I just signed up but did NOT receive $10 worth of Steem Power

in #steemit8 years ago

I just signed up for steemit.com but did NOT get the promised $10 of Steem Power!
I got $6 of Steem Power instead (3.00 Steem Power)!
I don' want to be a b***H about $4 worth of Steem Power, but just 60% of the promised value is a HUGE difference!
Especially if steemit.com makes this bold promise right on the front page to get new users to sign up.
And Steem didn't just crashed today or yesterday. The price of Steem is since days below $2.30 (and now below $2.00 - on Poloniex).

I don't think it would be that hard to for steemit.com to make sure that new users really receive the promised $10 of Steem Power. No would expect that it really matches the latest exchange rate but it should be at least close to it! 10% off, even 15% off the average weekely exchange rate is something I'd even expect, but a 40% difference is impudent!

Every retailer who offers Bitcoin payments manages (and hast to manage this in order to keep his customers) to keep the Bitcoin price pretty much connected to the current exchange rate and new steemit.com users expect the same ability from steemit.com.

Again, I am not trying to be a b***h because of $4 worth of Steem Power but this "behavior" of steemit.com is just disappointing, unprofessional and really not a trust generating start for new users on the steemit.com platform!

I also couldn't find a contact form or support-link, that's why I'm just posting this complain publicly and hope some developers will read this and fix this issue/bug.

I expect the Steem price go further down for the next few weeks, so it will be soon around $1.50. I think lots of new users who might sign up next week, will even more disappointed if they just receive $3.00 - $3.50 worth of Steem Power instead of the $10 - that would be 70% less than promised!

This is really not the best way for steemit.com not welcome new users!


It's not 3 STEEMS but $3 worth of steem power !!!
Every where is $3 promised ! You got double ! Why are you complaining?

Because it is incorrect. Simple as that.
Defending things that are clearly incorrect, instead of asking for them to be fixed is harmful to the project.

View a steemit page when logged out.

I'd recommend to read my post again! You clearly didn't really understand what it is about.

I clearly stated that it says on the steemit.com frontpage "Get $10 worth of Steem Power"!
Which I did NOT receive! Do you understand the issue now?

I have no clue what you are referring to when you say "everywhere" and who is promising $3 for what!?

Did you even bother to read the whole post? Or some of my other comments? Where I stated several times that I am not complaining?

You are correct, but here is what will happen.

  • The loyal fans will defend the project like their lives depend on it.
  • Excuses will be made, numbers change, prices fluctuate, bla bla bla.
  • Someone will tell you, "look at the title, it's in beta"
  • No official response will be posted and any suggestion to fix it will be ignored, because the user experience is not a priority.
  • People will call you names and attack you for pointing this out, turning you into the problem, not the broken or incorrect information that is shown to the users.

This is the unfortunate pattern I have noticed.

Yepp, that sums it up pretty well so far. ;)
I have to admit, I did not expect that much of hostility because of that.
And I did hope for at least some kind of support/developer acknowledgement that the issue is known or will be fixed or something like that.

Yes, it is disappointing.
These practices and fanboys have ruined the value of their past 2 projects, and the sad thing is they don't even understand how many people it drives away.
The only thing that could help is more posts like yours that explain the new user experience. Maybe, at some point, they will read enough of them to get it.

You could say that but I beg to differ. @dantheman has been on top of stuff as much as he could and I also think the entire community is just sick and tired or rants, complaints and wining in general. At a first look this is what the post says even though you realize it's a good point once you go through it and read the comments as well.
All in all, haven't we all lost more than 4$ in time, power and all, by looking at this post/your comment? What good has it done? Why go deeper into the issue than try to contribute with something that's really helping everyone around here?

How can you beg to differ with my comment you replied too? @dantheman might have been on top of stuff as much as he could, I don't know because I just signed up, so I don't know who is support/developer here and how good or bad they work. But I didn't see any reply to my post of support or a developer. So why are you bringing @dantheman up if he wasn't even part of the conversation?

