Steem And Tron Integration: Its Economic Benefits to Users

in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago

There is no doubt that the integration of Tron on Steem is a great event that has ushered in numerous economic benefits to all users.


On today’s entry to the challenge, I will base the discussion on the benefits of using Seem now that Tron is involved.

More Passive Income
The steemit team has always had the financial growth of users in mind. The welfare of users is of great concern and as such all the strategies of growing steem inculcates the benefits of using the platform.

There is no doubt that the integration of Tron to Steem has the underlining purpose rooted on the need to raise the benefits of using steem economically.

Back in the days, we had shopping game on steem. That game was used to pay for users’ shopping around the world. I was a beneficiary, among others. That was a proof that steemit team care about the economic welfare of users.

Earning Tron, along side with steem is a great economic boost to all users. This is the time to do more on steem with the growth of the now dual platform in mind.

Each passing day, users are earning steem and TRX. This has boosted the economic status of all users. With the potential of TRX in the crypto space along with steem, we users can be certain about how great the future will be.

It is no news that the whole world is plagued with economic crises because of the corona virus pandemic. Now, the safe haven for most people now is earning some digital assets through blogging.

With the TRX asset earned on steem, users can still be economically stable, even without the jobs. Now, more shopping can be done with money made from TRX earnings.

In our Whatsapp group for steem, today we were discussing about the price of TRX. Some persons expressed fear that the price of TRX might not have a significant rising or mooning in the new future, looking at two years from now.

In such discussion you are sure to see people divided into two parties: those for and those against. Those against did not see the future of the asset.

But I love what those in support said. They sited examples of other assets that mooned to the surprise of all. They concluded that in cryptocurrency anything can happen.

In any way, we should keep believing in what we have on steem. What we have here is freely given to us and as such we should gather the treasure and keep, while we hope for better days. The better days can be the next minute. Anything can happen.

Thank you for checking my blog today. Have a beautiful night rest.


Thank you for taking part in the TRON and Steemit Integration Celebration Challenge.

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The Steemit Team

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