Crowdsource Investigation: Webb & Goodman Split, Murder of Molly McCauley, and Who is Disinfo?

in #georgewebb7 years ago (edited)

After teaming up for several weeks Webb announces 'the band is breaking up'.

Day 229.20

George announced that he is once again setting out on his own to continue his investigation into the Clinton criminal network, the Awan Brothers and DNC controversies.

The announcement comes on the heels of a tumultuous few weeks where the pair had been under substantial criticism for introducing a DNC thumb drive which they claimed had new information pertaining to illegal activities inside the DNC in part related to the murder of Seth Rich.

Confusion Reigns

During this period there was a lot of finger pointing within the investigative community as to who was telling the truth and who in the community are pushing disinfo.

In a nutshell:

  • Webb names, Alpha Jalloh, as being behind the Seth Rich murder and posts videos claiming there may be a hit squad stalking him at his New York hotel.
  • The videos released on day 219, show Webb admitting to working with several Intelligence Agencies: French Intelligence, Dutch Intelligence and Mossad (Israeli)
  • In subsequent videos, Webb again admits to connections with 'old guard Mossad'
  • George Webb collaborators: Trish and Jason Goodman introduce a supposed new thumb drive from the DNC that contained 'new' NGP- Van data
  • George Webb called out Kim Dotcom to produce evidence of Seth Rich's Mega Upload account
  • Defango, respected researcher and white-hat hacker, lends assistance to Webb and Goodman about the NGP-Van data
  • Defango tells the pair that the data is not 'new' and the files had been previously released.
  • Goodman claims that the files are not the same, that the thumb drive he and Trish obtained had 'new' data
  • Goodman becomes very defensive towards Defango and insists that the 'zip.file' and the "7.z.file" or different while Defango maintains they are the same but one is compressed so they appear to be of different size.
  • Defango counters and demonstrates that the files are identical, but there are discrepancies in the times the files were created and a file folder that had not present on the original.
  • Defango also reveals that he received the files months earlier from the same source as 'Rabbit' (Pre-Rabbit)
  • Trish and Goodman received the file from an intermediary known as 'the Rabbit'
  • Defango relates that the original source who supplied 'Rabbit' gave specific instructions to Trish that she cannot share the files with anyone, especially Webb and Goodman.
  • During this period Webb and Goodman experience what appears to be an intensive and extended disruption campaign which they claim originates from CrowdStrike
  • Crowd Strike is the private company that looked at the DNC servers and is the origin of the 'Russian hack' narrative.
  • Meanwhile, most of these interactions occur on livestream with viewers providing input, assistance to George and Jason but also question their treatment of Defango who was trying to help.
  • Trolling of Webb and Goodman increases over several days
  • The investigation that Webb began 229 days ago faces more scrutiny and criticism as the community begins to question their role.
  • Researchers at voat and reddit claim that Webb and Goodman are Mossad and cannot be trusted.
  • Others suggest to Goodman and Trish have attempted to infiltrate and steer Webb's investigation in the wrong directions.
  • Supporters of Webb claim that the new drama and attacks on the investigators themselves suggest that they are 'over the target'

Edit: I incorrectly stated that 'Rabbit' was the original source of the file, rather 'Rabbit' was the intermediary -Thanks to @rOndOn for the correction!


"I'm not exactly sure what happened but by all measures it seems that George has kind of eliminated me from the investigation."

- Jason Goodman

Jason Goodman of Crowd Source the Truth (YouTube Channel) released a video confirming that Goodman and Webb have parted ways. From Goodman's standpoint, Webb has cut off ties to him. Nevertheless, Goodman says he will continue to release a few interviews that were in the editing phase to his YouTube channel and reassess his future plans.

Webb Presses Forward

Webb has moved on to Baltimore to investigate the stabbing murder of Molly Macauley a Professor senior fellow at a Washington think tank on the environment and natural resources.

Baltimore Sun Obituary

Furthermore, Macauley was a renown Space Economist with expertise in satellites and involved in the space program.

Macauley was a valued member of the space policy community for decades and renowned for her expertise on the economics of satellites, especially in the earth observation arena. Her professional portfolio was much broader, however, including the use of economic incentives in environmental regulation, climate and earth science, and recycling and solid waste management. She testified before Congress many times and was the author of more than 80 journal articles, books, and book chapters.

Source: Space Policy Online

Webb continues to focus in the Awan Brothers and the hacking of congressional representatives in the House. He previously outlined how the Awan brothers had several businesses on the side as they were employed as House IT staffers, including a company called Nanoset Technologies. He reports that the Nanoset company is involved in miniature satellites and he suggests that the Awan Brothers spy ring may be connected to the murder of Macauley.

