Update. What's going on.

in #update7 years ago

So. A little update on what is going on recently.

First the minor ones

  1. I am moving TF2 Weapon of the Week to Wednesdays.
  2. the next review is a Rewrite of one of my older reviews. I will be rewriting my old Terraria review. Look forward to that.
  3. The next Xenoblade 2 Blade i will be reviewing is Godfrey. Started with an amazing blade to an..overall mediocre blade.

Now for the major one.

I havent really been posting much recently because I recently moved to a new house, and I have been busy trying to move everything to the new house.

I'll try to keep updating my usual series' but I may not be able to.

Im sorry for the lack of activity last week. I'll try harder for this week.

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