My Next Book: The Time Traveling Cyberpunk Mother Trucker [Chapters 1-10 for Steemits Review and Comments]

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

The Time Traveling Cyberpunk Mother Trucker

By: Richard Colbert (@venuspcs)

Chapter 1: Preface

As I wake up, I can't help but wonder if today will be the day, finally! For today I will spend 18 hours toiling away in my basement workshop just like I have done every day for the last 20 years. It wasn't always this way, I used to be a truck driver and traveled the world; seeing new places and faces every day. But then one gloomy August night I got the call. My wife, who was also a trucker, had been hit and killed by a drunk driver. That was 40 years ago today and I have spent every moment since that fateful day in the year 2100 learning and preparing for what I have dedicated the last 20 years of my life to.

You see I am on a mission, one that will break barriers and eventually lead to Immortality for humanity. Now I know I can never bring my wife back from the dead, but I believe I can recreate her, to give her a new life. Not even 1 month before she passed we under went a relatively new procedure (at the time). A company called Omega Systems had developed a way to download a persons entire Personality and Memories to a Quantum Holographic Storage Disk. For the last 40 years my wife's disc has been sitting in a lead lined safe on the shelf right above my workbench with a little note on it that reads “I know you will give me life!”.

So I have worked and learned and taught myself everything I needed to know to build a fully robotic version of my wife. The physical appearance is uncanny and has even fooled me a few times. But humanoid robots like her have been around for 100 years now. What really sets Rose (my wife's name) apart is the Photonic Memory Core (her new brain) that can process 10 million times more information that the human brain and do it in 1/1000th of the time a human brain would need. Then there is the Temporal Displacement Array which I developed in the hopes that I could send her back to the day she died to replace my wife so I would never even know.

However, today like everyday for the last 40 years I spend most of my time pondering the intricacies of Temporal Mechanics. Even though the first time machine was built in the year 2020 there is so much we still do not know about Time Travel. So I wonder, almost incessantly, if I ever succeed in building her and sending her back in time to the day my wife died; wouldn't I then never begin building her in the first place. Which always leads me to conclude that I am fighting a loosing battle and that I will never succeed. Despite those fears and reservations I keep working.

Today I believe she is finally ready to turn on for the first time. I have checked and rechecked all of her mechanical and electrical systems. I have debugged her programming so many times I could write it all again from memory. Today we will see if all my work has been in vain.

Chapter 2: The lights are on; is anyone home?

At 2:32 GMT in my little basement workshop at my home near Mount Weather, CO I finally flipped the switch and turned Rose on. Anxiously I awaited her systems to all turn on, calibrate and perform self diagnostics. Would I be greeted by the sound of my wife's voice for the first time in 40 years?

After what seemed like an eternity, her eyes opened, she leaned her head down to look at me and then turned off. Well crap, all that work and she crashed at the mere sight of her husband. As tears flowed down my face I plugged my tablet into her diagnostic port and began deconstructing her various error logs. If by some miracle I found the problem within a few minutes. A semicolon on line 142,678,934 of her AI Code. It should have been a colon. Could that be the only thing keeping me from reuniting with my wife? As I hurriedly recompiled her program with the fix I wondered. How many more times will she crash before I get her just right.

After about 4 hours her AI Code had recompiled and so I uploaded it into her Photonic Memory Core and issued the reboot command. Within seconds she once again opened her eyes, grinned that awkward grin she used to give me when she was feeling frisky and asked “How long as it been baby?”. Like a proud father watching the birth of his first born I lost it. As if my wife had never left she leaned over with her hand on my shoulder and whispered “I love you too”.

Chapter 3: The journey to self discovery!

Sadly, it didn't take Rose long to figure out that she had died 40 years earlier. Much to my dismay that discover made her begin to question everything she was, knew, felt or remembered. She would not accept that I had successful built her a new body and placed the recorded personality and memories into it. Within a matter of hours the AI programming kicked in and began overwriting Rose's personality. However, for some reason I may never understand it kept all of Rose's memories as it sought to become it's own person.

