Game Community PointBlank STEEMIT ID
Hello Steemit World.
I along with some friends I have agreed to create a Community STEEMIT ID in one of our pride game is game POINT BLANK where game POINT BLANK is one of our games everyday. I will invite all Steemit friends who play Game POINT BLANK to join our Community.
This is my CLAN Info.
My friends invite my friend @donny-indrapati to search my CLAN members who play BLOG STEEMIT if any members who do not use Social Media Steemit I do not allow them to join in one CLAN STEEMIT ID Community.
I purposely made my clan symbol similar to a fish. Because the whale's attention on this platform is very exciting for me. My plan will create a STEEMIT LOGO in CLAN STEEMIT ID but there is no such logo in GAME POINT BLANK.
I Bianconeri 1897 it is my friend @donny-indrapati
I and @donny-indrapati will recruit members who play BLOG STEEMIT to join CLAN POINT BLANK community.
FollowMe Here @vogard04
Nice post!
Thank you :)