Where Were You Made and Do You Have a Complex?
If you’ve haven’t been living under a rock, then you already know, that America has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. Surprisingly, many of whom are now women. On a side note Thomas Robert Malthus, believed there weren’t enough resources on this earth for everyone - and que population control and positive checks ( you know - war, famine, and birth control), which kind of resembles a sugar coated version of eugenics (remember the science of cleansing humanity of unfavorable traits and also that nasty little science that Nazi Germany, used on Jews). According to sfgate.com, “elements of the philosophy were enshrined as national policy by forced sterilization and segregation laws, as well as marriage restrictions, enacted in 27 states.”
Angela Davis is quoted as saying, “I think it is important to realize that this is not just a US phenomenon, it’s a global phenomenon. The increasing shift of capital from human services, from housing, jobs, education, to profitable arenas has meant there are huge numbers of people everywhere in the world who are not able to sustain themselves. They are made surplus, and as a result they are often forced to engage in practices that are deemed criminal. And so prisons pop up all over the world, often with the assistance of private corporations who profit from these surplus populations.”
According to the UN Division for the Advancement of Women, in many countries, ‘racialized women, including indigenous women, represent the fastest growing segment of the prison population’.
The prison industrial complex profits enormously. Let’s see there’s commissary networks + food distributors + telecommunications networks + uniforms + ‘health care,’ cheap labor from prisoners (we promise your sentence will be reduced), and the bail bonds industry = big bucks and what many say is modern slavery.
It has been reported, that between 2005 and 2011 women inmates in California, where sterilized against their consent. The sentencingproject.org suggests, that the high rates of incarceration for women are “the result of more expansive law enforcement efforts, stiffer drug sentencing laws, and post-conviction barriers to reentry that uniquely affect women.” One major and obvious barrier, which includes discriminating against female inmates, who are seeking to get back into the workforce. This becomes a civil disability for the individual, which also leads to the disruption of a women’s voting rights, women are prevented from being placed on juries, or holding it down in public office.
So what’s up with these numbers – just re-visit Thomas Robert Malthus theory and a tidbit of info from “the International Centre for Prison Studies, the number of women in prison increased between 2000 and the beginning of 2013 by over 40 per cent. This compares to an increase in the world population of 16 per cent in the same period.”
When the masses become larger and more difficult to control, then some members of the one percent employ ‘constructive methods’ to help out the rest of their fellow human beings.
Concluding, “Darwin considered that some of the competitors in Malthus' perpetual struggle would be better equipped to survive. Those that were less able would die out, leaving only those with the more desirable traits.”
My question is “How much of life is constructed and how much is chance?”
More free labor. $1 a day and it's 2017? RIGHT!