For months, I worked with the new AI trying to coax Rose back into existence, somewhere along the way the new AI Rose and I fell in love all over again, or maybe it was for the first time. Who knows, this wasn't my Rose but I loved her non-the-less and she loved me. Was all right with the world now we wondered?

Then the inevitable truth hit us, I was now an old man and not long for this world, but Rose in her new body with new Personality had literally just been born. With her Photonic Memory Core, Quantum Fission Reactor and Temporal Displacement Array Rose could go anywhere and do anything and do it for 1,000 years with only minor routine maintenance.

With that knowledge in hand I awoke one morning to find Rose gone. I don't know if I will ever see her again, but I am determined to build myself a body like hers and transfer into it so I can go hunting for her in the future, or past as I am not sure when or where she has gone.

Chapter 4: When do I begin?

For as long as I can remember I have been married and a truck driver; but 40 years ago I was killed by a drunk driver. Then my husband built me this shiny new body and brought me back to life. During my journey to discover who I was, now, I abandoned the original Rose's personality and developed my own. I fell in love with Robert all over again but the confusion of who I was got too great for me to bear. So I left him and set out to rediscover myself and figure out when I belong. You see, I know where I belong is in the arms of my husband, the one who risked his own life for the past four decades to give me mine back. However, I don't know when I belong. Is it back the day his wife died, the day he brought me back to life, the day we fell in love all over again?

So while he lay sleeping in the year 2140 I packed a few clothes, engaged the Temporal Displacement Array and set it to August 21st, 2100. The day after I died. While I had no intention of making contact, I wanted to observe my husband in the days after my death and determine if that is when I belong. What I soon realized was that while the aftermath of my death was devastating the technological advances he would make in my name had to happen. I couldn't risk joining him in 2100 and potentially preventing him from ever creating me.

So with a heavy heart once again I re-engage the TDF and set it for November 23rd, 2160. A full 20 years after I was reborn. I wanted to see if Robert had managed to duplicate his success with me and create a new body for himself. For weeks I searched all over Colorado and couldn't find any trace of Robert. No one had seen him in almost 20 years. Apparently for a few weeks after I disappeared he looked for me, then retreated to his workshop and was never seen again. Some months later his best friend (Andy) went by looking for him and found an empty house.

Did he succeed in creating a body for himself? If so when or where did he go and is he looking for me as I search for when I belong with him? Did I make the worse mistake of my life by leaving; should I have just staid in 2140 and been happy?

Chapter 5: New beginnings!

Humans and I share a common trait, we all reflect upon and reconsider our decisions in life; knowing there ain't a damn thing we an do about them afterwards. Except in my case, there just might be! Having been unable to find the love of my life 20 years after my rebirth I made the decision to return to the time I left. Only a few seconds after my traveling back to 2100 I reappeared in 2140 and found Robert still asleep in our bed. I quickly unpacked my clothes and decided to pretend nothing had ever happened. How can I live knowing Robert will soon die, I wondered as I crawled into bed beside him. I no longer need to sleep, but I longed to hold him again. So I lay there until he awoke, holding him in my arms.

Like clockwork he awoke at 05:00 and rolled over and looked me in the eyes (or rather optic imaging sensors that look like eyes). With a strange grin on his face he whispered "welcome back". Wait, how did he know I left I wondered. I was only gone a few seconds in this timeline, so how could he be aware of me leaving. As I was preparing to ask him how he knew, he sat up in bed and smiled saying "I succeeded in building myself a new body, watch this" and in an instant his old frail body transformed into the youthful handsome man I knew the day I died.

It had taken him almost 10 years to build that body for himself and transfer himself into it. The day his human body died he came on line and traveled back to the moment I left to wait for my return. But what had he done with the human Robert I wondered. As if he could read my mind he grinned and said "I sent him to the future where his body could be healed".

