Pizzagate - even bigger, further back, global diplomatic ... 1993 - Nations' leaders falling?

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

From 1 December --

If you have any concern for the soul of humanity (and I'm speaking in secular terms, actually, as I don't consider the soul - ie a consciousness that survives physical mortality - to be providence of religious orders but a fact in nature: energy can not be destroyed. Aye? Science stuff) - so, if you have concern for the survival of humanity, stick with this one here ...

As the audio interview explains, 'pizzagate' (the name of what will be popularly called a conspiracy theory) trivializes the issue. It's not about a pizza joint (Comet Pizza), or anything on the level of Watergate and some break-in to a political party office ... it has to do with a global, soul-destroying movement which has been underway for (ages really), but more recently, let's say 1993, or 1997 ...

From the description on this video, highlighting ASIA connection, Clinton (the regime, Bill or Hill ...) "In a 1997 article in Insight in the News magazine, it was disclosed that agents from our own intelligence agencies - along with government workers - provided young male prostitutes to visiting diplomats attending the Asian Pacific Economic Conference (APEC). Source:

My point is, what we know today as "Pizzagate" has its origins in the distant past, and has existed not just with the knowledge of some within our intelligence agencies, but with their facilitation. Some within the media are equally complicit. What is being uncovered by tenacious and talented citizen journalists is just part of the larger picture, however. With thanks to those who are relentless in their pursuit of the truth. We have only just begun. The swamp is far deeper and much more crowded than anyone might imagine. "
Some may take exception to this video because the gentlemen speaking use some religious terminology. If that for any reasons is offputting or makes you suspect the veracity of the claims, I suggest you suck it up because they are speaking directly and clearly (and by listening, you won't necessarily be converted into a religious nut and have your brain eaten ...
more likely, by not listening, your brain is going to be rotted out by the increasing freaked-out claims of FAKE NEWS.
This ain't fake.)

Now, in the new tradition of Joseph P. Farrell (one of my favorite authors, who is Oxford trained and does some fantastic research, using source document, and who is not yet delving deeply into this that I know of) I will use one of his terms for when he veers off of documented evidence he can 'prove' and into what he is intuiting, and calls 'high octane speculation' ...

Some of us are increasingly bumping into news, or rumors, of leaders stepping down around the globe and being overthrown. Maybe it's due to 'nationalistic' turns by a populist movement, or 'personal reasons' ... whatever it is in each case, let's take a little leap into this connection, because of so many stories over time, real evidence, which are threads (dots) which connect to the little tops of icebergs which show up now as apparently random events - which can be 'debunked' by those who are either complicit, or simply have not yet looked into the issue -- are shown to be connected. (If you keep bumping into something cold and hard on the ocean at night, in the same area, and each bump on one side makes an effect on the other side -- it isn't a lot of little isolated rocks, but one big iceberg.)

I'm frankly an investigator of 'evil' on a cosmic level. Something more like 'black holes', you know, something very remote, and not in a religious way (as I do not subscribe to any specific religion, although I do consider myself 'Christian' in terms of the values associated with the Christ. Okay? Full disclosure there. -- am I without sin? Of course not ... let's move on ...) So, I have investigated and am probably a subject matter expert in symbology, if not specifically satanistic illuminati pedophilia symbology - because I find that abhorrent, which I believe all 'good' people (those with morals, a conscience, a soul) are. So we avoid crap like that. But I am a discriminating observer of symbology, and the cavalierly cavorted around claims of 'illuminati'. I know masonic symbology, for instance, and do not think all masons (just as example) by any means are evil critters; however, like mathematics, the use of a mental or physical technology can be used to create a beautiful piece of architecture or implements of torture and mass destruction. Etc.

So, what does this mean, my background? Absolutely nothing, but a reason why I'll jump even further into the abyss and say (some may recall from news a few months ago when Obama did something most of us thought was really stupid, and illegal. Here's the key phrase, said by (I think Hoekstra, or Mike Baker, both ... but point is:), 'if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... it's ransom' -- regarding the Iran pay off/hostage deal of late.
I'm not ruling out that even that could be connected ... and that magnitude of 'deals' by that level of actors.
(more on that later?)

So because I research everything in general, I know enough about satanism to know that it is real, and 'popular'. Such as in Hollywood. You probably know this too, right? My high octane speculation continues, at a rather diluted status now, as more in-depth researchers than I have arrived at the at least parallel threads is the connection to cannibalism, organ harvesting (Hi China), planned parenthood, stem-cell research and pharmaceutical conglomerates, kidnapping, sex trafficking, murder, Satanism, cannibalism, pedophilia, etc etc.
And while we're at it, I'll throw in chemtrails.

Let all that rain down on you, and see what sticks.
As ever, the next dot and comments are welcome.

I haven't reviewed this closely, but suggest it also indicates more of the extent:


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