Wikileaks Tweet

In a curious development, Wikileaks released this message which outlines how Pakistani voter information was collected and stolen. The emails include the names Imran and Gilani two names implicated in Webb's investigation of the Awan Brothers in Virginia. Whether this is purely a coincidence or if Wikileaks is signalling the Webb investigation remains to be seen.

WikiLeaks on Twitter   Pakistan s NADRA does not deny relationship with popup and vanish UK company International Identity Systems https hr48REhv1n .png

Making Sense of the Investigation

The George Webb series has become increasingly more complex and difficult to follow. Only time will tell if the split with Goodman will enable Webb to regain the trust of his followers who have become somewhat disillusioned with what Webb's part is in all of this.

Many believe that his investigation has been 'exposed' as a Mossad operation and he should not be trusted.

Personally, I don't know what to make of the last several weeks. I will say this; We must focus in verifiable information and we must be skeptical of everyone, including Webb who has admitted connections to Mossad.

Yet, we must all keep in mind that anyone of us could become the target of a campaign aimed at discrediting investigators. If we scrutinize ANYONE's past in detail we will find uncomfortable and contradictory things.

George has dropped clues that he may be Mossad months ago when he said he was a 'zionist' and he was the one who said he had connections to 'Mossad'. He revealed himself, probably to minimize the damage to his character if it were to be revealed by an outside source, so that's not saying he's completely honest but he has also admitted when he has made mistakes in the passed and made corrections.

Sometimes our enemy's enemy is our friend. I think Mossad is just as bad as the CIA (and Dyncorp) but if they help to take down the spy ring in DC, expose the Clinton criminal network and possibly find Seth Rich's killer(s)...then I'd be willing to support this operation. Beyond this investigation, I don't trust Mossad for a second. Rest assured that the motives behind a potential Mossad operation will not likely be for the benefit of the people.

I'd like to know what you think. Or if you would like to help clarify some of the bullets at the top of the page if i missed any crucial pieces.

Can we trust George Webb?

Do You believe he is Disinfo?



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I've been watching GW avidly for months. In fact he is my primary online interest.

Personally I would be happy to see him and JG breakup the act. GW conveys so much insider info, even if he's just filling airtime. Frankly there are times JG could be perceived as controlled opposition when he constantly interrupts to insist someone's looking at them or that he smells pizza. Though I don't know if I really believe Jason's a plant, IMAO his presence in the videos only distracts and hurts content.

I do feel concern about George being Mossad, (who I envision as a cross between CIA and Ninjas). Although I love the man and am convinced of his integrity, knowing that Israeli intelligence is behind him makes me wonder what THEIR agenda might be.

Still, I promote the channel every chance I get. I see it as the thread that could unravel the whole lousy stinking sweater.

Its hard to say.....I can't imagine what they are doing isn't being monitored by some alphabet agency, as per usual. Mossad? Maybe.....He is openly Jewish...I understand its not the same as Zionist-However deceptive Bullshit is deceptive bullshit isn't it?
Very interesting... Great article <3

Oh For crissakes...get me off this merry-go-round

RIGHT?! :')

If only it was funny :\

Oops, this response was meant for another comment...haha. I guess it still applies here.

Thank you for this. After all the drama broke out....I couldnt invest anymore time to straighten out the mess....and who to trust. We've all been burned so many times. The attack on Defango's Character was the final red flag for me. It would certainly benefit certain "others" to divide and conquer this community. The unity, of those with integrity, will be the ones left standing. The enemy is weakening with each new exposure. Thank you for putting this together. much abliged.

You're welcome, trying to make sense of this clusterfuck myself. You raise a very good point about divide and conquer that is very much on my mind as well. It's probably their best strategy at the moment, if they can create infighting and confusion it takes the heat off of them.

The art of war says that never make your enemy desperate, it says to create a golden bridge for the enemy to retreat.

This means that people have been getting awfully snippy about this issue and efforts have escalated, either directly with the split or indirectly and maybe causing the split, but the fact is that these people have nowhere to retreat, no public will ever think of building these enemies a golden bridge to retreat, and because of the desperation at the top we will probably see all kinds of behavior, and it might work even, but if we can spot the behavior and take steps to guard against it by spreading this information like a wildfire and keeping the investigation going and the exposure it causes will either self destruct these evil bastards or attempt to take us all out with them, so either they are nice or not lol..