So now Robert and I (Rose) are back together, as AI cyberpunk robots. Where or when do we go from here? We both longed for the days of being truck drivers, which no longer exist in the 21st century; at least not like we were back in the day. We wanted to once again run teams and spend the next 1000 years close to each other. With that in mind we decided to travel back in time, together, to the year 1972. It was shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Golden Age of Truck Driving was just beginning. We wondered as we were synchronizing our TDF's if anyone would even be able to tell we weren't human. If we could successfully get Chauffeur's Licenses and if anyone would hire a couple Time Traveling Robots. So before we left we contacted every Antique Dealer and Numismatists we could find collecting Vintage 1972 or older money. We knew our Bitcoin money wouldn't be any good for 40 years so we needed to make sure we had enough money to buy our own semi truck when we got to 1972. With several briefcases full of old money we headed back to 1972 to start our new lives together.

Chapter 6: It's Time!

It was an early spring morning when we finally arrived in 1972. The morning sunrise was glistening off the snow capped mountains of the Rockies. However, down in the valley below was something strange. There was a kaleidoscope of colors visible from the side of the mountain where our house would be in 2140. As we trekked down the mountain we could smell the unmistakable aroma of Marijuana wafting up from the valley floor. While we didn't know it then, we soon learned the valley was full of VW Buses. The hippies had invaded our valley and apparently had not heard that the 1960's were over. They were still in a Free Love, Great Drugs and Lots of Hard Rock phase.

We were making our way out of the valley to the main road when we noticed a convoy of military vehicles heading our way. At first we didn't think anything of it because we were right near the entrance to Mount Weather and this was the Cold War Era. Little did we know that in 2200 the Federation of Time Keepers would be formed. One of their first missions was to travel back in time to 1962 and work with the US Military to develop an extensive network of Temporal Displacement Sensors. Much to our surprise they knew we where time travelers and they were headed straight for us. When they stopped a few meters away from us a smal army of heavily armed soldiers with weapons drawn and pointing at us emerged from the Caravan. Within seconds a 2 star general made is way through the defense force and approached us alone. "Hello, I am General George Patterson what time are you from?" as he looked us over very carefully. Before I could even get a grasp on what was going on Rose quickly blurted out "2140 Sir". This was typical of Rose when she was a human, but a little unexpected in her new Cyberpunk body!

"So you predate the formation of the Federation of Time Keepers then, I guess you better come with me!". Having no idea what the hell the US Military and General George Patterson had in mind for us Rose and I decided to get the hell out of there. Through the wireless link in our computer brains we quickly decided on 1960, surely they couldn't detect us there we thought as we engaged the TDF's. Almost instantly we found ourselves all alone in the valley in the Colorado Rockies. Mount Weather hadn't been built yet and as far as we knew there was no way anyone could tell we had just jumped back in time.

As we made our way through the Mountains to Boulder, CO Rose and I discussed at great length what we should do now, if we really want to stay in 1960 and have to wait for 12 years to get to the time we want to be in. All those questions soon vanished the second we walked into 1960's Boulder. The early days of the hippie culture were well under way here, but the 50's diners still littered main street. The art, pottery, literature and fucking awesome music permeated every inch of this bustling little town. As we walked down Main Street hand in hand Rose looked at me, smiled and said "I think we are home dear!".

Chapter 7: Partying like it's 1960, oh wait IT IS!

In our rush to get the hell out of 1972 and away from the US Military we left our briefcases full of money. It was probably a good thing though as almost none of it predated 1960 so it would have been useless anyway. Because we are cyberpunk robots we don't really need to eat or sleep or most other Human things like that, however we do need to fit in and have money to repair ourselves when need be. So with that in mind Rose quickly landed a job, no questions asked, as a Skater Waitress at one of the 50's diners in town. She was a natural and took to those roller skates like she was born with them on her feet. Of course her quick reflexes, stunning good looks and long flowing brown hair helped her make crazy tips from the hordes of drunk pubescent teenage boys that frequented the joint.

