My garden journal July update

in #busy5 years ago (edited)

Good day dear mates! As so as next round of SteemIt Community Garden Journal Challenge was unnounced 4 days ago by @simplymike It's came timeto share with you what happened in my garden for last month!

So first of all I should say that weather was bad and several weeks almost every day was raining. And i was afraid that my plants will swim away once. But fortunately at this week rains has finished and I could took some photos of my garden to share with you. So let's start!

And at the begginig I will tell you that my tomatoes are qiet matured now and I even took off several tomatoes for salad.


Pappers also in good condition as you can see on photo bellow.

Eggplants only blooming, and I don't know why. Maybe coz rainy weather🤔

Radish which was planted just in June as a expirent grew up suddenly big and tasty


Cucumbers now grow as usual and I hope to have hurvest till Seprtember.

Now let's move to berries and fruits!

I still have Cherries, Goose berries and Shadberries on the plants.

I didn't took them off coz I want to have poosiblity to eat from tree.

Finnaly in July matured cerry plum

But plums not ready now.

Red currant waiting when I'll take it for compote or jam.

And just today I gethered first apples from the tree.


But not all varieties are ready.Most of them are still green

Manchurian walnut I hope will be ready in August.


Also like a grape and Chinese magnolia-vine.

But blueberries and raspberries I think will go to jam asap when I came home!


In July my strawberry is still blooming and fruiting.

And I decided to prepare seedlings for the autumn to plant them in new place, because I like this type of strawberry.

As you can see in my garden there many plants and trees and to water them I use more than 400 litres of water. And you know it's good fitness for me.
I hope that i did't forget to tell you about anyone of my plants in garden. And I'll be glad to answer on your questions. Thank you for reading! Yours @travoved!

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I am enjoying #gardenjournal2019 less than I thought would because of feelings of extreme jealously looking at other people's productive and weedless gardens. Great job on that plum tree, that is a very good looking one that must have taken years of careful trimming and care.

I think here all in your hands. Not all of us even me have enough time for gardening. Anyway you also can try to tell us about you succes in garden.
If talk about plum it took me more than 4 years to recieve harvest. I like this cherryplum coz it maturing early before other varieties of plum and it is very tasy and sweet.

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