2020 Opinions... Mine change as the story develops
It's all about perspective:
We all have views on current topics, here's mine.
CHAZ is mostly Seattle Street People making art, discussing politics and they are trespassers not terrorists. Some are artists and street vendors, and some are drug addicts and many other things. They don't have one mind and one agenda.
Flags are symbolic sheets of cloth often made in China. The colors on them and the meaning can be personal. This goes for both flag debates.
Statues are works of art and can also mean different things to different people. We don't learn or change history looking at art. We might be able to understand the artists perspective. History will not die with or without them.
I choose to not hate groups of people based on skin color, sexual orientation, jobs or country of origin, make your own choices, silencing people doesn't change hearts and minds.
The billionaires are winning while some of you fight to the death in the streets.
Masks are dirty and suffocating, I will wear them only when and where I am specifically asked to. The curve will not change either way, only the timeline. I am certainly not going to fight with my friends about it or tell you what to do.
It is not more dangerous to support a small business than it is to protest. Both things are valuable, American and important to all of us.
A spike in positive cases is not the same as a huge second wave of Covid. Please see the data, factor in testing.
Your post telling me what I need to do in order to not be "blocked or unfriended" annoys the shit out of me.
It's my belief that a huge number of people are being manipulated by a number of different points of view to further other people's agenda.
All of these topics can be interesting to discuss, but hardly anyone wants to be told what to think.
What are your opinions?
I will normally just "snooze" people that do that just because it is a very egotistical thing to say and that person is probably a serious keyboard activist that is just going to blow up whatever social media they can with drama.
I'm with you on the masks. Thankfully they have all but been completely eliminated where I live.
That's great. They keep bringing up new regulations here, it is insanity