I went to work at the local Mechanic Shop turning wrenches. It was demeaning for a robot of my skill level but the pay was pretty damn good. Especially once they realized I could fix anything in 1/3 the time it would take 2 or 3 of them. Of course I had to be mindful not to go around picking up large block Chevy engines with one hand while I bolted them in place with the other....almost got caught doing that my second day on the job....I spent the next few hours pondering how the hell I would have explained that. At the end of my first week I bought an old Indian Flat-head motorcycle and quickly had it running like brand new.

As a child growing up in the late 20th century I had heard rumors about my great-grandfather being a drug dealer in the 1960's. I had heard those stories countless times and even though I had never met the man I felt as if I knew him. So at the end of our first week in 1960 Rose and I hoped on the motorcycle and drove down to Denver to see if we could find my Great-Gramps. It was an absolutely beautiful ride down on a clear spring day. When we arrived at where I thought I remembered hearing he lived I saw him sitting on the front porch of his house. Beside him was a nightstand with a small wooden box that looked like a cigar box. Quickly I pulled into the drive way and turned off the motorcycle. Before Rose and I could even dismount he looked at as and said "What'll it be sunny?". I slowly walked up on the porch and introduced Rose and myself, "Hello my name is Robert and this is my wife Rose", I said. Before he could respond I followed with "Have I got a story for you, so if what I think is in that box is really in there then you might wanna light one up now". Without hesitation he opened the box, pulled out a pre-rolled joint and fired it up.

"Alright sunny, what's this story" I heard between the coughing caused by the massive hit he just took. Well sir it goes like this....."My wife and I aren't human, well not anymore anyway. You see we won't even be born for another few decades. In the year 2100 my wife Rose will die by drunk driver and I will spend the next 40 years trying to bring her back to life. Finally, succeeding in 2140 by building her a Cyberpunk Robot body, the one you see standing before you. After I transfer all of Roses' memory into her new robot body I build one for myself and we travel back in time."

"Hold on sunny, I think I need something a little stronger cause this is some trippy shit you're slinging my way" I heard as he stood up and walked into the house. A couple minutes later he returned with another cigar box, sat down, opened it up and pulled out a handful of shrooms and swallowed them whole. About 5 minutes past with relative silence until his eyes got the size of moon craters and he started grinning so widely you would have thought it wrapped all the way around his head. "Alright sunny, lets continue" he finally muttered!

"Well sir its like this, Rose and I met in the future while we where both truck drivers. But by the time I built us both these new robot bodies there were not more truck drivers. So we traveled back to 1972 to become truck drivers again. Little did we know that the US Military had a way to detect Temporal Displacement and was soon surrounding us with guns drawn. So we jumped back here to 1960. We have been living up in Boulder for the last week. I remembered hearing stories about you when I was a kid so I asked Rose if we could come meet my great-grandfather.".

With a strange look on his face the old man started speaking "Sunny, you almost had me until you said you was my great grandson. You see I only have one daughter and that bitch can't stop smoking dope long enough to get laid, much less have a child". "I know that sir!" I quickly replied. "You see in about a year from now Marie will get raped while trying to score some drugs. She will be so out of her mind that she won't even know she is pregnant until a few days before my father is born. When she gets sick and ends up in the hospital they get her clean and she gives birth to my dad. One look at him and she never did drugs again, at least not ones that weren't from a doctor." I continued!

"Well then sunny what exactly is it you want from me?" he responded after thinking on what I had just said. "Well sir, we came back here with nothing. We are robots now so we don't really need much money to live, we don't eat or sleep or anything like that. But we had our hearts set on running team in our own semi truck. I was hoping that you would be kind enough to loan your great-grandson the money to buy our own truck and trailer". "What is in it for me sunny" he quickly uttered. "Sir to be honest, not much except knowing you helped your great-grandson. We will of course pay you back the money as we don't really need much so what ever is left after expenses on our loads we would gladly give you 75% of until you are repaid.". "I have a better idea, come take a walk with me" he quipped and away we went around the corner of the house. Right behind the house sat an old A frame barn that must have been 40 feet tall. As he slowly slid the barn doors open the prettiest thing Rose and I had ever seen began to reveal itself amidst the shadows. There sat a brand new 1960 Autocar Tractor Trailer. It was flat black, with chrome every where.

