning of the "gift"? Wikipedia explains us that "a gift or a present is an item given to someone without the expectation of payment or return". But Gebo looks at the understanding of the "gift" from the other point of view as we usually do. Here we should remember Odin's words "A gift is waiting for an answer." That is, if you say it more simply: a gift requires a return gift.

    Why is this so? The fact is that runes are an ancient tool and they carry information in the sense that existed in the ancient world. This approach was typical of traditional society, where the runes came from. You can refuse a gift, but if a person accepts a gift, he should be ready to make a reciprocal gesture. And the answer should be symmetric, equivalent. If you look at the Gebo rune, then you can see that it is symmetrical.

  And then let's go back to the statement that the rules of Gebo work in modern society. Certainly, having received a gift, we do not pay anything and do not provide anything. But we almost always make a return gift. At the same time, the rules of etiquette require the observance of a certain equivalence of these gifts. We choose a gift based on our own material status and at the same time we take into account the material status of the person to whom we give the gift. We do this in order not to create a dependent position, when another person can not answer us with a gift of the same value. This creates a balance in the relationship. An exception to this rule is only very close people.

    Now we will return to the question of what is the relationship between gift and partnership? If we proceeded from the ancient understanding of the gift, we would consider it as a proposal to establish certain relationships. For example, a proposal to conclude a contract. Thus, the gift serves for establishing of certain relations between people. Today, in most cases, we do not refuse a gift, such a refusal can even be considered a manifestation of bad manners. In a traditional society, on the contrary, it was quite possible to refuse a gift, as well as how we can refuse to conclude any treaty. Although, in fact, the gift contract is the most common contract. Thus, to refuse a gift means to refuse to establish a relationship.

    From the point of view of Gebo, when a person accepts a gift, he binds himself to certain obligations towards the donor. Gebo is characterized by its striving for balance (look at the form of Gebo, it is symmetrical, balanced). So the main characteristic of these relations will be their balance. We refer to symmetrical relations as partnership relations.

    What kind of balance is it? In the understanding of Gebo, this is "give-take" balance. In order for the relations in the understanding of Gebo to be harmonious, it is necessary to strictly observe this balance, and any bias in one direction or another will be felt very strongly, eroding relations. We can observe such "crooked" relationships in everyday life. We often call them a "one-gate game", this is when one all the time gives, and the other - only takes. Think, maybe you have friends that you always call first (or vice versa). This will be an example of unbalanced relationships.

    When the balance of "give and take" is violated very much, it is necessary to admit that the relationship is likely already dead. How to check this? In any situation, imagine that you and your partner are standing on different sides of the hundred-meter distance. To solve the problem, you must move towards each other. And each of you can not go more than 50 meters. And now you have reached the middle. Where is your partner? If he does not move towards you or if this movement is ridiculously small, turn around and leave this relationship. Nothing will happen here.

    Thus, the accepted gift establishes partnership. Runologist Ralph Blum points out that when Gebo's energy comes to us, it brings into our life the relationship of partnership in all spheres of life: personal relationships, business, relationships with the Higher Powers.

    Gebo is also rune of official marriage. But here it is important to understand that Gebo speaks about partnership, not love. Once again, I pay attention to the fact that it is completely symmetrical: what is above - that is, below, what is on the right - that is, on the left. Such completely symmetrical relations are characteristic for partnership, but not for love. Why then Gebo is rune of marriage? It is important to remember that in the traditional sense, marriage is a contract. In times of active use of runes, marriage was rarely based on feelings, rather on material interests.

    In a more modern understanding, Gebo can also point to any type of contract, more often - written. It can also be understood as a council to discuss all the conditions and fix them in writing.

    Speaking of Gebo, for the first time we meet the rune, which has no inverted position. Thus, the interpretation of Gebo will differ from the interpretation of runes, which we spoke about earlier. Gebo does not give a direct answer "yes" in direct position or "no" in inverted position. It rather says: "If you take my advice, everything will be fine, and if not, then there will be no success."

  What is this advice? Gebo can recommend to look at existing relationships in terms of their symmetry: how much do you invest in them and how much you get? In business, Gebo advises careful consideration of the conclusion of contracts and, in principle, recommends regulation of relations by a written contract. It also advises to look for a business partner, not to try to work alone. As a rune of equivalence, Gebo points out that the result of your project will depend on your efforts: how much you invest, so much you will get. If it is a question about the saving or conclusion of marriage, Gebo points out that the marriage must be saved or concluded.



WoW Wonderful.. Thanx for Sharing :)

Very good post @torem-di-torem . . I like your post.. Thankyou for sharing

Thank you for sharing your knowledge on Gebo! There are things I did not know before.

You are welcome:)

Beautiful, I don't know much about the meanings and history of runes, and this was well written and informative. Thanks!

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