Likely Additions to Coinbase in 2018 (Ripple, Monero, and DASH)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Coinbase, unlike most exchanges, has only four coins. Their app and website are easy to use for those who are inexperienced in the trading / investing field, making them a favorite among the population. If you can predict the next coin to land on Coinbase, you will likely see an exponential leap in asset value at the time of publication of the corresponding coin addition.

Likely Additions to Coinbase in 2018 (Ripple, Monero, and DASH)

Many great coins exist among the 100s of scams. Based on mass-market adoption, financial institution adoption, the factors set forth by the GDAX/Coinbase team, and current news, the King has compiled a list of what he expects to be added to Coinbase. These are expectations, not guarantees. The crypto market is very volatile, and each investor needs to make their own choices. Educated choices with due diligence is always better than guessing blindly. Each of the three coins listed above have significant market traction and are genuiney spectacular candidates for Coinbase to add.

There is no way Coinbase ends 2018 with four coins listed as they profit based off volumes traded. The author expects them to fulfill their comment regarding multiple additions in Q1 and that beginning with XRP, XMR or DASH as the top candidates. February with the Dallas Super Conference and the Token Summit in March provide the perfect opportunities for a massive press release. All eyes will be on the crypto space for the next few months, and the King expects big news from Coinbase before the closure of Q1. Most likely one of the three coins, if not two, being listed in the short term.
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The 3 coins have great potential and there are many possibilities that Coinbase adopts one or more of them, we will be attentive to take advantage of the price increase of the coins :P

I wonder how this will affect the prices of these coins. A part of me thinks that this should skyrocket prices for the said cryptos seeing how Coinbase is a top player in the space. The other part of me thinks the hype could already be priced in. I jumped into XRP on the rumor that they were going to be the next coin listed on Coinbase. After the massive pump, XRP has been bleeding lower, retracing nearly 70% since the highs. Not sure if 'buy the rumor, sell the news' applies for cryptos...

Buy the rumor sell the news is the only approach for cryptos right now! Is there any data that listing on Coinbase affects demand for a coin?

They can add as many coins as they like to their exchange, however if they don't do something to cut back on their fees they will slowly start to lose their customer base to competitors like robinhood and the likes who will slowly expand their networks and take coinbases market share. In addition to that once segwit wallets and the lightning network becomes the norm as opposed to the old legacy wallets we should hopefully see a very dramatic decrease in fees associated will all transactions, and i look forward to this day and then lets see the crypto space explode.

What Fees? Using an ACH bank transfer (USA) or bank wire(UK) is free, buying coins is free when following this guide and transferring only costs the normal fee for that coin when done from GDAX.
Maybe people should look at the fee page on coinbase and save themselves some money.

@cryptoissweet I agree with you in principal, and yes I am aware of those ways around the fees, but that may be in an ideal world but unfortunately for me at least i don't live in one.

As far as bank transfers are concerned, if someone wants to buy any currency why should they have to wait until the funds are deposited from their bank accounts, which in some cases could take 48 hrs or more.

reddit is full of fun stories of people setting up the SEPA transfer from UK bank accounts with the £1 transfer only to be charged for the privilege £10 from the respective bank, and even then in the small print despite it saying N/A for fees in the big print on coinbase it does say

  • Note - In some cases your bank may charge additional fees for transfers between your bank account and your Coinbase account. for the UK anyway, so either way you end up paying some sort of fees.

Have you used Gemini? Don't know how it is for UK users, but for US it's free to deposit into the exchange. Gemini only lets you buy up to $500 USD per day and only supports ETH and BTC...but you avoid the bank fees You only pay a small trading fee when you swap USD/ETH/BTC but no cost to withdraw from the exchange.

Also keep your eyes peeled for the MTL wallet this spring. Not sure if it'll charge fees but it will let you convert fiat into MTL least it gets you on the blockchain (with no fees, if I understand correctly)

Seems like coinbase persist in this now they are saying banks are going to charge cash advanced fees against card purchases!!! I just got this email from them

For my first choice of wallets now Green address which is segwit compatible.. if more people start adopting it and using the much faster lightning network then this should bring down transaction fees dramatically.

As i mentioned before @vdux I slip through the gaps I have been an expat for the last 16 years and it’s difficult for me to comply with some of the KYC requirements ( i still have the old paper driving license) so cant submit it and they dont accept my ID documents from my country of reaidence. So im stuck in the middle. But for others I am sure for others it would be beneficial what you’re suggesting.

Sorry :-(

Its fine, I can tolerate coinbase for the moment, but fortunately i have been able to develop some mining capacity that funds some of the things I want to do outside of btc so i don't have to deal with it too much.

I would love to see more coins added to their exchange as it opens up the gates for the newcomers to diversify and find out more than just the three most well-known coins (LTC, ETH and BTC)

I somewhat agree, but I think that coinbase's coin scarcity is what seperates them from exchanges like binance.

This is excellent to hear. Regardless of how we feel about Coinbase, they have a big influence on the price of a cryptocurrency, based on whether they add it or not.

Coinbase will remain exchange king for beginners for the next few months I imagine, but I can see other exchanges surpassing it in the future.

Hey @tradewonk

Major exchanges are skeptical about adding more alt coins because there are many pump and dump and scam ICOs. These exchanges don't want to get in trouble and ruin their reputation.

Yes but i'm sure coinbase will only add the big ones who have been in the market for some time.

Do you think the primary reason they are so slow to expand coin selection is extreme caution as to what coins to add or is it more technical restrictions and making sure they are able to service the new traffic of a new coin?

If they're concerned about only adding valid coins I think we could see a handful added relatively quickly including those in your post. If it's the latter technical concern I wonder if they'll stick with one at a time and add them very slowly like they have been so far.

Vibe, AppCoin, AirSwap, and uTrust all have great technology. You should check them out!

nice post thanks for posting
keep up the good work
hope to see more from you

Wouldn't hold my breath over this as Coinbase has said before that they have no plans for additions to their crypto options. They are profiting a crazy amount of coin off of just the four available cryptos though. I am suspecting that they add at least one other coin to the roster before Q3.