Distance a barrier in Relationship?

in OCD4 years ago

A relationship is a gem or should I say a tool used to describe a connection between two or more persons.

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Many relationships have ended because of long-distance. For some, it is as a result of the infidelity of their partners while they were away and maybe for others, they could not bear the loneliness that comes with long-distance relationships. Yet, some relationships have weathered the storm of long-distance and still survived.

To me “Distance is not necessarily a barrier where true love exists”, but where the foundation of a relationship is not built on true love, it will definitely collapse. For a man, he will have to battle the temptation that the ladies he sees around pose to him. Moreover, men are moved by what they see. In the case of the woman, she also has to battle with the men that will come around to compliment her looks, shower her with care and attention.

Notwithstanding, I believe where there is a will, there is a way! So if both parties are determined, they can make the best of a long-distance relationship if they truly understand the amount of willingness and continuous commitment it requires to stay in a relationship with someone and not be distracted. A long-distance relationship is not a barrier to having a healthy relationship rather an avenue to build trust and a stronger relationship.

I believe for any relationship to survive the storms of long-distance, both parties must define their relationship accordingly.

In my opinion, I believe there some things or should I say factors one must consider for a long-distance relationship to function effectively and one of them is communication. Communication is one major factor to determine the effectiveness and life of a long-distance relationship.

Thanks for reading.

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