#CLUB100 - Betterlife The Diary-Game [ Monday    February 21th, 2022 ] -  I'm Very Happy that Recognition of Past Learning in the Village Provides Opportunities to Post-Graduate for Professional Assistants Who Have Completed S1 (Bachelor)


Highlght20220221_133335.jpg>>I and my friends are very happy to read the rules about being able to continue studying at the Postgraduate level



Hi Steemian friends good afternoon. How are you? Hopefully we are all always healthy at all times and remain obedient to the health protocols because the corona is still around

Me and @tucsond, Alfadhir, You Hisayat learned about Village Past Learning Recognition (RPL Desa). We read together the contents of the legal umbrella at the location of the AA Coffee Shop in the village of Tanjong Minjei, Madat sub-district, East Aceh district.

120220221_135627.jpg>> We still have to keep learning to add knowledge


My friends and I are very happy with the Village Past Learning Recognition (RPL Desa) which was launched by giving one of them to professional assistants to return to post-graduate courses (S2) at recognized universities. We can register if we pass the selection, we will return to college to get course credit according to credits that must be completed until we prepare the final project. This opportunity is opened for key actors to people working on the development and empowerment of rural communities. Human resources are the main capital which is very important in order to manage natural resources successfully so as to improve the welfare of rural communities. Take advantage and let's register to attend lectures at the level according to the continuing education that we have obtained to the level above it again. Higher education that we can take ranging from Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate to:

220220221_141637.jpg>> I and @tucsond are training Village Facilitators on how to meet the needs of non-Sarpras reports, this is the task as professional assistants to continue learning in the field


PerpetratorCan register to take part in the Village RPL selection
Village Head
Village officials starting from Kaur, Kadus, Village Secretary, Gampong Treasurer
Tuha Peut
Professional assistants (TPP) ranging from Local Village Assistants (PLD), Village Assistants (PD) District Experts (TA Kab), and Provincial Experts, Management Consultants
Village Owned Enterprise Management from chairman, secretary and treasurer
Village community empowerment activists starting from Karang Taruna, Posyandu Cadre, KPMD Cadre and others who are involved as empowerment actors in the village️ ✔

320220221_114826.jpg>>When our car crossed the steel frame bridge

420220221_114155.jpg>> I and my friends relax for a while when we are tired from a long journey


The second goal is to go to the Master Cafe in the Keude Baro village, Pante Bidari district. Here we drink cold tea while chatting with Jufri, Bustami and Nova Mutia as PD and Yusni as PLD. The discussion is still enthusiastic about taking advantage of the opportunity to continue formal education, for us it is good to be able to work while studying. Especially if there are donors who finance the tuition with scholarships from third-party funding sources according to the guidelines we see in the Village RPL

Keep learning without stopping because science continues to advance. The government has opened up opportunities for learning so that we can continue studying. Let's learn to be smart human resources to remote villages



Friendship greetings from my new Steemian to: Leader, Manager, Admin and STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE Mod
Special greetings to all my Steemian friends

That's what I wrote today and I hope it's useful

About me 👉@waterjoe