Maybe the community is sick and tired of rants, complaints and whining... I did neither of that, I thought I noticed a bug/issue and I wanted to let the support/developers know about it and explain why I think it's an issue.
You want to really help everyone around here? Well then try to make people aware of the fact that they should read, think and understand a post first, before they start commenting on it! Especially if they do so in a hostile way! Everyone can have a different opinion and can or even should express this opinion, but hostile attacks because they "think in their head" that is complaining or ranting (even though that someone mentions several times "I am not complaining") is a whole other story. I thought steamit.com is all about great content and great comments. Well guess what, great comments can only be written if people first bother to read a post and think before they start commenting! And now you criticise ME for trying to set the record straight?! I should get over it, and stop responding to people who don't get the point, make false accusations and clearly don't bother with the actual meaning of a post when they respond to it? That is your "secret sauce" for making steemit.com a place for great content and great comments...well now I BEG TO DIFFER!

If you think it is a waste of time reading my post and comments, then don't read them!
You think it is a waste of time to:

  • Point out that something isn't working like "advertised".
  • Explain why that it isn't a good thing or why it should be fixed.
  • Put an afford in making clear that it is no baseless "whine&complain" post.
  • Point out that a Support-Form and/or Contact-Form link should be present (like it is on every other website on the web and which is something "mainstream" internet user expect!)
  • Correct and criticise people for their comments, which refer to "things in their heads" but not to the content of my post, and/or useless dumb smartass comments like "it's free money, if you don't like it leave!"?
    Well like I said, if you think this is a waste of time, don't read and don't respond to it.

And if you think pointing those things out and responding appropriately isn't "contributing" to the overall quality of how people behave on here ..well I don't even know how to respond to such a statement. I guess you are right, if people get bashed for things they didn't even say nor clearly meant, it is the best for the community if they just shut up about it and move along. Why try to make people read and think first, before they reply to a topic, it's a waste of time..there is money to make with writing, commenting and posting somewhere else..

@traderjoe, my reply was for @tinfoilfedora not for your comment (check the nesting alignment).
This comment though is for you, @traderjoe, and I will keep this one very short:

  • read around and see who @dantheman is and then you'll see why I brought him up in the discussion.
  • As from my previous comments below I have put in some effort to get this advertised around. Talk about reading people's posts and comments...
  • I never said you did complain or rant but you're starting to.
  • I know you're new and all, but your first post is really about something negative? If you ever want to be on that trending page you really need to do more than this.

PS. I tried to keep the negativity out of my comments but it's not working. Before you beg to differ you should have first spent some time reading around. Posts that have good information for beginners, watch interviews with the founders and other talks, understand how Steemit works and what is it's purpose long term. That way I shouldn't have had to tell you about the support address ;)

Ok, my bad.
Didn't notice the nesting alignment.
Sorry for that!
Well, i would have had all right to rant/complain..if you want to call it like that (I don't), if that reply was meant for me and not @tinfoilfedora.
But it wasn't meant for me so some things I wrote might don't apply anymore.

But this reply is now for you @anduweb and I will also try to keep it short:

  • The @dantheman comment was meant for @tinfoilfedora, but I guess he is somehow involved with support and development questions. I will look into that, when I have a chance.
  • I did read that you brought up that issue in the chat. And thanked you for that! So I read your posts and understood them pretty well before I replied to them. Even the one for @tinfoilfedora, which would have been a valid response IF it had have been for me ;). And I acknowledged that I mistakenly thought this respond was meant for me.

But it is really not much of a nesting-difference, so it is easily to miss, and can not be compared to "not bother really reading and thinking of the meaning of a post before replying to it".

  • Why has a first post to be about something positive? (A rhetorical question! I don't think there is a written or unwritten rule for that, and if there would be one, I think it should be broken.)
  • My first post was constructive critique, which is, in my point of view, a good thing and should be encouraged in general.
  • It was never my intention to be on the trending page! I didn't even plan on posting anything (or much) at all. I'm more of a reader and voter, not a poster.
  • Btw I don't think the main reason for posting on steemit.com should be "to get on the trending page. That is like writing and crafting blog posts for being on the top of google search results and not because they content something you really wanted to say but instead for maximizing monetization. And that's the reason "Clickbait" came to existence. Maybe soon we will have something like "TrendBait" which could be similar bad/annoying. Well that's just my opinion.