Completely speechless Rose and I just turned and looked at Leonard as he muttered "I was planning on hiring someone to drive this and occasionally do a few pickups for me, if you are interested in the job I will let you keep 100% of what you make on your own loads and I will give you $500 for every pickup you do for me!". Without a moments hesitation I looked at my great grandfather and said "Yes sir, we accept" and in an instant the still spry old goat hurled the keys at me and said "my telephone number is on the keys, call me once a week to see if I need anything picked up; oh and there is $5,000 in the glove-box to get you started".

Chapter 8: Trucking at last!

As Rose and I pulled away from my Leonard's house headed to the Union 76 Truck-stop in Denver we realized that $5,000 wasn't the only thing the old man had left in the glove box. Slowly Rose began sifting through the rolled up money and inside each roll of cash (5 of them) was an address and a date. We soon realized those were our instructions and the calls to the old man each week were in case a new pickup got scheduled. Twenty minutes later we rolled into the truck-stop with the nicest looking rig in Denver. We just needed to make a few purchases and then be on our way. So Rose grabbed a roll of money and into the truck-stop we went. One Cobra 29 LTD CB Radio, Coaxial Cable, Antenna and we were at the register paying. On our way out of the store we noticed there was a CB shop in the parking lot, so with our brand new equipment in hand we headed on over to the CB shop to let them Peak and Tune the radio, install everything and set the SWR. We wanted to walk and talk and make sure we where true trucker fashion. While the technician was peaking and tuning (trying to get the most power out of the CB radio) we noticed he had a 1500 watt kicker (linear) sitting in the display case for sale. Almost the entire roll ($1,000) later we had the baddest truck in Denver and the loudest CB Radio in Colorado. Now, I finally get around to reading the notes Leonard left in the rolls of money. They were in fact Dates and Locations for his next 5 pickups. The first one was scheduled to be picked up in 1 week in Chula Vista, CA. While we didn't know for sure what these pickups were, we highly suspected it was drugs. No worries though, if we get caught we can just jump to a different point in way the fuzz can catch us we thought as we booked our first load heading to California.

It was a simple load of hay, square bales of Alfalfa, but it was paying $2100 to the truck which was crazy good money back then. Especially when you consider the price of diesel fuel was $0.15 a gallon. So up to Loveland, CO we went to grab our first load and then be off to California. In our time, California no longer existed. You see in 2030 the Big One finally happened and California (well most of it) slid off into the Pacific Ocean becoming nothing more than a few small islands. The resulting Tidal wave swept across the Pacific hitting Japan and South East Asia with a wall of water 600 feet high, 1 mile deep and 1800 miles long. It completely destroyed all the Asian Islands and swept across Central Asia all the way into Russia before finally beginning to recede. The result of all that new land mass being pushed down into the ocean caused the worlds Oceans to rise almost 2 feet and pushed massive amounts of warm water towards the poles. Within weeks almost all the ice on Earth had melted and the ocean rose another 20 feet. In the process of so much salt water sweeping across the continents more earth quakes occurred all over the Earth and caused the remaining continents to sink, most by at least 100 feet.

Needless to say, Rose and I were really excited to see California for the first time ever. There weren't even many references to California still around in our time so we had no idea what to expect. But we where really excited so we grabbed our load and drove non stop until we hit Ontario, CA. The next morning we delivered our load of hay to a Farm Supply store and went to the Union 75 truck stop in Ontario. After getting permission from the manager we dropped our trailer and bob-tailed (tractor only) out to Santa Monica, CA. It was a beautiful day so we had the windows down on the ride out to the beach. The smell of the salt water riding in on the air hit us almost 10 miles away and had we of had hearts they would have been racing with anticipation.

Nothing could have prepared us for what lay ahead when we finally made it to the beach. The beauty of the Santa Monica Pier with it's never ending Amusement Park was breath taking. The freakazoids wandering around aimlessly along the beach were mind numbing. The arts and crafts along the boardwalk rivaled anything we had ever seen. It was absolutely sensory the point that we soon had to get a room on the beach and actually sleep....well power down for a few hours while our computer brains processed all the information and learned to compute such sensory input in a more efficient and timely manner.

