Strange Love and the CBRN Defense Industry Market Forecast 2015-2025 | DD13 The Wikileaks Archive

in #deepdives5 years ago

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CBRN Defence Market Forecast 2015-2025

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear

Publication Date: December 10th, 2014

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Visiongain Defense Report

  • 370 page report

  • 229 tables/charts/graphs

  • 328 CBRN contracts, projects and programs

  • Global CBRN defence market forecast and analysis from 2015-2025

  • 4 CBRN defence submarkets covering the period 2015 to 2025

  • 20 leading national CBRN defence market forecasts from 2015-2025

  • Assessment of 30 leading companies, involved with CBRN defence

  • Expert opinion from exclusive company interview with Avon Protection and Bruker Corporation

Not all files found in the Wikileaks archive are secret, some documents are easily accessed online and are openly available for public viewing, if you know where to look.

Defense contractors for the US government routinely vie for lucrative contracts and are always on the lookout for fresh opportunities to sell their wares. Staying one step ahead of the competition by obtaining the latest information/analysis that will give them a leg up on their competitors is critical to their success.


Visiongain is a London based company that provides short to medium range market forecasting for various industries including Defense.

Reports in areas of interest to the defense industry include:

  • Defense Market Forecast
  • Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear CBRN Defense Market Report
  • African Defense Market Report
  • US Border Security Market
  • Private Military Security Services Market
  • Military Cyber Security Market
  • Electronic Warfare (EW) Market
  • Global Military 3D Printing Market
  • Hypersonic and Supersonic Missiles Market
  • Etc.

    A copy of each of these reports can be purchased online from the Visiongain website, that is, if you're able to afford them. At 2,300 to 4,000 USD per report, they don't come cheap but the potential upside in profits could make the difference between millions and billions in industry contracts.

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    Chemical  Biological  Radiological   Nuclear  CBRN  Defence Market Report 2019 2029   Visiongain.png

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Average Price per Report: $3,000 USD

The summary of the Visiongain reports found in The Hacking Team Wikileaks emails indicate a certain eagerness and exuberance about the burgeoning CBRN market.

Read on to discover how you can exploit the future business opportunities emerging in this sector.

The Syrian conflict, international war on ISIS (terrorism) and the spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa are seen as boons for CBRN markets and opportunities ripe for exploitation. The report indicates 'strong growth in the developing world' in particular.

The current geostrategic circumstances surrounding the Syrian Civil War, the international campaign against the terrorist organisation ISIS, and the continuously spreading Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa have led to an increased interest in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence. Strong growth in the developing world, still in the process of creating their own significant CBRN capabilities will offset the strong financial constraints of the Western nations. CBRN defence remains an indispensible part of the strategic security preparedness of all nations. This important characteristic of the market assures a consistent growth over the forecasted period. Visiongain assesses that global CBRN defence spending will reach $10.2bn in 2015.

By and large, regions in the midst of suffering, whether it's a humanitarian crisis, the spread of infectious diseases or the threat of chemical and biological attacks in various war zones are considered as decisively positive sectors of growth.

Rosy Defense Market Outlook

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  • new opportunities
  • potential revenue streams
  • helping you to remain competitive
  • benefit your decision making
  • help to direct your future business strategy
  • delivering solid conclusions benefiting your analysis
  • allowing you to assess prospects for investments and sales
  • Keep your knowledge ahead of your competition and ensure you exploit key business opportunities

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Grim Optimism

This optimistic chart, or pessimistic depending whether you're a cog in the military-industrial war profiteering business, exhibits outstanding growth in the CBRN market. Moreover, it suggests a world where bio-chemical threats are ubiquitous and a world rife with conflict. This might be an encouraging signifier for the defense industry but overall it's far from reassuring to the average peaceful earth inhabitant. Of course, as Smedley Butler famously wrote, war is a racket and there are no profits in peace for the military industrial complex and its medusa head of private defense contractors.


CBRN Top 30

The CBRN report also includes profiles of 30 leading companies in the field. Potential investment opportunities for larger defense industry players looking to diversify their portfolios.

The fair number of the companies featured by Visiongain specialize in Hazardous Materials (HAZ-MAT) detection, preparedness, emergency response, protective equipment, vaccinations, infectious disease control, and related operations.

