What Do I Need To Be Happy? EcoTrain Question Of The Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

What I need to be happy is what I already have. Happiness is a state of mind, it is choice that we make. As an adult I am the creator of my reality, there may be things that influence me, but it is my choices and my decisions that create the direction in which my life goes.

I choose to be happy, to live in the moment, to appreciate everything that comes my way. To find joy in the simple things in life. I choose to see the beauty that surrounds my life, the beauty of my natural environment. I choose to smell the roses, to talk with the trees and walk barefoot on the earth. I choose to feel the connection with all living things.

I choose to listen to my inner voice, to my inner wisdom. I choose to embrace and express my emotions, to allow my anger to motivate me, my rage to carry me. They are a part of me and in accepting myself, the good and the bad, I accept who I am. I choose to sing and to dance. I choose to write and to share. I choose not to watch T.V, not to read papers, not to listen. Instead I listen to what I need to know.

My awareness makes me happy. My amazing children make me ridiculously happy (most of the time). My lifestyle makes me happy. My choices make me happy. Being true to myself makes me happy. Living in my natural state of being makes me happy.

Everything I need is what is inside of me, it is my voice that guides me. Nature provides for me, she nurtures me and nourishes me. Everything I need is within myself and within nature, but we are one and the same. Being part of this amazing cycle that all life is part of, accepting that, embracing that, that makes me happy. Seeing my connection to all life, honouring that connection, celebrating that connection, that makes me happy.

Image Source:https://mymindismyshelterdotcom.wordpress.com/2017/04/03/true-happiness-is-the-solace-and-serenity-of-your-natural-state/

It is like our breath, our breathing. Everyone knows how to do it, yet who actually breaths properly, who takes a full breath in, fills their lungs...... and then exhales and releases. Turning this natural part of our life into this wonderful ability to heal, to let go, to empower, this makes me happy. It is so simple, yet so overlooked. It takes just a few extra minutes, to connect with yourself, but it is so powerful.

Happiness comes from within........ It comes from self love, from self awareness......... It comes from our natural State of Being.

Life is not meant to be complicated.
Life is just meant to be......
In the moment

Happiness comes from what we put into our bodies, the food that we choose to eat, the products that we put on our skin. I choose to nourish my body with wholesome foods that come from the earth. I choose to not eat animals. I choose to eat food that nourishes my body, that does what food is meant to do. When I am healthy I am happy. I am what I eat and what I eat is my choice. How we treat our bodies is our choice, it is our responsibility. In taking control of my own health I am happy.

Image Source:https://www.law-of-attraction-haven.com/affirmation-images.html

I choose to honour my body, to see it for all the amazing things that it does. To feel such gratitude for the fact that I get to wake up each day and be with my family, that it allows me to be alive. I choose to embrace my body, it is the only one I have, so I choose to look after it, to celebrate it. I choose to see my moon cycle as a gift, a wonderful gift that allows me to release and let go. That reminds me that I need to be gentle with myself if I am to be strong. A gift that allowed me to have my beautiful children, that allows me to bleed to life.

All of this makes me happy.
All of this makes me strong and empowered.
This is who I am, this is who I choose to be.
All I need to be happy is that which I carry inside of me.

In saying all of that, there is one external thing that I need to be happy, Access to the Wilderness. I need to be able to see the sea, the mountains, the earth, I need to smell the trees, to get lost in the forest. I can feel my connection, I can close my eyes and feel my roots go down to the earth no matter where I am. But I always need to go back there. I need the wilderness, I need that freedom that comes from being in the wild. I can hold my own wilderness inside, but if all the wilderness in the world goes, then I could not be happy. I am not one to be caged, to be held within four walls. I am not one to be contained. I need to spread out, I need to feel my feet in the earth, I need to get my hands dirty. I need to be wild!

And yes I can carry that with me, but my wildness is part of the wilderness and I will lose a part of myself if our natural wilderness is destroyed.

So What Do You Need To Be Happy?, I would love to know xx

1st Image Source:https://dribbble.com/shots/2633361-My-Natural-State

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Hey seriously that was the most inspirational post I read today. You made my evening. Keep it up I have followed you:).

thank you @th8m0s what a awesome compliment xx

Beautiful post Aishlinn, you've said much more than I did, and with more depth. Well done!!!

Thank you Logan, I just speak from my heart and it comes easily xxx

Great poat, followed you. Happiness comes from inside.

"...there is one external thing that I need to be happy, Access to the Wilderness. I need to be able to see the sea, the mountains, the earth, I need to smell the trees, to get lost in the forest. "

You and I both beautiful lady. You're right we are definitely kindred spirits. It is so true that happiness comes from within. I really enjoyed reading this, absolutely beautiful! <3 much love to you xx

thank you beautiful, kindred spirits indeed xxx

This is really inspiring. The message is clear. It is obvious that you are happy person what you were to translate it into writing that have touches hearts. Keep ti up!

I love to come by your posts every now and then because I love to read your powerful thoughts. Today's topic on happiness again proves me your blog is worth the visit. I am amazed at your thought life even in difficult times as I know you are assisting your sis.

I got attracted to it even at the first line:

What I need to be happy is what I already have. Happiness is a state of mind, it is choice that we make.

I am meditating on this! Thank you @trucklife-family! Wishing you wellness! Sending you and your sis love and prayers <3

thanks so much @happycrazycon, writing has always helped me to deal with thing and getting to write this helps to put things into perspective, writing is my therapy xx

I so deeply love your grounded, mystical fairy connection to your body and our earth. It is deliciously inspiring.

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