The Role of Parents in Child Education

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Family psychologist Anna Surti Ariani (Nina) reveals that the role of the family is very important in the development and education of children. "Talking about children's education is certainly not just about teaching children to be able to do something or think something. It also involves making children more mature and mature individuals, for life in the long term, for the rest of their lives, not just when they are in school. That is, the role of the family becomes very large, because it is associated with all aspects of development and education of children, "said Nina.

Then, what else should we pay attention to and apply everyday to support children's education?

The urge for parents to be more involved in the education of their children is now intensified by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) RI, which now also has Directorate of Family Education Development. Kemdikbud pages are now made more interesting, informative, and friendly for parents. In fact, there is a Family Friends page. On various occasions, the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education (Mendikbud) RI, Anies Baswedan, emphasized the importance of family roles as a supporter of children's education. Parents are not just invited to be more involved, should not be ignorant and leave educational affairs to teachers in school alone, but also apply education and nurture that fosters for their children. Again and again, Anies reminds us of the brilliant ideas of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, the father of Indonesian education, which emphasizes the concept of family-based education.

Educational expert Bukik Setiawan, in his book Not Blank Paper, writes 3 thoughts of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, one of which is the importance of family roles in the education of children. The family is the center of education. Parents may be able to delegate teaching to experts, but child education remains the responsibility of parents. The role of parents is not replaced by schools, educational institutions, or talent agencies. Bukik reminds us of the writings of Ki Hadjar who said, "The point of education must lie in the lap of the father's mother, for only these two men can pity the child in his purity and sincerity, for his love for his children virtually unlimited love. "

Some mothers who share stories with Parenting Indonesia agree that parents should take the biggest role in implementing education for their children, no matter how busy they are with work. They graciously share portions or roles and complement each other. "Husbands roughly hone their children's motors by getting kids to exercise, while I'm more into fine motor, for example, but the child can learn with whom he likes, maybe sometime with me, on other occasions with his father. "said Maya Safrina, a housewife, mama from Dira (10).

Meanwhile, Dian Putri, mama of Dafi (9), emphasizes more on the division of portion in the affairs of 'software' child. "As a mama, my biggest portion is as a motivator of child morality, compassion, and empathy. Meanwhile, as a father, my husband has a role in shaping the soul of responsibility, discipline, role model in attitude and the formation of strong and courageous character, especially since our son is male, "said Dian.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

February 19, 2018
