Don't tell private businesses who to serve

in #racism7 years ago

 Telling private business owners who they have to serve and what they have to make is not Freedom nor human rights. 

It is sacrificing Freedom from one group to another.

With that being said, if you discriminate on basis of sexual orientation or race 

Screw you and let's hang a sign so that those of us who are appalled can never frequent your store.

We will not combat Sexism, Racist or Homophobia with laws, they are the product of broken people, not crimes. 


So true, well said @whatsup. I have been subject to being victimized due to racist. Stand up for your rights and not be afraid to speak up.


I agree with your points @whatsup. I'm working with my office has different kind of peoples. I have seen some head of departments seek sexism from youngest beauty ladies. Always try to attracted and give some extra works and extra income if these ladies like to their boss needed. I can't acceptable. Fortunately My workplace no suffering from racism. Please be brave and stand up for your human rights.

I agree 100%. My workplace is completely diverse and I love it. I once had a guest ask why there are so many homosexual people working here. I said "I know it's great isn't it?" I'm not gay or anything like that but I can't stand people that flaunt their strong opinions when those opinions are just.......wrong.

racism on any basis is not good it makes me sad

"We will not combat Sexism, Racist or Homophobia with laws, they are the product of broken people, not crimes."
Exactly correct! All those are products of broken people and when you meet someone belongs to these categories (one or all) better you broke him before he broke you!


@whatsup - I'm a lady also... I never want to work under or with Sexism, Racist or Homophobia people.... Hard to find job places with such all requirements.... But I'm doing my best to keep the distance with such people.... I won't be a pray of their broken minds....

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Work place harassment based on Sexism, Racist or Homophobia can be seen in many of the south Asian countries as well (as per my experience) and it is common in every where.

Totally agreed with you @whatsup "We will not combat Sexism, Racist or Homophobia with laws, they are the product of broken people, not crimes. "

We should make a social awareness about this matter, Specialty in my part of the world, since most of the victims (mostly women) will not raised their voice due to many reasons, such as cultural, physically weak to fight against it, not educated about the laws, .. etc..


We will not combat Sexism, Racist or Homophobia with laws, they are the product of broken people, not crimes.

"Lol, Americans" - the rest of the world

Human rights are the most important thing. I do not like job environment where we’re dominated by bosses