SEC-S16-W4 | My Reflection In The Mirror [EN/ESP)

The mirror and I are no friends but no enemies either. If you are always labelled being the black sheep, the ugling duckling of the family there's no need to look in the mirror since whatever you see it's never someone you recognise.


In my house is one mirror above the sink. I have a broken pocket mirror (7 more years of bad luck?) and my youngest has one. We don't need more mirrors since we have windows and each other to check our clothes.

From a young age I never saw my face clearly but it's not different if it comes to other people. I have nothing with faces and need to force myself to study them. Recognizing a face is hard for me. It can be I am blind, I am not interested or? It's as if a face is a white spot like a blank sheet. I recognize people and animals by how they walk, act/behave, smell and speak and see only parts of their bodies and clothing. I always had that. I assume it's how my brain tricks me and protects me from seeing things.

If I look in the mirror the chance of seeing me is rare. I don't need a mirror to do my hair and makeup is not what I use. If I stand in front of the mirror I automatically close my eyes, I also do this if I'm painting which makes it hard(er) to paint.


The photo was taken by me. It was in a bathroom in a restaurant instead of a mirror. I think this is the face of my mother. She spent many hours in front of three mirrors. I will never ask a mirror who's the most beautiful person in the wide area since mirrors are not the same and lie. Without a heart a body is just an empty shell and it's easier to 'win' a beauty contest if the shell fits to the standards set. The queen knew that.

On those rare occasions, I can see others or myself I am shocked. If it comes to myself I have no idea who the face in the mirror is, that face I can see for a few seconds and sofar only saw a few times in my life.

It's hard to tell what I like about me. I have super long legs which makes finding fitting clothes hard, I have big eyes and always liked my teeth and breasts.

My biggest pain is my organs: the number one is my skin, next are my intestines. The number three is my feet because they always hurt even if I sit or lay down. I always felt like the little mermaid walking on knives just for me there's no reason to since I don't need to win over a guy, I already saved from drowning, his heart.

It's hard to say if my body is my temple, if it's a ruined one, the result of years of violation, and hunger, from the moment I was born. Bad DNA plays a role too and what I am suffering from is not only the result of those three but also of doctors messing up with my body and they added huge extra damage to it which I suffer from.
The damage can not be undone also not if it comes to my skin, my intestines and feet. So I live with it and my plus is I have a strong will, ignore and my pain level is high (which has a negative side too). For sure my soul isn't happy with its jacket but since it's all there is I make the best out of it.

I gave up on medication and doctors so my life as a disrespected rat lab and victim is over. I can honestly say I have never felt better and indeed I live with more than one pain but I consider myself healthy.
My eldest (a model) told me she's scared to get old but after we met she also said she feels relieved since I don't look old so I guess I look good enough to encourage her to live on and my soul is doing the good looking. Ancient souls can look young.

Altogether, I am satisfied with the person I am and to me, the body is just a temporary shell. It helps that I don't feel the need to please anyone except myself which is clearly enough because I still attract admirers and... stalkers.

My weight is fine (175 cm/57 kg) so I have nothing to complain about, although I still struggle to find the right clothes (trousers are not my thing). I am getting older but it doesn't feel I changed and all I wonder is if I ever been young. I don't think so but at least I have rights and the freedom to live my way.

Since I can't see myself, or others, I can never paint a picture of what a face looks like, it makes me a bad witness if it comes to looks but I still could have been a sculptor. Btw, most of my other senses work perfectly, smell is one of them.

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Photos: taken by me 
Translation: google - free
I am a mobile phone user only


@pousinha @khursheedanwar @yuceetoria @pecintabunga20 @fadthalib

See contest by @venezolanos

Mi reflejo en –y en relación con– El Espejo

El espejo y yo no somos amigos pero tampoco enemigos. Si siempre te etiquetan como la oveja negra, el patito feo de la familia, no hace falta que te mires al espejo, ya que veas lo que veas nunca es alguien a quien reconoces.

En mi casa solo hay un espejo encima del lavabo. Tengo un espejo de bolsillo roto (7 años más de mala suerte) y mi hijo menor tiene uno. No necesitamos más espejos ya que tenemos ventanas y entre nosotros para revisar nuestra ropa.

