Virus, Bones and Making Broth...

in #virus4 years ago

It was a beautiful 70F day here in WA. We are surprisingly still on voluntary quarantine, I fully expected to be on full lockdown by now.

Still we are staying away from others except immediate family and an occasional trip to the store. That did not eliminate going for a walk along the river which was peaceful and the people were few and far between.

Last week I ordered a Ninja Foodi Deluxe and it came in yesterday. So, after our walk I roasted a chicken and was only slightly disappointed in how it came out.

My chicken didn't look like the recipe, but it was pretty good!

(this isn't really mine, but it looked close)

After dinner I picked the chicken and made some awesome bone broth in the Ninja cooker.

Here is the recipe I used and I highly recommend it.

Here are some of the potential benefits of consuming bone broth and why I am making it now for daily consumption. I don't have control of the virus, but I do control my immune system.

Bone Broths are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They’re packed with nutrients and taste absolutely delicious,

  • They pack in amino acids like cysteine, arginine and glutamine which help boost immunity.
  • There’s solid scientific evidence to confirm that they also alleviate the symptoms of common cold and cough.
  • Some experts also believe that bone broths can help strengthen the bones and teeth by offering the body a myriad of nutrients including vitamins A, C, K and B, as well as zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Adding more of it to your diet can also help lower the levels of inflammation in the body, and can offer pain relief for individuals suffering from joint pain and arthritis.
  • In addition, bone broths have also been found to keep blood sugar levels in check, normalize the stomach acid, boost digestive health and even improve sleep quality.

While we still have plenty of food here, they are also great on the budget and provide extra meals and nutrition from any chicken dinner.

How are you spending your time? What is the situation near you?



I could use some bone broth my immune system is pretty weak I always get sick, as soon as one of my kids or someone in my household gets sick its a wrap for me.

not to mention soups made from bone broth are sooo much better than any made with the additive ladened commercial broths.

Still winter here, but life on the blockchain is busy.
Take care.

Someone once said, 'Today's unpopular opinion is tomorrow's wisdom'.

I've been 'on the bone broth' for years now, (off and on) and all the beneficial effects that you mentioned above are very true...

Ok, it's old wisdom forgotten in the modern age, but I'm claiming wisdom and sticking to it!

East side of the state is quite nice right now too. Almost hit 60 here yesterday.

We have the instapot and regularly cook chickens in it. I have found it to be a super easy way of doing a roast, potatoes, rice, and all sorts of other foods. Lots of times Costco would have the fryer chickens for a good price (before the quarantine and freakout) which made for a really easy meal.

It's interesting this whole quarantine ordeal as I rarely leave the property so these days have pretty much been like any other for me. The world is freaking out and I am here watching the birds chirp, the eagle making noise and flying around, the ducks and chickens foraging the farm, the boys playing.

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Iowa is not on total lockdown but most the list of businesses closing completely are growing. People are all set on toilet paper and so now they are hoarding cereal, peanut butter, pasta, all kinds of pantry type food. The least expensive of these went first. We felt like we were in a movie when we stopped by the local grocery store. Walmart is really getting hit with trying to keep the shelves stocked. We are restricted now in the number of an item we can purchase at a time. No worries for us. We are just two people. We have plenty. No need to go nuts. If food becomes that much of an issue it would be time to bug out. Most people are working from home here and/or are on some sort of paid leave. People are being good about staying home. Everyone is behaving well in my apartment building. So far, Iowa is doing okay except for restricted testing and increasing number of severe cases. Iowa is doing a really poor job of testing and getting people early help. You have to be half dead for any kind of help or a test. There are people turning to the local news who have been diagnosed by their doctor with low oxygen levels and have all the symptoms complaining they can't get tested. They are told if they get worse they will be. Well, they will be in big trouble by then ! This is how Iowa is keeping the case numbers down. There is NO surveillance testing. NONE. We are told by the governor that we have 600 or so tests, I forget the exact number, for the entire state and that's it right now.

Hubby is working from home and we are all tucked in. So far, we are doing fine.

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