Welcome to 2020.7... Or As Some Call it JULY

in #covid195 years ago

Welcome to July!


I prefer to call it 2020.7

Things are better, deaths are down, not just down, but way down.

The current spike in positive cases is due to increased testing. They are also counting positive antibody tests as new cases, because they have to be captured for accurate statistics. Many of the current "new" cases are not ill. This is not a conspiracy, it is just the way data works when you have a small sample to work with.

Doctors are making excellent progress on treating Covid and the survival rate is improving even for those who do become very ill. We are also learning how increased and prolonged exposure to Covid makes transmission more likely.

Remember this is a new virus and we are learning.

The largest spikes in cases have been in states that had low numbers, thus the test results have a bigger impact on the overall count. (small data sample problem)

Watch the data, Covid is real and it is deadly for some. A calm and rational approach is best, be diligent, but not afraid.

Please look at the data with your own eyes and don't react to words like SPIKE, SPREAD, without seeing what they are really talking about.

It's a shame this has turned into a political issue, instead of focusing on a calm, rational response.

Happy 4th of July weekend!


What I do find interesting in all this is that some of the hardest hit places like Italy, Spain, France, Germany (pop. 250+ M people between them)... have not only gone from having a huge problem to just a few hundred new cases a day, but now are also sending thousands home, just telling them to take aspirin, vitamin C and D and to rest... and they are recovering.

Here, we seem to be fumbling around with most people's heads firmly inserted where there is no sunshine. And now governor Jay has made businesses responsible for not allowing people without masks onto their premises....

Anyway, Happy July 4th weekend to you!

I honestly think our media and some politicians are enjoying the attention/ratings and don't mind they are scaring people to death.