Desde muy joven nunca vi mi cara con claridad pero no es diferente si se trata de otras personas. No tengo nada con caras y necesito obligarme a estudiarlas. Reconocer una cara me resulta difícil. Puede ser que sea ciego, que sea una manera de protegerme o que no me interese. Es como si una cara fuera una mancha blanca como una hoja en blanco. Reconozco a las personas y los animales por cómo caminan, actúan/se comportan, huelen y hablan y veo sólo partes de sus cuerpos y ropa. Siempre tuve eso. Supongo que así es como mi cerebro me engaña y me protege de ver cosas.
Entonces, si me miro al espejo, la posibilidad de verme es rara. No necesito un espejo para peinarme y no uso maquillaje. Si me paro frente al espejo, automáticamente cierro los ojos, también hago esto si estoy pintando, lo que hace que sea más difícil pintar.


La foto fue tomada por mí. Estaba en el baño de un restaurante en lugar de en un espejo. Creo que esta es la cara de mi madre. Pasó muchas horas frente a tres espejos. Nunca le preguntaré a un espejo quién es la persona más bella del área amplia ya que los espejos no son iguales y mienten.
Sin corazón, el cuerpo es sólo una cáscara vacía y es más fácil "ganar" un concurso de belleza si la cáscara se ajusta a los estándares establecidos. La reina lo sabía.

En esas raras ocasiones, puedo ver a los demás o a mí mismo y me sorprende. Si se trata de mí mismo, no tengo idea de quién es la cara en el espejo, esa cara la puedo ver por unos segundos y hasta ahora solo la he visto unas pocas veces en mi vida.

Es difícil decir lo que me gusta de mí. Tengo piernas súper largas, lo que dificulta encontrar ropa que me quede bien, tengo ojos grandes y siempre me gustaron mis dientes y mis pechos.

Mi mayor dolor son mis órganos: el número uno es mi piel, el siguiente son mis intestinos y el número tres mis pies porque siempre me duelen aunque me siente o me acueste. Siempre me sentí como la sirenita caminando sobre cuchillos solo por mí no hay razón ya que no necesito conquistar a un chico, ya salvé de ahogarse, su corazón.

Es difícil decir si mi cuerpo es mi templo si es un templo arruinado, resultado de años de violación y hambre, desde el momento en que nací. El ADN defectuoso también influye y lo que estoy sufriendo no es solo el resultado de esos tres, sino también de que los médicos arruinaron mi cuerpo y agregaron el daño adicional que sufro.

Este daño no se puede deshacer. No si se trata de mi piel, mis intestinos y mis pies. Así que vivo con eso y mi ventaja es que tengo una voluntad fuerte y puedo ignorar muchas cosas, además mi nivel de dolor es alto (lo cual también tiene un lado negativo).

Renuncié a los medicamentos y a los médicos, por lo que mi vida como rata de laboratorio irrespetada y víctima se acabó. Honestamente puedo decir que nunca me he sentido mejor y de hecho vivo con más de un dolor pero me considero saludable.
Mi hija mayor (una modelo) me dijo que tiene miedo de envejecer, pero después de que nos conocimos también dijo que se siente aliviada porque no parezco vieja en absoluto, así que supongo que me veo lo suficientemente bien como para animarla a seguir viviendo y dejar que el alma haga. los guapos ya que las almas antiguas pueden parecer jóvenes.

En general, estoy satisfecho con la persona que soy y para mí el cuerpo es sólo un caparazón temporal. Ayuda el hecho de que no siento la necesidad de complacer a nadie excepto a mí mismo, lo cual está bastante claro porque todavía atraigo admiradores y... acosadores.

Mi peso está bien (175 cm/58 kg), así que no tengo nada de qué quejarme, aunque todavía me cuesta encontrar la ropa adecuada (los pantalones no son lo mío). Me estoy haciendo mayor pero no siento que haya cambiado y lo único que me pregunto es si alguna vez fui joven. No me parece.

Como no puedo verme a mí mismo ni a los demás, nunca puedo pintar un cuadro de cómo es una cara, me convierte en un mal testigo en lo que respecta a las apariencias, pero aún así podría haber sido escultor. Por cierto, la mayoría de mis otros sentidos funcionan perfectamente, el olfato es uno de ellos.



#venezolanos-s16w4 #steemexclusive #club5050 #burnsteem25 #kittywu #holland #thoughts


Definitivamente el don de la escritura lo tienes y relleno en este caparazón llamado cuerpo también. Somos tantas cosas y la vez no somos nada, somos nuestro pasado que nos ha moldeado a lo que somos hoy en día. Y hoy en día seremos lo que disfrutaremos en el futuro. Por lo que puedo intuir en muchos de tus escrito es que la resiliencia es parte de ti, que te has podido sobreponer a tanta penumbras. Y siempre ahí, dando al mundo hermosas palabras y por lo que veo hasta con tus hijos lo eres. Yo se que no lo haces por ganar, pero tu escrito se merece el primer lugar. Un gran, gran abrazo.