I don't think that it should be mandatory to first start a in depth search for a support email that might be hidden away in some post somewhere (especially if there are two but one is not valid anymore). Steemit.com wants to become a mainstream thing, right? And attracting Millions or 100s of Million users, then pointing out missing things that mainstream website have (like a simple support-link in the footer of the frontpage) should have reactions like "OH Damn how could we forget that?!" And not "Spent first a few hours reading every post with the "steemit" tag till you find the "one time mentioned" support-email, before you post something negative" ..

And what has "Know how Steemit works and it's purpose long term" to do with a "support-email" or "support-link"? That' is also a rhetorical question, how Steemit works or it's purpose long term has no relations whatsoever with the content of my OP or my replies to the comments. (Except certain things that will be expected of Steemit if it wants to attract the average internet user and become a mainstream thing, which I addressed correctly).

Btw: I'm still not ranting, whining or complaining. I made a valid, reasonable post about something and reply with appropriate responses to the comments to this post.

Comments nesting goes as down as 6 replies so I hope you'll see this one
I really don't want to continue the conversation as we're going in circles. Steemit is still at the beginning so yes, there are many processes unfinished, not fine-tuned etc. It's up to the community to help and support the development and its not easy.
Comments such as yours are not constructive in my pov and we should all be focusing on other stuff that really add value around here. The end on my side.

New users pointing out that incorrect information was presented to them, is a valid complaint.
Nice subtle dig, stating my comment was a waste of time and money...

What good has it done? Well, just like this posters intention, it brought a real problem to the surface to talk about. The team is not fixing user facing issues that involve money. they don't respond to them or seem to care much, and fanboys just make excuses and cover for them, while attacking people who take the time and effort to point problems out.
This is the exact opposite of how a successful internet presence should operate.

  • Bugs, problems, and usability issues should be responded to politely, by staff, with a thank you.
  • The goal should be an easy to understand interface, that is clearly explained in a help file.
  • Any display of money should be PERFECT. Anything less is pure lazyness and negligence. It is simple math, the one thing on the planet that can be displayed PERFECTLY if they choose to.
  • No one should be attacked like this for taking the time to write up a problem.

Instead of attacking the messenger, why don't you "quit your complaining" and "try to contribute" by showing the user how to actually get the problem in front of the developers? Or by filing a report on it yourself? Or by explaining to dan that this is actually important?

Your rabid fanboy defense is actually worse than complaining. It is encouraging the bad software practices, bad PR due to incorrect info, and bad user behavior (yours, for attacking a newbie), to continue on this website.

@tinfoilfedora. I am directly offended by your comment as you're wrongfully accusing me. You clearly didn't read my comments on this post to see that I actually contributed with what is currently possible to bring this message further. I even gave advice to the OP on how to reach out to the devs directly and report this if he wanted to.
I don't have access directly to dan or any dev. They ware way too busy with more important stuff than the 4$ diference on the users sign up that should be given out for free. This project is still in beta. Read what beta means before mentioning errors and issues claims. It'll get that, just not this very instant. Will you guys get that already? You'll not progress unless you do.

If you are offended by clearly explained software development practices, maybe you shouldn't be defending software developers you don't even know, that have released a product that confuses new users and displays deceptive and incorrect values everywhere. (The one thing they could do perfectly, out to .0000001 if they chose to.)

Then you fall back on "it's in beta", "it's not important to be correct", and "I'm offended". Thank you for demonstrating that you are exactly the rabid fanboy I was speaking about. At least the "complainers" bring up a topic that could be fixed. Your comments actually hinder progress. You do more harm than the "complainers".

you my friend are a troll and that sums up the discussion level.
Keep calling me a rabid fanboy. At least i tried to do something to help here and not just comment on the side of my insecurities and conspiration theories like you did. Keep it up, see where you get.

You attacked a newbie for writing up his first experience... You got "offended", sensitive about your "insecurities", and brought up conspiracy for some reason, during a discussion about website problems. If anyone is trolling it is you.

Like I said, if you are offended by a discussion about normal software development procedures, and defend problems that could easily be fixed, you are the one with the problem.

