Bombardir Beetle, Beetle That Can Spray Heat Liquid

in #unique7 years ago

Asalasah ~ Have you seen the movie titled "ALIEN vs Predator"? It is worthwhile that the alien can discharge all the blisters, but the alien itself (as the source of the fluid) does not blister. Well actually there are animals in the real world that have similar capabilities like that ...

Bombardir Beetle is a ground beetle (Carabidae) in the genera Brachinini, Paussini, Ozaenini, or Metriini (which is more than 500 species). Named "bombardment" because of their defense mechanisms: when disturbed, they spray hot chemicals from their ends, in a blast.
The bombarded beetle looks like a weak prey for many predators, but every thing that comes to this beetle can be a stomach-bombing backlash (yes, a fart-like ^ _ ^). This beetle has developed a complex and effective way to make the musaban go away. When in danger, a bombarded beetle can fire a corrosive hot chemical fluid from the end of its stomach that can blend with its enemy.

This fluid is produced by the reaction between two chemicals, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, stored in separate pouches in the beetle's abdomen and mixed when needed in space with air and catalytic enzymes. Heat and gas yields that drive ejection. Damage that can be fatal to the attacker and other small creatures as well as painful if exposed to human skin. Some bomb beetles can direct sprays over various directions.

Bombardier beetles inhabit most of the continents, except Antarctica. They usually live in forests or pastures in temperate climates, can be found in other environments if there are damp places to lay eggs.

Most species of bomb beetle are carnivores, including their larvae. Beetles usually play other insects at night, usually often congregate with other beetles of their species when inactive for food. The bombarded beetle uses its "chemical weapon" just to survive. While searching for food, he uses his very sharp jaws to cut and slice worms and other small insects.

Defense Mechanism
Two substances of chemical reactants, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide, secreted by a special gland and stored in separate pockets at the back end of the abdomen. When threatened, the beetle contracts its muscles so that it reopens the container and reactants into a thick-walled mixing chamber coated with enzyme-producing cells including catalase and peroxidase.
In the mixing chamber, the enzymes rapidly break down hydrogen peroxide, free oxygen free and catalyze the oxidation of hydroquinone into p-quinone. This reaction is very exothermic, and the energy released raises the temperature to close to 100 ° C, evaporating about one-fifth. The buildup of pressure that it generates enters from the reactant's storage space to close, so the organ is the organ in the beetle. This foul-smelling liquid becomes gas and explosively discharged through the outlet valve, with a loud explosion.

The flow of reactants into the reaction chamber and ejection of the above events is about 70 beats, at a rate of about 500 beats per second. The whole sequence of events takes only a fraction of a second. Usually .................... But the gland openings of some African bomber beetles can rotate up to 270 ° between the legs, and spray fluids in various directions quite accurately. With such a strong defense, bombarded beetles never fly away from danger. In fact, this wing box has fused a solid shield shape on its back.

The Great Enemy
However, there is one creature in a liar realm who has learned how to defeat bombarded beetles. The grasshopper will lock the back of the beetle to the ground so the beetle spray will not burn it.