Dance On Whales - don't become stranded! Ibiza House Party!!!
I am so in love with this platform
Let us all dance together and celebrate the fact we adore our leaders on, the company providing this platform, the awesome Devs, the witnesses, the investors that give us guidance on how we small idiots maintain the platform to become and remain something good for us - we can earn cash or crypto! Yeah Party!
Whales love for sure Beach Parties (by nature)
Hope we all agree and have fun! Party People! Whales be careful - don't become stranded on shores! Fun for all of us. kann auf deinen Posts auch selber als DJ kreativ werden indem man mehrere der 3 Videos gleichzeitig abspielt...nur das timing fällt dabei dann eher zufällig aus ;-)
Ja, das kann man machen - der Kreativität sind fast keine Grenzen gesetzt :-)
Hahahaha, Nice One!
Circlejerk too? How my! ;)
oh well, if not it would be maybe a lonely party of frustrated Steemians?
That would be even worst!! Let the circlejerk enter the party! (Hopefully there aren't many frustrated steemians!)
Bei so einer Party bin ich dabei! Warte auf deine Einladung :-)
Hey, you should invite me to a party like that. I think I need to go out and go crazy haha
You are always invited, we need girls, usually only men here, boring - so we are waiting for you!
haha what a nice thank you someday we'll meet at a party and you'll see
Jetzt geht's aber richtig los... ;-)
Gute Laune ist angesagt!
Die Musik ja ja ja - bretter, tunes, atmosphere und girls aber ich rechne auch mit Flags - drauf geschissen!
Party days..Enjoying @uwelang
The videos are entertaining. Being on steemit is sometimes that we should celebrate. it's a great community. ^^
Thank you for sharing, I follow you with pleasure
Great Party . Feeling jealous from you guys .