I can't stop playing Diablo 3 (and this is a good thing)

in #gaming3 years ago

I talked about this game quite some time ago because in a rare turn of events, Blizzard actually decided to participate in the specials that the PlayStation store has during their monthly promotions. I think I was able to get the game for less than $10, It may have been $5. I don't remember.

When I first talked about it a month or two ago, it was a less-than-glowing review because I found it to be repetitive and boring. The other day I was getting sick of the slow gameplay in Days Gone and Diablo just happened to be one of the games that was still installed on my PS4 menu. It might have been late or I might have been drunk but for some reason I decided that I had it in me to play it a bit more.


I'm pretty sure the "Ultimate Evil" edition in the latest one as far as DLC is concerned because I spoke to a friend online about how the Necromancer basically doesn't even have to do anything (the minions do all the work) and he mentioned that on his version, the Necromancer didn't exist. I went with Necromancer because I have always enjoyed classes that had pets or minions in whatever type of game that it is.

I got bored with Diablo 3 a few months ago because I put the game on "Hard" and bashed through the entire campaign without dying at all except for one time on the very final boss of the game. This only happened because I had gotten so accustomed to never taking damage that I didn't realize I was standing on a spot in the playfield that was covered with poison, fire, and electricity all at once. I respawned and easily defeated him on my send try.


I was already surprised at that point the the battle with Diablo wasn't actually the final battle of the game. Perhaps it was in the original release but I don't know because as usual, I was very late to the party as far as playing this game at all is concerned.

When I fired the game up again a few days ago or a week ago or whatever it was, I hadn't even tried any of the higher-level stuff on the game but instead just wandered around the town to discover that there were bounties that you could do for rewards. The harder the difficulty, the better the rewards would be. I am currently doing them on the 2nd from hardest setting and I guess I am geared up properly because I am max level and as of yet, there is very little that I face that comes even close to killing me. The only times that I do die normally has something to do with me standing in a pool of some sort of "damage over time" stuff just like my one and only death on the playthrough on "Hard".


I haven't done any multiplayer yet because I don't like playing games with strangers online because a lot of those people can be toxic as hell and I only have 1 real life friend in my list of friends on my PS4. There have been other random people that have tried to add me but I declined all the time. Thankfully, he already has this game so perhaps we will be giving this a go at some point in the not-too-distant future.

I can't really imagine that it is necessary to have friends with you since as it stands now I am tearing through the various higher-level challenges on my own pretty easily. I think the game is now just a question of completing all of season tasks and at the moment I am at level 4. This is yet again a feature that I didn't even know existed until i finished the game and later fired it back up out of boredom.

At the moment I am really enjoying Nephalem rifts which as far as I can tell is some of the more difficult content in the game. I haven't tried the hardest level ones yet, but I am working my way up.


Completing these rifts normally will include massive loot drops at the end and maybe a treasure goblin or two as well, which is always a welcome addition for finding new and better gear.

At the end of the day Diablo 3 does exactly what it has always done and that is to encourage you to continue playing long after you have hit max level by including other stats that you can increase after you have already started thinking that you've done it all. I had this opinion when I first got to the "end" and man oh man was I wrong.

This is one of those games that I will likely be playing for quite some time into the future because it is as casual as you want it to be (put the game on "Hard" once you are level 70, equip a shield and then just run through the entire level whilst attacking nothing... they cant hurt you) or it can be painfully difficult with lots of death on your part until you finally admit that "Ok, I put this up a notch higher than I can actually handle."

I'm saying this as a guy that has only played the game with a single character type as well. There is so much more to be seen and I see myself getting well over the $10 worth of gameplay out of this.


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