Season 5 crypto academy feedback / review

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago



Hello everyone it's been an amazing season 5 sadly it has come to an end, though the season was a very good, they are a few loop holes which I noticed during the course of the season which I participated actively till the very end.
Like all good things we must put in effort in order to obtain the perfection in which we require i was very pleased to hear of the opportunity which steemblog has provided us with to report any abnormalities we observed during the course of the season.

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Academy requirements

The first issue i had with season 5 of the academy were the numerous requirements which were set in place. One requirements which really proved unfavorably to the masses was the minimum 150 power up in the last month. This rule was brought out at the last minute which didnt give many of us time to prepare hence we were caught off guard as a result of this many people myself included were not able to participate in the first week of season 5.
Now looking at the 150 requirement closely we find out that majority of new users find it difficulty to amass such number of steem in a such period time. Depending on your rp it could be quite easy or quite difficult hence this requirement handicapped alot of new steemers with low RP and we're looking to enter the academy for the first time. what is crypto academy if its not for the new commer to come and acquire quality and quantitive knowledge.


Rules are put in place for the betterment of the population but it becomes a problem when this rules end up hurting the people rather than catering for them.
The applications of some rules should be enforced with a human conscience. Yes rules are rules but the enforcement of this rules should be guided by human conscience in such a way that empathy is shown to people for at least thier hard works.
I give an instance with what happened to me.
Season 5 wk 3 i spent nothing less 4 days conducting various research and studying the charts in order to submit the assignments above, after submitting i was very excited as i was still new to the crypto academy and wasn't familiar with all the rules, just major ones. fastward my assignments was marked and i was given the score of 4/10 this demoralized me greatly i put alot of work into that assignment, time, energy and effort and all that gone to waste.
I thought I missed something perharps answered a question wrongly, or ommited an entire question or even worse plagerized but to my greatest surprised i saw the reason I was graded so bad was simply because I used a forex graph rather than a crypto graph. because of this silly mistake all other aspect of myassignment were frowned out.
I employ anyone who has time to go through the assignment above judge for yourself look at the images, look at my analysis, look at my compliance with the topic look at my quality analysis and look at the mark which was given, I feel that I was marked too harshly in this assignment above. A warning or little correction would have gone a long way kn teaching me what I ought to do and what not to do t I still believe in my professor I never complained about the mark I never talk back harshly to him. I Understood my mistake and since then I made sure all my graphs relating to crypto currencies.
All I'm saying is that the correction should have been done in more compassionate way such that my time and efforts would not have gone to waste this was a really low point for me during the course of the academy as I almost lost the will to continue but my mentor @swaylee kept urging me to keep on going.

Another instance which I observed during the course of season 5 was THE situation were users would submit the assignment and as at the time they are submitting the assignment they would have the required 150sp but at the time when the lecturers are marking it they will have less than 150sp and as such they will be givien 0 for club5050 I myself was a victim. I powered up and told the professor but I was ignored such instances should be avoided.

Marking sheme

In season 5 saw professors using different marking scheme. All professors should use the same marking scheme this will make post on the block chain more organised and in unison. We find out that beginner professors tend to use a separate marking scheme from some professors in intermediate it is my personal belief and hope that in the next season of crypto academy there will be a central marking scheme which will be used at all levels for both beginner, intermediate and advanced.

usefulness of lectures

If there's one thing I must truly comment and applaud, it is the lessons in which we received this season. Most of the lectures I got for my professors were very valuable to me as a trader and me as a crypto enthusiastic I got to learn an array of topics about IEO, special bars, pattern formation etc but in as much as the lectures were useful we find out that the beginner lectures were too complicated to a degree in which a beginner in the crypto field would not be able to attempt the assignments in beginners.
Beginner courses should be such that beginger can attempt it should easy to comprehend.

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I must say I am really happy with the opportunity I have been given today to voice out my opinions about steemit crypto academy season 5, it was a good season but they were faults here and there and still so much room for improvement and this improvement can only come when the creators set up avenues such as above for we to voice out any and all grievances we experienced during the course of the season. Above I have been able to lkst some of the grievances which I myself have been affected by I will be more than pleased if some and possibly all of this can be looked into.

Having said all these I believe that my opinions and recommendations would be looked into thank you @steemblog

 3 years ago 

Well said man. Especially the 150 steem power up. Some people in their hardwork don't earn that amount of steem in a month. As a result soo many people were not able to partake in this seasons assignments. I would be dropping mine shortly

It was really sad those first weeks
It really handi capped alot of us sardines😂

I will be looking forward to your post

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