Here are brief descriptions of a few featured companies from the report in no particular order.


With more than 25 years of molecular experience, BioFire Diagnostics, LLC sets the standard for molecular diagnostics through its pioneering advances in syndromic infectious disease testing. As BioMérieux’s Global Center of Excellence for Molecular Diagnostics, no other company has FDA-cleared and CE-IVD marked assays for more pathogens. BioFire Diagnostics has produced the easiest, fastest, and most comprehensive multiplex PCR testing available: the BioFire System.

The FDA-cleared BioFire System panels test for viruses, bacteria, parasites, yeast, and antimicrobial resistance genes. Whether you’re trying to determine optimal therapy for a septic patient or pinpoint which respiratory pathogen is making a young child sick, the BioFire System can provide definitive answers—fast.

Argon Electronics


Argon's CBRNe / HazMat training solutions are environmentally friendly and cost-effective
Our simulators remove the need for hazardous chemicals or radioactive sources. This means you have the flexibility to run training scenarios when, where and how you want without the impact of safety, environmental, logistical, administrative and cost issues associated with simulants and sources.

Argon simulators are true replications of the real CBRN detectors, which means your teams get as much accurate, hands-on experience as they need to be ready for a hazardous event.

Emergent BioSolutions Inc

Emergent BioSolutions is a multinational specialty biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. It develops vaccines and antibody therapeutics for infectious diseases, oncology and autoimmune disorders, and provides medical devices for biodefense purposes.Wikipedia

Morphix Technologies


In an emergency, knowing the threat can make all the difference.
Morphix Technologies offers a line of colorimetric chemical and explosive detection products that are easy to use, lightweight and inexpensive. Invaluable in a variety of settings - military, law enforcement, emergency response and industrial - these sensors save lives and allow for quick response in dangerous situations. Morphix's products are used by customers in over forty countries.

Simple. Intuitive. Lightweight. Effective.

Colorimetric chemical detection has never been easier.

Visiongain Clientele

The list of clients proudly advertised on the Visiongain Defense website is a veritable who's who of the defense industry. You may have been asking yourself, "who can afford reports at 3k a piece?" Fortune five hundred companies, that's who.

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Lockheed Martin (2018 Revenue: 53.8b USD)

BAE Systems (2018 Revenue: 25.6b USD

Raytheon (2018 Revenue: 27b USD)

Haliburton (2018 Revenue: 20.6b USD)

BP (British Petroleum) (2018 Revenue: 224b USD)

Shell (2018 Revenue: 289b USD)

Honeywell (2018 Revenue: 41.8b USD)

Thales (2018 Revenue: 16.8b USD)

Bayer (2018 Revenue: 39.6b USD)

Du Pont (2017 Revenue: 20.1b USD)

Pfizer (2018 Revenue: 53.6b USD)

Kellogg's (2018 Revenue: 13.5b USD)

BASF (2017 Revenue: 70m USD)

A hostile planet full of emerging markets and outstanding business opportunities just waiting to be exploited awaits our captains of industry. These mega-corporations are going to make a 'killing' from an increasingly hostile planet. You and I, well we just live here.


And that's you're forecast for today!
Make sure to wear your HAZ-MAT suit as we've got grim skies across the developing world with a chance of chemical rain, nuclear fallout and gusts of bio-hazard micro-particles expected in the evening... every evening.

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Additional Sources




The business projections are extremely optimistic, from the chart they use. Prior to and including this year, there's one rate of growth. After this year, it seems to about double. If that's based on something besides wish and hope, that's very concerning.

I once consulted on a team of scientists developing novel pathogen detection for a fortune 500 company, and some of the questions that occurred to me as I read the descriptions of the several companies you provide were unsettling. How do you test pathogen detection systems? Where do you get snippets of DNA of organisms that are useful as agents of biological warfare? There's really only one way to do these things. Recently I considered buying some used equipment from labs that were either closing sites, or upgrading to newer devices. When I noted that they wouldn't sell the equipment unless you signed a document stating you would not use the equipment for products intended for human use, I refrained from bidding on any of it, despite very good prices.

