SEC-S17W5: "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

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What's your take on reincarnation? Can you share what led you to this belief?

The concept of reincarnation is predominantly found in Eastern faiths such as Hinduism and Buddhism, where it is believed that upon death, the soul departs one vessel and inhabits another, repeating this cycle until final passage.

If I speak from an Islamic lens, our religion does not incorporate the notion of reincarnation or rebirth. Islam teaches that every person lives but a solitary life, and after demise, faces absolute accountability before Allah.

The Quran states:

"Every soul will taste death. And We test you ˹O humanity˺ with good and evil as a trial, then to Us you will ˹all˺ be returned." (Surah Al-Anbiya: 35)

This verse clearly states that death is a universal reality that everyone has to face, and after that, the journey of the Hereafter begins. This also clarifies that every human being will taste death only once, and after that, their return is only to Allah, not through reincarnation. Islam does not endorse that humans are reborn repeatedly, living manifold lives.

In Islam, it is also mentioned that on Judgment Day, all will be resurrected, and then held accountable. This day marks the commencement of the Hereafter, where each individual will either inhabit Paradise or Hell in accordance with their deeds (karma). According to Hadith and the Quran, human existence is a path to reach the final destination, not a cycle of rebirths recurring endlessly.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also gave clear teachings regarding life and death. He said:

"When the human being dies, his deeds end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him." (Sahih Muslim 1631)

This hadith also tells us that once we die, the cycle of our deeds ends, except for a few things we leave behind. In other words, there exists no opportunity to emend our deeds by living other lives.

One more important point is that there are common misconceptions regarding reincarnation and Islam, which often cause confusion among people. Chief among these is confusing the Day of Resurrection with reincarnation - they are distinct concepts.

On Judgment Day, all humanity shall face revival so each soul is accountable before God for its choices and conduct in life. This is a single event that occurs at the end of life. On the other hand, reincarnation proposes the perpetual rebirth of the soul to achieve spiritual perfection through successive lives, taking diverse forms to encounter new individuals in each new incarnation.

Do you hold the belief that our relationships are restored through reincarnation? Could you elaborate on this?

The idea of reincarnation is that the same soul comes back in new forms over and over in a creative and develop to perfection. In this continuous process (of soul meets different physical vessels with each new life span), it meets all new people.

But some theorists actually hold that certain especially near and dear souls with whom we have a special spiritual or emotional relationship might have encountered us before in different lives. The connections can and do indeed endure for more than one life; those who call them 'soul mates 'or 'twin flames' may say they last over several lifetimes.

Some people believe that in the next life, our relationships can be continued or are merely carried forward from one previous life to another. It is thought that the universe keeps sending us those who contribute to our spiritual growth time and again. In other words, if you had a special relationship in your previous life, the chances are that this will continue into your next life but under different circumstances and situations entirely.

Ultimately, if you believe in reincarnation, you may find it comforting that your important relationships can be with you in your next life as well. And if not, it is an interesting concept that provides another way of thinking about spiritual growth and personal evolution. However, it should be remembered that all this depends on beliefs and personal faith, and everyone has their own perspective on this matter. As a Muslim, I do not believe in reincarnation.

In the event of reincarnation, would you prefer to be reborn as you are in this life, or would you choose to live someone else's life? Please explain the reasoning behind your preference.

This is an interesting question. However, an important point here is that if reincarnation were to occur, would we be able to remember our past lives? If not, then what is the benefit of a life we did not experience or were not conscious of? And if yes, then can we learn from our past experiences?

Given the choice, then, I would probably prefer to have another chance to live my own life. Because I am proud of my experiences, my way, and what I have learned. Everyone has something good and bad in one’s life – and all this makes us stronger and wiser. If it had been possible, I would have taken all these experiences with me in another life to become a better person, to spend more time with my family and friends, and maybe even to make this world a little better.

But in the end, all of this is hypothetical, because according to my belief system based on Islam, there is no concept of reincarnation. We live only one life, and every moment, every experience of this life teaches us something. That is why it is most important to live this life to the fullest and be grateful for every moment.

I trust that you found the information in my article to be valuable. 😊

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 07-May-2024 | Achievement 1

I think both quran and the bible stated the same thing. After death is judgement. It is really hard for me to believe that someone can still be reincarnated even after death

 25 days ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Sabes que en una ocasión alguien me aseguró que la reencarnación y resurrección es lo mismo... Situación que me llevó a comprender que, debido a esta confusión es que en algunas culturas creen en esta teoría y, se les respeta pero, hay que aceptar que, una vida eterna en el planeta Tierra no es posible en ningún ser vivo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thanks for the comment. Reincarnation and resurrection are two different concepts, in my opinion.

 24 days ago 

পুনর্জন্ম আসলেই কি হয়। আমি মনে করি না এবং আমি এটা বিশ্বাস করি না এটা মানুষের একটি কল্পনার কথা যে মানুষ আবার কোন পুনজন্ম নিবে। আপনার পোস্টটি পড়ে আমার অনেক ভালো লাগলো ভালো থাকবেন সুস্থ থাকবেন।

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