You seem to have trailed off on one of your bullet points and forgot to finish your thought:
"Goodman becomes very defensive towards Defango and insists that there the 'zip.file' and the"

Also, from what I understand, Defango said he got the data from the same source that Rabbit got it from. He didn't get it from Rabbit. I only remember this in passing though, and can only remember that it was from a woman interviewing him.

The whole situation with JG/GW and Defango seems to be a huge misunderstanding on Jason's part. From what I can gather, Defango was a well intentioned person trying to help, and Jason was a tech illiterate that misunderstood what Defango had to say. After completely misunderstanding the situation, Jason went too far and said Defango was controlled opposition. This caused an emotional reaction from Defango, and then Defango showed his immaturity by not being the bigger man. I personally haven't heard of Defango until he came up in JG/GW's videos, but I can see that this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion, and that they are currently working against each others' interests while having the same goal.

thanks... I went back and changed the mistake. You are right on this, gave you credit for the correction.T

hanks for helping me out on that one. Yes, this was an unfortunate misunderstanding that has fueled a lot of distrust in the community.

Jason Goodman just stated 15 mins ago:
"George and I spoke earlier and it seems yesterday we had a misunderstanding. I'm still new to clandestine ops and although I am aware I am informed on a "need to know" basis, I don't always know when that's happening..."

Oh For crissakes...get me off this merry-go-round!

Wonderful post!

I have taken the time to watch every video I could find that George Webb published on Youtube, up until the controversy arose.

I found zero information value in the videos that came out after the controversy arose, and welcome GW's return to his solitary investigation.

While I do not know much about Jason Goodman, nor Trish, nor Defango, I do not think they are trying to derail the investigation. Looks to me like these folks are doing their best to preserve their integrity, forward the investigation in an environment filled with uncertainty and paranoia, fearing their dire foes, and simply got off track.

GW is clearly and admittedly biased in favor of Israel, but that doesn't mean he is lying. The information he has provided is almost all easily verifiable, and he simply omits any implications of Israeli involvement in nefarious skullduggery, rather than lying about it. That's understandable, and, I think also displays integrity.

We are all biased, and he openly admits his, and that is integrity and provides clarity. No one should claim to be perfect, or be expected to be, and, despite GW's limitations, he has provided revelations of inestimable value to all people desirous of ending the trafficking of children for sexual abuse, illegal harvesting of human organs, war profiteering, and corruption of all sorts in American governance, and around the world.

Regardless of the kerfuffle that seems to have occurred, I hope these investigators can return to their avocation of finding new evidence of corruption and criminal abuse of power, so that the people of the world might put an end to such depredations as have obviously been visited on us.

Something GW hasn't researched is the murder of the husband of the State of Georgia's chief prosecutor regarding human trafficking, who is reported to have been preparing to indict Bill Clinton for his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein, famously convicted of providing children to politicians, celebrities, and other wealthy and powerful persons for sexual abusive purposes.

GA-Asst-Attorney-Gen-Camilla-Wright-and-husband-Shahriar-Zolfaghari-via-Facebook-800x430.pngRaw Story

This murder seems to have prevented the prosecutor from proceeding, and I don't blame her. Nonetheless, that investigation must proceed, and could prove the thread that when pulled rends the fabric of routine sexual abuse of children and the blackmail it potentiates into shreds, revealing the corpus of the vile network involved.

There is clearly far more evidence of horrifying crimes that has not yet been revealed to the public in that matter, and proceeding with investigation will prove profitable to the American people, and the people of the world, who have suffered enough of such reprehensible depredations.

Thank you very much for paying attention to this investigation, and sharing it here.

It's a very confusing situation. I think GW is better off without Goodman and that lady. Even if it is a limited hangout and a Mossad Op, the Clinton's, Podesta's and company need to be thrown into jail.

I just wanted to bring your attention to this new video game Far Cry 5, that Is released early 2018.
I have played many Far Cry games and they're excellent, but this particular game has got George Soros and the globalists written all over It. If you could get the messages out about boycotting this game that would be excellent.

Far Cry 5 Is an example of just how much control and brainwashing the globalists are pushing on our children. These young people are the future of this world and the message this game pushes on them Is disturbing and very deliberate. This particular games story line Is basically aimed at destroying America and Christianity. The bad guys In the game are the good Americans In real life, the sort of Americans that fly the American flag and go to church. This game Is an attack on populism, an attack on patriots, an attack on the american flag and people that love Jesus.

What a great post, its very informative!

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