Control Your MindsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

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Nowadays, people believe in the same thing which is visible and what is not seen is considered to be the only imagination.

But there is one thing that does not appear, but forces you to do a lot and you keep living in it accordingly. You eat according to the same, drink, do lots of work in the day. Not only you, most people in the world do their activities accordingly.

Now you must have understood what I am talking about. Yes! You thought right, that's the thing - Mind.

It is a habit of mind that he wants to work with you accordingly. But the question is, do you believe in your mind and work according to it or the mind considers your point and works according to you?

If you want to achieve success in life then you should never go according to your mind, but play it according to your mind. Every successful person in the world is able to subdue his mind and grow towards success.

Control your mind is very important because the mind is very fickle. He keeps you here and there ever and there and lets you stray away from your goal.

Your mind is like a chariot, which many horses are dragging together.

If you are sitting comfortably on this chariot, then where will it take you, nothing can be said. But if you take the hammer of all the horses in your hands and be attentive as a charioteer, then you can give this chariot motion and direction according to your wish.

Even after the hammer of all the horses in your mind, in your hand, he will try to mislead you. Suppose if a problem arises in front of you, a horse of your chariot (mind) will ask to face that problem, then seeing the second problem will ask to run away from the foot. Similarly, if the third horse will say something else then the fourth will ask to do something else.

All the horses will say different things. This is because your mind wants to run around because of a problem or challenge. What horse would you consider now?

According to me, do not obey anybody's matter and once you pull the reins of all the horses and give direction to your chariot on where you want to go. So you are the master of your mind, order it and take it wherever you want. If you make your mind master and obey it, then it will take you towards dislocation.

You must have seen that when a river flows, on which side does it flow?

The simple thing is - towards your goal. Slope on the road helps the river reach its destination. The river flowing through these slopes reaches its destination ie the sea.

In the same way your mind is similar to a flowing river and you have to go ahead by plunge into this river. On the way, you have to make such slopes through which you can turn the river towards success. Therefore it is most essential to give the right direction to the mind.

Friends! The speed of the mind is also very fast. If there is a mind here in a moment, then the second moment reaches to the other. The mind bounces so much. The mind jumps too much. The mind is very fickle. You must speed your mind accordingly. If you have control over your mind then he can give right direction and proper pace. this is very important.

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Your mind is directly related to your body. Your mind is directly related to your daily routine. Your mind is directly related to your success. Your mind is directly related to your life goal.

Mind control is very important. All the successful people in the world have been able to achieve success only by controlling their mind. Now you have to do the same.

If you win, you are responsible for it and if you lose it, then you are responsible for it. Controlling your mind will lead you to victory, and if you can not do it, then the defeat is certain. If you lose your mind then you will lose in your life too and if you win by your mind then you will continue to taste the victory in your life.

So do not lose your mind, but keep it under control. Prepare him for victory. Be the Owner of Your Mind As a servant of the mind, till date no one has achieved anything but failure.

How To Control Your Mind :

Now I tell you some tips and measures to control the mind. Please read them carefully and win your mind and move on to success.

1- Learn to take a resolution to complete a task. Your resolve power or willpower teaches you to control your mind.

2- Do whatever you do with self-confidence. Your self confidence puts you in control of your mind and does not allow you to wander from the path of success.

3- Do your best to keep the mind calm. The calm mind does not wander and takes you in the right direction.

4- "Think less and good think" If you adopt this rule, you will also be saved from overthinking and will prevent the disorientation of mind to a great extent.

5- Put a habit of practicing yoga and meditation everyday. By doing so the mind remains calm and can be easily applied in the right direction.

6- Make good books to your friends. For this you can read motivational books. Books have a lot of power in the words. This will prevent your mind from wandering.

7- If you have a good daily time table, then you will work accordingly. In such a situation, your mind will not roam, but according to your timetable you will run.

8- Keep yourself busy. With this you will not think of anything else and your mind will be engaged in the work.

9- If you want to have a lot of good things, keep aside the time for that. Fix a time for entertainment, sports and so on. Doing so will keep your mind in working time.

10- Learn to be in the present. By doing this, your mind will neither worry about the future nor you will be lost in the past.

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My mind is not my own. My mind is your mind. My mind is my mind fighting your mind. Well maybe not you specifically unless we've met before and exchanged mirrored glances. But of those I've met, of those who've spirit I've shared. To all of those unaware spirit is simply another word for breath. Resonating and echoing. I've throttled myself to full speed, I am but whirring along now. Wishing to power down and readjust towards the future ahead I've seen. What I see is cemented there. Yet all the rest remains uncertain

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