Whole PCR systems were selling for $25. That's a tenth of the price of normal used equipment. I think some of it remained unsold. God only knows what the concerns about products for human use were based on, but I am apprised that NASA cannot even contemplate missions today that involve landing probes in places that potentially could harbor extraterrestrial life, because they cannot eliminate all contaminating life from their probes, and if there wasn't life there before NASA landed a probe, there would be afterwards.

The use of imagery from Dr. Strangelove was a sublime choice. Some of the most memorable moments of cinema for me, two of which you included specifically here, come from that film. I don't know how anyone could watch Slim Pickens ride a nuke while waving his cowboy hat like he was at a rodeo and not be scarred for life. It well illustrates how folks in this industry are not typical mentally of the rest of us. If they were, they wouldn't be so cheery about the prospect for growth in the CBRN industry.

I have to say I was deeply affected by two lines you wrote here.

"A hostile planet full of emerging markets and outstanding business opportunities just waiting to be exploited awaits our captains of industry. These mega-corporations are going to make a 'killing' from an increasingly hostile planet. You and I, well we just live here."

It reminds me that CRISPR is in the wild, and anybody and everybody can use it today. While people get more worked up about individual use, it is the employees of inhuman employers - corporations - that most concern me. Recently new research came to light in which Rhesus monkeys were altered by adding human mental functions to them in China. More than a decade ago some furor erupted when Australian researchers reported adding human fetal brain cells to mice. These are not chimerae that ordinary people would create.

Only inhuman corporations do such things. It is these sources of mad scientists that most concern me. They have the funding, the staff, and the business interest in such research. The original Blade Runner is a good warning about the devilish details of such business interests. The macabre 'toys' in the lab of the genetic designer's chess partner could not be more direct a caution that such research will constitute crimes against humanity at some point.

But that only matters to humanity.


Fantastic comments as is always the case with you!
Yeah, these people in the industry are so wrapped up in their quest for profits that they likely don't even realize how insane it all sounds to us regular folks. It made me think of Dr. Strangelove, which i rewatched recently, and the pure madness of it all. The human mind is capable of rationalizing anything it seems. LOL, that movie is a classic, as is most of Kubrick's work.

(tangent - if you like Kubrick - You need to watch a documentary called - ROOM 237 - it's brilliant. Have you heard of it?)

How do you test pathogen detection systems? Where do you get snippets of DNA of organisms that are useful as agents of biological warfare? There's really only one way to do these things.

This presents us with some uncomfortable questions, no doubt!

CRISPR tech really is some scary Sci-fi shit that's already being applied right now. For me, it's another one of those cases where technology is progressing at light speed yet the Ethical and philosophical questions associated with technological progress lag far behind. "Can we or how do we do 'X'?" is oft asked by technologists but rarely do they ask "should we?" ...

Thanks for the DLV my friend, I shall hang onto them.

Hey @shepz1, you're welcome. Thanks for participating in DDs as well, we appreciate it. The DLV token is experimental as you know, but we're planning on giving out more to contributors and those involved in the community. I also greatly appreciate the TPY coins you sent me, I'm not even sure how to use DLV let alone millions of TPY, lol. So, if you have any suggestions on how to use them effectively let me know, also if you'd like to have them returned I can do that too. Have a great day!

Wouldn't it be awesome if we spent as much money healing, housing, feeding, teaching, and loving our fellow human beings as we do killing them? What a sick suicidal species humanity has been manipulated to become.

What is often unremarked is that it is in researching treatment, prevention, and detection of pathogens that the need to produce them for study arises. Such consequences of doing bad things for good reasons are opaque to most people. Candida auris is a good example of a virulent pathogen that many scientists will be growing soon, because they can't learn to cure it unless they have samples of it to infect research subjects with.

We need to be very careful of what we wish for when our wishes will be effected through inhuman agents, like AI and corporations.

It's pure madness, isn't it?

Thank you for this interesting read along with disclosure of corporate interests and links.

I've been taking a break from Steemit this past week and upon returning I happened upon the new Deep Dives challenge with a thought of once again participating. subject choice was related to what 'you' have covered in part, above.

It's still my choice, especially having had some first hand experience in the past with CBRN weaponry both through potential exposure, and operationally.

Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Thanks for sharing such important information v4vapid!
Thank you also for your support on my post about US empire - really appreciated!

Upvoted and resteemed :D

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