Thank you so much for your kind words dear friend. Me and my children, we frequently talk about the hardships people endure, do overcome and how to turn it into something positive. Life isn't easy and perhaps I am a crazy lost soul but to me writing is creating, it's a way to survive, I guess, and the best reward is to receive a compliment like yours.

A warm hug to you. 🍀💕

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You are welcome. All the best.


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What a great post you have written....!!
It seems that it is written by a professional writer.

Agree that bodies of human are just like empty shell because if inside there is no beauty then how much you see your beautiful reflection into the mirror you are not at all beautiful but you believe that from inner self you are beautiful but you have also describe the that in your body you really like your teeth and your big eyes. Most painful things in your body are your organs especially your skin, your intestines as well as after several treatments by Doctors you don't feel any relief in you but still you like yourself and it seems that you have a lot of will power and self esteem in you which is a great thing...

Thank you so much for inviting me.. I would definitely take part into this engagement challenge but I have already posted my entry for today in an engagement challenge so according to rules now after passing 24 hours I can participate in another one so hopefully it would be my next target to participate in it....

Good luck in challange dear 💕

You know today was the first time I heard it is only allowed to participate in one contest a day? If you wrote your entry feel free to tag me. I like to read you.

It's just as you said: what the mirror shows is rarely the true us. Did you notice not all mirrors show the same?

With a messed up body it's possible to have a good life and shine unless it rules life. It's not what I want for me or my family but I stay away from doctors as long as posdible. 😉

Thank you so much for your kind words and compliment.

I wish you a great day and lots of lucks.
Blessings to you.

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Thank you so much for responding back at my comment and yes there's a rule that according to U:T:C timing there should be one engagement challenge post in 24 hours so that's great if you understand and know it from me.

Yes I told you agree with you and that was what I mean to say that every mirror cannot tell you truth about you. And one thing more I want to add that to see you then its not necessary to only see all reflection in the mirror. I am saying because if you really want to see your in real then you should always see inside you that what you are actually...!!

I can understand that you want to stay way from doctors and may be because you think you can take of yourself more better than doctors haha 😂

My pleasure to leave a comment and when I would take part in this challenge then surely I would love to tag you so that you may access my participation 🤗

Blessings to you too 💕

Thank you for your great acomment and answer. Today was my environment vs health entry now I need to write something 'normal' to destress. 😉

I'm always happy to read you.

A great, happy day to you.

My pleasure to give you a kind response 😊

Blessings to you ...
Enjoy a happy Friday 😁

Hello @wakeupkitty, what I understand is that the mirror has not been able to be your witness, you see very little of yourself in it and when you manage to see the animals you only see a shadow or a reflection, your feet hurt a lot day and night, but now You stopped the medications and you don't want to continue being a lab rat, all those things you say are sad.

Hi dear.
I do not consider it sad. I might be blind if it comes to how I and others look like but that's no problem to me. Is it a bad thing if looks do not matter but the inside/soul is?

It is my choice to stop with medication and like I said I feel way more healthy than ever before. The medication only harmed my body, harm that can not be undone.

Thank you for commenting.
A great day to you.

I completely agree, what matters is our interior and that is where the strength and motivation is to achieve our goals.

Leí con detenimiento tu post, el cual me hizo decir: Respeto a este ser humano, porque ella ha creado un mecanismo infalible para sobrevivir; y no es otro que su voluntad.

Esto me encantó:

Renuncié a los medicamentos y a los médicos, por lo que mi vida como rata de laboratorio irrespetada y víctima se acabó. Honestamente puedo decir que nunca me he sentido mejor y de hecho vivo con más de un dolor pero me considero saludable.

Un abrazo afectuoso.

We are only victims and patients if we consider ourselves to be one. I am a survivor not a victim amd if I consult a doctor I am a client! (I pay for a service) not a patient or free lab rat.

A warm hug to you. Thank you for your kindness. 🍀💕

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En efecto, no nos han educado ni para hablar con la verdad ni a llamar a las cosas por su nombre.

Educated not but still we get angry if we are lied to. Strange if you think about it.

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Estimado amigo una manera muy peculiar de concebir la vida a través de la no visión. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones.

Thank you very much for your comment. Blessings and luck to you.

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