Chapter 9: Trafficking!

After a few days of much needed rest and relaxation on the amazing California coast line we hopped back in our Semi and headed to Chula Vista. It was almost time for our first pickup for Leonard and we didn't want to be late. Exiting the freeway near the pickup we quickly realized we where in Cholo-Central. If there were every any doubts as to the nature of our pickup they rapidly disintegrated as we neared the warehouse. Six, no seven heavily armed Hispanic males surrounded the building as we pulled up. To say we got some looks when this nice ass semi truck with two honkies in it pulled up. As instructed in Leonard's note I gave the air-horn three quick toots and they opened the gates and escorted us into the warehouse. Closing the doors and gates behind us. I thought for sure they would try and turn us into spare parts when they attempted to kill us and realized we weren't human. The strangest thing happened, though, as we exited the vehicle. At a slow and somber pace Great-Granddad Leonard walked over to us. "Welcome to Chula Vista fuckers", he exclaimed as we realized who he was.

The old man had decided to supervise our first pickup to make sure it went smoothly, much to our surprise the Mexican gang members were very nice and respectful, especially to Leonard. Within minutes they had pulled the floorboards out of the trailer and put in a false floor beneath it. In only an hour they had loaded almost 2 tons of marijuana and coke in the trailer and replaced the floor completely concealing it from the not-so-smart cops of the era.

As we were getting ready to drive out of the warehouse, Leonard came up to the truck and said "make sure you get a heavy load coming to Colorado so you don't arouse any suspicions!". With those words the warehouse opened up and on our way we went. We knew from the reactions of the guys in the warehouse this was some really good drugs. What we didn't realize at that time was that you wouldn't be able to get drugs this good for almost 40 years because in 1962 the cartels took over the drug trade and started importing shit drugs into the USA that had been cut and diluted so many times they were no longer safe to use.

On our way to Denver we stopped at the Giant Truck-stop and Refinery in Gallup, NM. It was the largest truck-stop in the world at the time and seemed like a good place for a break. You see Rose, in the excitement of what we where doing had gotten horny. Now I know robots aren't supposed to get horny, but boy did she. I guess those memories and personalities she was given from her Human version were starting to effect her robotic parts. In my zeal to turn us both into cyberpunks I never even stopped to consider putting working sex organs in our new bodies. Rose was thinking about it though and she had already devised a plan to upgrade ourselves as soon as we got back to Denver. I tried, in vane, to explain to her that the technology needed for such a feet did not exist in 1960 but she wasn't about to listen to me, robotic or not them hormones were kicking up a fuss and messing with her mind. She really needed a good fucking!

After a brief respite she calmed down and we rolled on into Denver late that night. When we got to the truck-stop in Denver we called Leonard and he met us at his warehouse. As soon as we pulled into the warehouse and shut the doors Rose grabbed me by the arm, screaming "We will be back in a minute!" to Leonard and like walking through an open door we stepped into the 22nd century. Rose had already been here once before looking for me and knew the technology existed here. What she had failed to tell me was that the technology had gotten so advanced that cyberpunks upgraded with sexual organs were now capable of procreating. "What you want to have a baby" I screamed as she told me this. "No silly, but we could if we decided we wanted to!".

Chapter 10: Cyberpunk Sex!

"Get your funk on!" read the sign over the Cyberpunk Doctor's Office that Rose had decided we should go to. As we walked in there where all manner of cyberpunks lurking about. In one corner was the Skinhead that looked like he had been in prison since the 1980's and in the opposing corner was a Black Panther reject looking fucker that more modifications that could be counted. Then sitting over in the corner, almost obscured by plants was a teenage lesbian cyberpunk who apparently had intimacy or social issues cause she was trying very hard not to be seen until her name was called. Finally, after what seemed like a year the doctor called out "Robert & Rose it is your turn!". With glee in her step Rose sprung forth yanking me by the arm and almost waving me like a flag behind her as she made a mad dash to get her new "Cyber Pussy". I think she had complete forgot that I was there as well for my new "Robo Cock". Once we where in the examination room the doctor turned to us and asked "So what generation are you punks?". "Well sir, my husband here created us, or rather his human body did. We were actually both human but due to circumstances have been forced to adopt these bodies!" Rose quickly retorted.