You're nuts man. Read the freaking comments and the order in which they were posted. I never attacked the guy for posting this, I actually said he has a valid point and that I even took it myself to bring it up in the steemit.chat t other people that might get it higher and noticed. Jesus!

I did though begged to differ with your way of seeing how things go around here and I still do have a problem with what you wrote on your first comment that started this nonsense. You seem to believe everyone is getting ignored over here like it's a conspiracy (yes, I said conspiracy) of the big guys to trick the small guys and the newcomers.
Tell me where the discussion is about website problems in your first comment? You complain over a flow that doesn't exist for really important issues. See the way the devs reacted to the hack issue, to the bots issue, to the catfish issue, and the list can go on. What you said is nonsense. I'm not wasting anymore time on this.

For the last time: I don't have a problem with what @traderjoe wrote in the post. It's a reality that will get resolved sooner or later. I said patience is needed because yes, beta actually means beta and it's not just an excuse. Then the whole thing escalated like crazy with your comments and starting to call me names and crap. I'm not wasting anymore time on this.
I also tried giving advice about getting it onward and not staying fixed on this as it's not worth the 4 bucks of a difference. I was once in the same place dissatisfied by the system but got on with it and the result paid off in the end.

Your $ amount in Steem is going to be dependent upon the Marketpalce value of Steem when you sign up.

Who says that? This isn't mentioned anywhere. If so, what Marketplace a your referring too? And why is the exchange rate on this "Marketplace" 40% off compared to the "real exchange rate"?
What is this comment even suppose to mean? Like "it is OK, because they just some weirds Marketplace's exchange rate and not the real exchange rates of the leading crypto-exchanges" ?

I have to agree with everyting @traderjoe wrote!
I myself, also didn't receive the promised $10 worth of Steem Power, after I signed up. And I also wanted to contact the support because of that. And I too couldn't find the support link but didn't want to post about it because I didn't want to cause a shitstorm because of $3 ;).

@anduweb constructive critique is a positive first post. And I really can't see here any ranting or complaining from @traderjoe's side.
Are you on drugs? Or am I still too hung over to get you? 1 Steem = 1 Steem Power, right? So it wouldn't matter if he would have said Steem instead of Steem Power. But he IS saying Steem Power! In fact he uses the term Steem Power 3 times in the first 2 sentences and not one single time the term Steems.
And I'd like also to know who is promising $3 of Steam Power and for what? Can you provide some links for this claim?
And he didn't get double, he got roughly just the half of what he was suppose to get. And he isn't complaining, just pointing out the situation. Which is also mentioned several times in the original post and all his replies.
Do what @pfunk suggested, log out and take a look at the frontpage!

Hey man, thanks for taking the time to go through the comments. I agree that it's OK to raise issues with bugs and errors but the thing went way higher that it should. @traderjoe misunderstood my first comment as he thought it was for him when it wasn't. Also he did complain about Steemit not having a clear way to connect with the devs and report issues even though this has been mentioned around the platform a few times. He then did rant over the hostility he though I had in my comments even though that wasn't my intention. Not sure why you're not seeing those. Just because he's saying he's not complaining it doesn't mean he isn't. Just read the stuff. Anyway, this has gotten way higher than it should and I'll be moving on.

You are the perfect example of everything that is wrong about today's society; you are given something free, but you still bitch and whine that you are not given the correct amount.

The amount of Steem you get for FREE is a fixed amount, when that notice went up it was $10 worth, now it's $6.

Who else has been giving you free money?

If you don't like it, go and get your free $10 from Facebook.... oh yeah that's right...


Wtf is wrong with you?! If someone makes you a promise and wants to earn your trust and then just half-ass keeps that promise..somehow.. a little bit. That makes it OK? NO it is NOT OK.

And like a said (I think at least two times) in my post, I AM NOT COMPLAINING because of $4! I'm just saying like it is, it's disappointing for new users who sign up and it's unprofessional to make a clear promise and then not to keep it! When it comes to the crypto-space, trust in developers of a crypto-currency or a related product is a big deal, and such a behavior is NOT trust increasing.

