Antiques Jewelry of Aceh
The antiques in the form of jewelry female Acehnese, collection Harun Keuchik Leumiek in Banda Aceh, Sumatra.
- Boh Dopma: Buttons, made of 16 carat gold, large size is used in the neck, and the small size functioned as a shirt button.
- Bieng Meuh: Gold necklace made of gold, there are toys (pound) tiger-shaped nails.
- Keutap Bajee: Necklace with decorative serafi crescent-shaped, is used as a layer of clothes.
- Cupeng: Objects are used to close the genitals toddlers, of 18 carat gold, and carving cawardi, in the center decorated with jewels, chains of gold.
- Subang: These earrings often called Pucok reubong earrings or earrings sun, made of 14 carat gold.
- Gleung Sisek Meuria: bracelet with patterned rind of thatch, made of 18 carat gold, decorated with gemstones seilon from India.
- Sawek: bracelet with motive "Pucok reubong", of 18 carat gold, six lines, decorated with gemstones seilong from India.
Most antiques were brought to the Netherlands in the collection Veltman
- Sieraden uit Atjeh behorend tot de collectie Veltman van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde in Leiden. source Geheugen van Nederland
- Opstelling van sieraden uit Atjeh behorend tot de collectie Veltman. source Geheugen van Nederland
Fotograaf: C. Nieuwenhuis | Vervaardigingsjaar: ca. 1900 | Collectie: Gefotografeerd voor de wetenschap; exotische volken tussen 1860 en 1920 | Instelling: Museum Volkenkunde | Copyright: Voor meer informatie: Museum Volkenkunde.
- Veltman, Thedorus Jacobus
Luitenant kolonel Th.J. Veltman, KNIL-officier, ridder derde klasse in de Militaire Willems Orde, officier in de orde van Oranje Nassau. Source
- Behind the scenes.
Harun Keuchik Leumiek owners of antiques (right) and @vannour (left)