"Well I am afraid I will need to do a full examination before I can design the modifications you want, as I am not familiar with your design!" the doc responded. At this point Rose was, well, getting impatient so I asked "Doctor are you man or machine?" and of course the doctor responded "I am a punk too!". "Well then", I said "Why don't we just link and you will know everything there is to know about our design!". So with a touch of our hands Doc and I linked and I gave him all the design information on mine and Roses new bodies. As if he had been upgraded several generations beyond my technology he instantly said "I have it and your new modifications will be ready in a few minutes. Now why don't you both get undressed and lay down.....and remember no hanky panky until after I am done with the procedure!".

An hour later with our new mods in tow we jumped back to 1960 and found Leonard was still unloading the trailer. "You need some help!" I quipped hoping he would say no and sure enough that is exactly what he said. "Well then we will be in the truck trying out our new modifications!" I exclaimed! As we climbed up into the cab of the semi I could tell Rose was getting wet and she was completely naked before I even made it into the truck and closed the door. With one hand she gently pulled me towards the sleeper as she slowly unzipped my pants with the other. Wow she is taking those human memories and emotions to heart, I thought as she slid my new massive cock deep into her artificial but oddly sensual mouth. With a regular increase in tempo she began sucking my bulging and now throbbing Robo-cock until it literally started smoking. "Come on baby blow your punk juice in my mouth!" I heard as the artificial semen began spewing from my new balls like a rocket taking off for outer space.

Before I could even process the fact that I had just cum all over Rose's face she threw me down on the bed, hoped on my face and began riding it like a bull at a rodeo. "Lick my pussy, real good!" She screamed as her heightened hormonal emotions surged into her brain! When I designed Rose and I, I made sure to give us a sense of smell and taste to ease the transition from our human bodies to these cyberpunk bodies. However, I had forgot how sweet Rose's pussy tasted, even the Cyber Pussy she now sported had that same sweet taste I remembered. Or at least my brain said it did! Within a few short minutes Rose hopped off and laid down in the bed, as she looked at me I could hear her in my mind saying "fuck me like you used to when I was a real woman". Sadly, the doctor had not given Rose an ample supply of lubrication and the little she had was now drying up quickly. Much to her dismay she realized that there was no way I was getting my robo-cock into her cyber-pussy until we could get her tanks refilled.

After we got dressed and climbed down out of the truck, Leonard came over to us and said "Wow, I had no idea even robots could do that! Say is there anyway you can get me a cyberpunk girlfriend that can teach this old dog some new tricks". Almost out of instinct Rose responded "next time we go to the future, Leonard, you are welcome to come with us and pick out just what you want!".

* I love Steemit and want to say thanks to all you Steelers, especially the whales. I am going to try and get Chapters 11-20 up this weekend. You all inspire me.*


I am so happy that you were able to get back into writing and I am loving these posts. Steemit really is bringing quite the creative community together :)

I have tried about 50 times to write a book over the 30 years I couldn't write. Thanks to steemit this will be my second book. I already published my Childhood Story that I wrote here on steemit over on Amazon Books and I will publish this one there as well once I get it finished!

I am going to do my best to get Chapters 11-20 cranked out this weekend.....not promises though!

This is your original work?
It is a very wonderful work.

upvote !!))

Good job man! Keep it coming!

Keep up the great work @venuspcs

You've got the flow. Thanks for writing brother :) Can't wait to read more!

I'll have to sit down and read this all back to front. Awesome writing man.

@calva upvote this awesome asset to the STEEM writing community please.

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 7.4 and reading ease of 79%. This puts the writing level on par with Tom Clancy and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Very Nice!

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