Again, for all those who still don't get it, I personally, don't give a sh*t about $4 or even the $10 worth of Steem Power. I would've signed up anyway! But when I make a promise I sure as hell do my best to keep it! So I am expecting the same behavior from professionals who could obviously easily keep this "little promise".

But I guess you are a different kind of person..someone who doesn't expect that others keep their promises and probably not really eager to keep his own promises. Yeah I guess I AM a perfect example of what's wrong in today's society and NOT YOU.

It's just not updated on the main site, geez.

No, they use the wrong exchange rate to calculate the amount of Steem Power!

Hi @traderjoe and welcome to Steemit!
You do have a valid point here and it was brought up in the discussions (get on steemit.chat) to hopefully get it acknowledged as high as possible for a decision and potential adjustment.
There's a backlog of prioritized items for development at the moment with higher importance than this one may be and that's why it hasn't been action-ed upon just yet.
What I can tell you is that past history with raised issues proves the devs are very committed and quick to action on the community's concerns.
Now, we just need to be patient and I strongly believe anyone can make up for that balance difference by authoring a value-added article or comment and get upvoted.

Hi @anduweb,
like I said, I don't really care for those $4. I just noticed something that wasn't working like it was suppose to work. So I wanted to notify the support about this issue. Since I couldn't find a "Support" link or "Contact" like - which is also an issue by itself (at least in my opinion something like that should exist on every website), I thought I make the Support/Community aware of the issue by posting about it under the #steemit and #it-steemit tags. And either it gets picked up by the support/developers or not. And if it turns out to be an issue that lots of people really see as a problem, it should be the best way to raise awareness to the developers.
That was my whole intention behind the post.

I understand your point, which is why I mentioned it on the chat.
You can get on there yourself, just make an account on steemit.chat.
Also, from what I know, there is a support e-mail address for reporting bugs (I know this isn't exactly a bug) and that's support@steemit.com. It's mentioned in this post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@steemitblog/steemit-com-is-now-open-source
I knew there was also a contact@steemit.com but I think it was removed after being flooded with God knows how many requests.

Thank you, I will bookmark @steemitblog's post and save the support email. And notify support about this bug, when I have a chance. I think it is a bug, either it is a bug because it is not automatically adjusted or it is an issue because of human failure (because it wasn't updated manually since quite some time). I'm not really a fan of "Chat-Support", it's great if you have an issue and at the same time is a developer online in the chat who has time to fix the issue for you right away or to walk you through the process of fixing the problem yourself. But if no developer or support person is online or busy when you are in the chat, it's basically a waste of time mentioning an issue there. At least that's my experience with other support chats in the past. I think for such general bugs/issues a simple support-form or support-email is ideal.
But I still sign up for the chat, when I get a chance, for possible future support issues.

the chat is for the entire community to discuss over various items. It's not a dedicated place to get support or talk to devs or anything.

Ok, well if it is just the general "community" chat, then I guess it is as effective for pointing something out to the support as just publishing a post about it. Actually I guess a post might be more effective because it is a more "permanent" thing compared to a "chat message". And if I look at some of the replies to my post, I don't even want to imagine the reaction in a live chat...

You'd be surprised.

Just upvote this post to $4, show him some STEEM magic :)

Lol, it wasn't and isn't about those $4.. I just wanted to point out a bug/issue/mistake.

Yeah, I had the same issue when I joined: https://steemit.com/steemit/@wry/is-it-usd10-or-usd3-18-in-steem-power-for-registering

They should explain it better. The answer seems to be you get the seven day average price, so it should work out after awhile. Good luck and welcome!

To keep things in the productive zone I wanted to share a note from someone on the steemit.chat who's in the dev circle:
"signup reward text will be changed to "$7" for now, and eventually it will be dynamic"

Al that was needed was a little patience and trust. That's all. I'm sorry if things didn't look that way in my comments.

Thanks for getting someone to fix it.
I think too that dynamic is the best way to go in this case.
It doesn't concern me anymore, since I already signed up, but it will be good for the millions of users who will sign up in the next months ;).

Same happened to me, this post cleared up my confusion :D Thanks!

You'r welcome ;)

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