Really bad games: Crazy Frog Racer 2 on PS2
You've probably not heard of this game and trust me, you are better off because of it. It is a game that someone out there thought would be a good idea to make because of the popularity of an extremely stupid song that somehow managed to be everywhere in the world. If you are not familiar with the "Crazy Frog Song" you are probably also better off in this ignorance but if you want to make your ears bleed by all means go and look that one up. Unbelievably this absurdly dumb song made it to number one in most of Europe in the early 2000's. All they did was remix old popular songs and have some voice changer to mimic a sound of a "crazy frog" and millions of people bought the albums. Was this when society began its plunge into idiocracy? It very well could be.
Anyway, this game was something that a friend of mine actually managed to buy because his kid was a big fan of the irritating song.

includes crazy frog music??? all the reason I need to skip it
Despite my rather intense hatred for the song (and there were other songs released by the same people that I thankfully never heard) I couldn't control my morbid curiosity about what this game would be all about. It was released on a number of platforms including the PS2 which by the way is still the best selling console by far.

It had a lot in common with many other "3D" racing games at the time but had one major difference: It was almost unplayable because of the way in which the courses were presented. Wild turns would come out of nowhere and the camera angles made it almost impossible to predict which direction the course was heading in the distance. Since a great deal of the game involved jumping from one street platform to another in the distance, this frequently resulted in you simply flying off the track.

This frustration was compounded by the fact that you, playing as the frog appear to be riding on nothing at all and unlike the other racers on the track you seem to simply have the ability to levitate. Oh, and did I mention that the soundtrack is all "Crazy Frog" songs? When I was playing I went into options in order to turn the music off almost immediately but in the end it didn't much matter because I stopped playing less than 15 minutes later.
This game is flat-out awful yet somehow managed to have 2 versions and as you would expect, there were plenty of other idiots out there that also bought this game. One reviewer at IGN summed up how I, and presumably everyone else felt about the game when he said "Despite not looking like the ocular abortion that one would expect, I still wouldn't even wish it upon my worst enemy."
Skip to around the 3:30 mark and see how long it takes for you to feel nauseous from the jerky controls. Urgh! Such bad memories that I am glad I only endured for a quarter of an hour.
My friend said that his kid played the game for about as long as I did and he was even more frustrated than I was because kids as young as his was tend to have even lessor controller capabilities than I do.
This was a strange period of time I guess because the tremendous popularity of the PS2 seemed to relax their licensing and if someone could think of just about anything, Playstation was going to greenlight the production of any old turd of a game that anyone wanted to make.
The PS2 gaming era was an amazing time but there were plenty of terrible games on it and if were to make a personal top 10 of the worst games ever made (taking into mind the capabilities of the system it was made on) I believe that this would be in my top-10 of the worst games ever made on any system.
If you had the misfortune of playing this awful game I'd like to hear about it. I'm still traumatized by those few minutes of gameplay nearly 15 years later.
Wanna throw up? Download the ROM of this game for free here
Just the thought of that song is sending my anxiety levels through the roof.
A ding ding ding ding ding ding....... AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
hahaha, sorry about that pal. We as a species will listen to anything wont we? i haven't been involved in pop music for quite some time and now that radio doesn't really exist anymore I don't even know what is popular. I hope it isn't crap like this though.
Ha ha. I still listen to the radio most days but it's normally "Greatest Hits Radio" which is pretty much everything between 1960 and 2000.
I downloaded the Top 40 when the-toddler gorilla was born (just over 3 years ago) and you know you're old when every song sounds the same! I haven't done it since the-baby-gorilla was born - I really should get on with doing this now!
This was No. 1 in the UK when the-toddler-gorilla was born.
I eagerly await your opinion!