Spring Flowers- Dandelions- Part 18

in #nature6 years ago

Spring Flowers- Dandelions- Part 18


Dandelions are mostly known as weeds but they are flowering plants that are in the family Asteraceae. They can grow to be 17" tall and you can find dandelions worldwide. They got their name from a french word "dent de lion" (lions tooth) because the edges of the leaves are "toothed." At the base of the stem, the leaves form a rosette.

The flowers eventually turn into a ball of seeds. On a windy day, the fluff attached to each seed can carry them up to 5 miles before they land.

Birds eat the seeds of dandelions, and butterflies and insects eat/drink the nectar.

Next time you get discouraged about these weeds/plants, remember their benefits which are many. Dandelions help the quality of the soil because they increase the amount of nitrogen and other minerals. You can make tea, wine and root beer using the dandelion. They have an abundance of vitamins A, C and K, and also iron, calcium and potassium.

More spring flowers to come, so stay tuned. Thanks for looking!

Information Source: dandeliondelight.com, softschools.com

Image Source: 100% own work.


Handy dandies abound today! 🌿
How pretty yours are @whatisnew!
So many uses, it's a shame most are
sprayed. Interesting how they got their
name, I didn't know that :-)

"handy dandies"...LOL!
I never thought that I would hear that dandelions are pretty and I thank you for that.
Yay! You learned something from me today and you know how much I love that! : )

WOW! I love these flowers! They are very beautiful with bright yellow color. I love them even more when they turn into a ball of seeds in white color. Really amazing!

Oh! They have a lot of benefits, as well. Very great flowers that I would love to have in my garden, too.... ;)

I have to laugh because most people think of dandelions as an obnoxious weed. LOL! Plant one and they will take over your garden and lawn.
But I am glad you like them. I thought you would like the white puff-ball of seeds. : )

Ah! Yes, I knew that the dandelions are considered as weed, but I think they are beautiful and I love them both in yellow and white color! ;D

Nice pictures, camera working well.

Thanks! I am still using the old camera photos. I will be posting with old and new tonight.

It will never stop impressing us the perfection of nature and the balance it establishes among all its actors: it transports seeds to other places, it benefits the birds, the butterflies, the insects and the human being. There's no waste.
Thanks for the information @whatisnew

My pleasure @cjao20! Nature sure is amazing! : )

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