We Are Unconsciously Looking For The Things We Wish To Improve Within Ourselves.


I am quite a sensitive person and I have always been able to pick up on other people's energy. Which can be both a blessing and a curse. I like being aware, being tuned into my environment and those around me, but there was a time when I easily let it consume me. Unaware of the type of person that I was welcoming into my life.

I would instantly be drawn to people who were feeling lost or displaced, because a part of me believed that in helping to heal them, I would heal myself. It is so true that what we project out into the world, is what we receive back. We Are Unconsciously Looking For The Things We Wish To Improve Within Ourselves. It is like a magnet, being pulled towards those that mirror how you really feel about yourself, yet you were unable to see it.

But luckily for me, I became more aware as I sought out more stability in my life. I am sure I am not the only one that spend a long time trying to figure out where I fit in the world. I always felt at home in nature, but when it came to being around others, I was shy and uncomfortable. So I gravitated towards those who were also shy. Feeling more comfortable with those, who understood my discomfort.

Becoming more aware, I understood that I was soaking up the energy of those that I came in contact with and gravitated towards. Which meant that a lot of the time the energy I was absorbing was mostly heavy and negative. The more I was able to embrace myself and love myself, the more I was able to guard myself and change the energy that I was sending out into the world.

Now that I am comfortable with who I am and fully accept the person that I have become, I am looking to share my life with those who I can really connect with. Instead of just picking up on someones energy, I listen to my intuition. There are certain things that really help me determine whether or not I wish to get to know someone better. I like to sit back and observe people.

I may be more confident in myself, but I am not the type of person who walks straight up to people and start to engage with them. Instead I like to hang back and see how they interact with others, how they interact with their environment. How they are with children, how the greet other people, and how they are towards animals. These days I meet people mostly at markets or local community events and parties which means that there are always children and animals around.

I can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals, they way that they treat nature. If I saw someone throw rubbish on the ground, I would only approach them in order to give them back their rubbish and tell them to put it in a bin. That usually finishes all communication between us. I am here to connect with others who wish to make a change.

I look for that creative spark, a spark to create change.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Great insight mate, “how people treat animals” totally agree.

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Hola amiga,

After having observed you for quite a while ( on here ), I have no doubt you and I would connect. I am sure you would think the same about me.

All kidding ( which isn't really kidding ) aside, I totally get what you mean here. Like you, I am very sensitive and easily pick up on energy. I know that everyone can have a bad day ( every now and then ) but usually, I can tell from the start if I'd connect with someone or not. Observing their reactions ( perhaps even more than their actions ) and taking some time to do so, from a safe distance, is an interesting approach. It definitely also suits an introvert.

We can and should be picky in whom we interact with, let alone with whom we connect. No need to soak up negative energy if we can help it. We are worthy :>)

Un abrazo grande

I sure do Vincent xx and yes we are worthy xx

"Seek, And Yee Shal Find!" 🙆
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Beautiful post! I resonated a lot with everything you said. I used to think because people came into my life and wanted to be friends it was my duty to be friends with them. Now I have really tightened my circle and conserve my energy. We are the company we keep and it's so imperative to have others around on an aligned path. I see you shining! Love your posts 💜💕🙏🏻💙

thank you beautiful one, yes that is one very important lesson that I am so glad I learned xxx

Yes indeed 💜

I can tell more about people when I see them engage with plants. It's easy to engage with kids & animals. Someone who thoughtlessly breaks off a flower only to toss it carelessly aside a moment later? 'Nuff said.

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you are so right, that says a lot to me too, how they interact with all of nature xxx

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