Power of Subconscious Mind

in #scientific6 years ago

Have you ever wondered why whenever you see a horror movie, why are you scared when you know that it is just a drama or you get emotional after watching an emotional scene in a movie knowing that he There is only one acting! Why so ? Let's know the power of the subconscious mind

Our mind is divided into two parts: Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind. Whatever decisions you take in the day, you take it because of your Conscious Mind, but there are some decisions which we have no control over! That decision takes our Subconscious Mind like blood flow in the body, body temperature, heartbeat etc.!


If you understand the power of your subconscious mind then you can achieve anything in this world because between you and your success there is a closed door and the key to this closed door is your Subconscious Mind. Let's know what is the difference between Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind?

Our mind is like a tree like a tree spreads over the ground but its root spreads far above the ground! If you see, you can speak Conscious Mind to the top of the tree's land and you can speak the root of the tree with Subconscious Mind! If the tree is cut off, the whole tree will fall!

Whenever we start a new job, such as learning to ride a bike, then our Conscious Mind controls it and we have to pay a lot of attention! When we do the same thing again and again, the programming of that work is saved in our Subconscious Mind and it becomes our habit, due to which we will not pay attention to it later even when our Subconscious Mind controls that thing. is ! As you wear paint, your left or right leg first arises, whether you pay attention to it or not, but your Subconscious Mind is controlling this thing, due to which you will pick up the same feet that you always pick up Are coming!
Our Conscious Mind knows the difference in truth or false but Subconscious Mind does not know the difference in truth or false, due to which lie also Subconscious Mind seems true! This is the reason why we are scared when watching a horror movie or you are afraid of seeing a terrific dream!
Our Conscious Mind knows the difference between present, past and future, but Subconscious Mind has won only in the present. That is why whenever you think of your past memory, you become emotional and if you think of doing something good in the future So you get excited because whatever you are thinking is all that is present for Subconscious Mind and it gives you similar kinds of Feelings in the presentation!
Now the question is, how do we take advantage of the power of Subconscious Mind? So let's know the answer!

You must have heard of Law of Attraction and Brainwash! Before knowing Law of Attraction and Brainwash, let us know some rules of Universe!


According to Quantum Physics, this world is not the same as we see this world, when we are seeing this world, then it behaves like a partial and when we do not see it, it behaves like a wave is ! Dual slit experiment is proof of this! And whatever things exist in the universe, all have a unique frequency of their own, whether it be a planet or any other person or something else!

Now come on the Law of Attraction


You must have heard a dialogue, "If you want something by heart, then the whole process takes you into trying to match you"! Law of Attraction also says this! The Law of Attraction says that the crystal clear image of whatever we want to achieve should be done in our Subconscious Mind and we should behave in such a way that we have already achieved that thing or success because our Subconscious Mind is just present Understands and does not know the difference between imagination and reality! The advantage of doing so will be that there will be a unique frequency of whatever we want, and that frequency will be attracted towards you wherever it exists in this universe.

It is absolutely true that 90% of us think like that placebo effect is an example of this! Many experiments have been proved that the patient's desire power works more than the drug to correct the disease! In an experiment, a group of patients are given a medication to correct the disease and the second group is told that they are being given the same medication which will cure the disease, but in reality the second group will not be able to get only the sugar-coated pills Are given! After treatment, the patients of both groups are cured!

Only you think that you have taken the medicine of the disease, now you will be fine, it really cures you! This is called Placebo effect. In the olden times, the same technique was done when people were ill, they used to take care of Baba with a talisman and he would recover, but the truth was that there was no power in the talismanic or the rewards provided by Baba, rather This was the patient's own will power and belief that he would have been healed!


That's why we should always think positively because we will think like that! That's the power of your Subconscious Mind! The power of your Subconscious Mind does not end here, the picture is still there my friend!

Let us now know Brain Wash Technique!

Scientific research shows that our brain takes 21 days to call any old habit or to adopt a new habit. If you do any work for 21 consecutive days, on the twenty-seventh day you will not be able to live without doing that work! Whether you are right or worthless! Your Subconscious Mind will adopt that habit on the twenty-first day because Subconscious Mind does not know how to distinguish between good and bad! This is Brainwash!
If we see, we are being washed every day day! Do you see a different product every day in the TV or newspaper? The company enters you into the Subconscious Mind by showing your product again and again, because of which, when you go shopping, you will buy the product whose ad is filled in your mind and later the same product will become your habit! That's why the company spends billions of rupees in Aids
Brain Wash is always used! As you might have seen in Ads that a banda is black but that does not succeed, but when it starts fairing cream, it becomes white, due to which she gets a job, the girl gets it and she becomes successful is ! what is this ? This is Brain Wash.

BrainWash makes humans even better and makes worse! Depends on what kind of habits he is adopting in humans! Terrorists are made only after brainwashing! That is why we should always accept good habits because we can not control Subcosncious Mind, but Subconscious Mind controls us! We will do programming like our Sub Conscious Mind, this will give us the same result!

The person who performs his Subconscious Mind according to his programming, then he can achieve anything in this world because your Subconscious Mind can do anything for you to achieve your goal, so whatever can do anything!

I hope you have understood the power of all your conscience mind

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Thanks for sharing this.

If it was a little short would have been best post. Its length is somewhat troublesome. I read half of it n was satisfied so upvoted u. All the best n welcome to steemit.

yup true.

Nice post ..follow and upvote i will also do same

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Nice post but lengthy

Very interesting blog

Psychology has an innumerable importance to understand the state of mind...

@truefact power of subconscious mind is always said to longer and good.

Really gr8 full of knowledge.. @truefact