The Missing Cinderella
Disney's Cinderella was a consistent part of my childhood. We watched it all the time. It's such a feel-good classic!
We had many of Bluebird's Polly Pocket sets growing up. I thought that they were long gone after several moves, but my grandma surprised me by saving the Cinderella one! I was so excited that my baby girl would be able to play with a toy that I played with growing up!
Little dude decided he would like to borrow the set. He had borrowed it a few times previously with no problems, but this time he lost the Cinderella doll with the apron. I have looked everywhere! I am convinced that one of the couches ate it.
I literally cannot stand when I am missing things. I think it's because I feel so powerless. Once I've looked everywhere that I possibly can, I know that there's nothing else that I can do to find the missing item. I hate feeling powerless!
I have decided to stop wasting time and energy looking for the Cinderella figure, but I still keep hoping she will turn up.
My little dude got a huge grab bag of animals from a thrift store last week. There were tons of animals in the bag, but he chose eight favorites that he has been playing with nonstop. One of them is the sweet little Pua pig from Disney's Moana.
I can't find him. Little dude lost him last night when he was playing. I have looked everywhere.
I think that Cinderella and Pua are having a party with all of the lost socks.
I hate the feeling of missing things!
I'm sure they'll turn up eventually. In the meantime I will just try not to lose anything else.
I guess that's life with a three-year-old!
He has been running around in circles singing, "The Night Begins to Shine" from the TV show, Teen Titans Go.
He is way too much fun.
I am never, ever bored!
Such a cute article i would say. Took me to my time when i was kid. Just like you i used to be very possessive and particular about my toys and their accessories. And now when i see my kids. One is almost four and other one is two. They tend to break toys and are not even bothered. May be boys are like that. Or perhaps, they have abundance in choices and technology and toys. That's why its less important to them.
Yes, maybe that's it!
ME Too
That's great that Meme held on to your Cinderella Polly Pocket :) I used to love those things.
Oh my gosh! I hate losing things, too! It's so stressful. Michael got me a silver sea turtle necklace in Hawaii last year and I lost it around the time we moved into our new apartment. I've looked everywhere multiple times and still no luck. Let's both cross our fingers that our missing items turn up! :)
Oh, I feel for you! That's just as sentimental as a childhood toy! Gah, I hope we find them! 😭