In an era of child on child gang rape in Europe #120db is the real #metoo which all of us human beings with dignity and conscience should support

in #politics7 years ago

We all know how much of a joke this #metoo is. It's a movement for the mentally retarded and spiritually corrupt. When hashtag becoming more of a scam that Bitconnect, I came across the #120db movement which kicked off about 3 days ago. The very first video convinced me that it is something that all of us self respecting human beings should support. The movement started from Germany which still has not become as much of a rape capital as Sweden. But the situation is appalling there. Instead of writing anything long I'll just put one fact to ponder.

"Pepper spray is sold next to the tampons"

I know Halo and Xbox is sold together and it's easy to find yogurt next to the cheese. But pepper spray is something should be sold next to guns or knives; not ladies hygiene products.

It seems like a women for women movement but that's no reason for men to sit behind. What is bad for the tree is bad for the forest. One portion of the society has an impact on the other. The sanity of human beings affect the prosperity of our civilization and don't get into "criminals are humans too" BS. Humans may commit crimes in their lives but beasts live their lives committing crimes. If you don't understand this you are asking for something like this:

The moral of the above story is that you can grab five children aged _3-14 years (Yes starting with 3 years)and rape them over the course of 9 years with your brother and for over 1000 times and make hours of child porn for private use and get a sentence of 14 years for the older brother and 12 for the younger brother. Such is the law of Sweden. 9 years of child rape and 14 years of prison. I must mention that Swedish prisons are better than hostels in developing countries
For comparison I saw a documentary named Kid Criminals and there was a girl who had a 10 year sentence for robbing an old lady with a gang of friends without actually hurting her.

I must say that the most terrible aspects were not discussed in the videos possibly because of potential backlash from fact hating disgusting mobs. Many criminals seek asylum presenting them as children. There was one case of a animal convicted in Greece for 10 years coming to Germany claiming to be a child ending up raping and drowning a medical student. __This is one of the mild and less violent cases. The real horror(until it gets topped by some even worse animals) is prolonged child on child homosexual gang rape.
From what I can find, gang raping teenagers seems to be something very much prevalent. When an adult is also involved, many times its a father or an older brother.

The Russian Immigrants

There are some violent ways some people are acting which I don't fully support because of my principles. But Russians who legally got into Germany seems to take better actions to protect Germany than the Germans Themselves. One such violent event happened after a 13 year old Russian girl was gang raped for 30 hours (Which the police tried to cover up especially due to political climate) and I don't agree with some of the things that was done about it.

On the other hand #120db is something I could fully support. Barely anybody on steemit is talking about it and I believe that supporting and promoting good things is far more important than trashing the terrible mockeries running rampant in our society.

When vanity is largest portion of media landscape and non-issues are the biggest fad in all movements, we must make the voices of sanity and dignity ring louder. There is only so much each of us can. But every single bit of support matters.

PS: For some reason steemit doesn't allow me to use 120db as a tag. It says "Must start with a letter "


Thanks for your effort to research this and publicize it. I've been reading immigration horror stories on Zero Hedge for a quite a while. It's good that the people in affected areas are starting to organize and stand up for themselves.

Sweden and Germany are the biggest victims and I won't be much surprised if France get hit too. The worst of all is the reactionary movements that simply goes for the opposite direction thinking they are doing the right thing. It's going to become a game of lesser evil like Trump instead of Clinton instead of treading on a path of sensibilities that lead to prosperity.

I'm from Germany, I know the movement and I totally support it. You know what us Westerners are talking about these days? Putting down historic art for being "sexist"... It is simply insane. Check out my article on this subject:

And an artwork consisting of 30 grams of an artist feces was auctioned for €275,000 in 2016. This was one of 90 cans produced in 1961 and there have been instances of people taking a shit on stage calling it performance art. If a country like Japan had the economic sensibilities of Singapore they would have taken over the world.

Anyway, Welcome to steemit!
The platform is going to seriously grow so if you want to buy some STEEM, now is the best time.
consider following @haejin @ew-and-patterns @freeforever if you are interested in cryptos.

I am a very kind and peaceful person. But these animals just do not deserve to live and be called people. In such cases it is necessary to help nature to make natural selection, removing this scum.

Я очень добрый и мирный человек. Но эти животные просто не заслуживают жить и называться людьми. В таких случаях нужно помогать природе делать естественный отбор, убирая эту мразь.

The thing with Evil is that it is self destructive. This is actually a problem with easy simple solutions. Keep the beasts quarantined. Keep them away from borders. Remove all favorable treatment and welfare. If they come in, they pay their way. If they can't prove themselves to be a positive contribution, deport them. Keep the border tough and secure. A country that has become prosperous can only fall from within. No one can help you or hurt you more than your own self. Individuals need to take charge and stand up.

All you have to do is remove welfare and put some guns around the borders. The bloodsuckers will take the path of least resistance and go somewhere else and eventualy run out of prosperity and remove themselves from human civilization like the Amazonian/African tribes they mostly resemble.

Ironic that all these #MeToo people would scream "haram" if you dared mention the 2015 rape gangs in Cologne Germany on New Years.

People who gather around non-issues will never take part in real issues.

this is just horrific that these monsters are shipped in by the bus load. western europe will have a very violent awakening soon.

Those who were sleeping woke up a long time ago. But you are not going to have an effect on those who are pretending to be sleeping.

Those people should be taken out in the streets and made an example of.

A world were some humans are heartless and Government policies can't help.

great post thank

Resteemed upvoted

vimukthi , you came out of nowhere and you are killing it in Steem with stunning content. This truly shows that when one is dedicated success does not take long to follow.

vimukthi is a straight shooter and I am glad to see that he continues to give solid advice.

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