A Series Of The Lessons I've Learnt from Life..Part A

in #lifelessons7 years ago

Image - Flickr CCO(Creative Commons)

Surfing the net today, I came across this quote,

Youth is wasted on the young.

For reasons not know to me, this had a deeper connection to me, so it got me thinking about a lot of things, mostly about life in general. I thought about what I had achieved so far, the moments and situations that had made who I am now, and if I were to go to the great beyond, what I would be remembered for.

And I realized that so much of life is wasted on worry, regret, pain, and heartache. Yes, some of this is inevitable and necessary. But we often spend too much of our time sweating over these things.

Ultimately after the end of the quote induced life tour, I was at the finish line which was the lessons I had learnt. Most of which was learned after years of pain and anger. There was no one to teach me this, maybe because there was no one to talk to about it. But I'm here now and there are more lessons to learn, hopefully, someone's story would teach me these lessons the easy way.

The truth is some lessons must be learned through experience, but you don't have to suffer bad emotions or wait until you're old to become aware of what's truly meaningful and worthwhile. You simply need the curiosity and desire for personal growth. And once you learn some of these lessons, you can apply them in your life at any age and enjoy the happiness and added wisdom it brings.

So I decided to start a series to share the lessons I have learnt so far in life.
Here are some of them, most came the hard way:

Life is now.

Most time, we keep waiting for that amazing experience or dream to happen in the future that will be the key to our happiness. That dream job, that dream car that dream account balance.
But this is it. Right now. Life is a series of right now's, a series of today's that never end. So learn to love right now, learn to appreciate what you have now while hoping for a better and you'll have an amazing life.

Relationships rule.

At the end of the day, what matters most are the people in our lives. I have a friend, her mother keeps on saying this same story, over and over and over
She would say,

I am jealous of your friends when I was college I didn't have friends like this. I was the best in my class, but look at me now I am a single mother without a business. My course mate in the college is currently the wife of a governor, I used to teach her, but we were never friends. Now look at me, and look at her

Cherish your friends, especially those who have shown loyalty and support throughout the years. Put them first every single day, forget about your selfish needs because they are insatiable. Put them before your work, before the computer, before your flings and side chicks. Treat them like they are your everything. Because they are.

Debt isn't worth it.

Nothing is more draining and humiliating than being in debt. Trust me on this one, I've been owed outrageous sums and I have owed outrageous sums. Money just has a way of disgracing you during times like this. Avoid getting things you can't afford, getting them might give you a short-term feel of satisfaction and upgraded status, but in the long run, it's extremely stressful.

Save more, save at least twice as much as you spend, and spend below your means. Wait until you can afford it. Live free. Zero debt is freedom.

Stay tuned for the next part if comes out tomorrow, if you would like me to mention you when its out, please notify me by a comment.
Thank You for reading,...


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Awesome post.
I can totally relate with every lesson you highlighted especially "Life is Now"

learn to appreciate what you have now while hoping for a better...

Irrespective of the situation at that moment ,love the "now" ,appreciate the "now" and most of all for me "make the best of this now"

I hope someone can also relate to this. Thanks for sharing.

....@mizdais signing out....

Yea, love the now, but not so much that you forget you have to keep moving forward.

Thanks for dropping by sweetheart 😊

Life has taught us all one lesson or the other. We should all learn from this lessons

Yes we should.

Sometimes experience is the best teacher, it gives us first hand information.

But it comes with pain sometimes and slight regret. But the lesson is always learnt. Thanks for reading

Interesting read sire, though I do not agree with one particular statement:

The truth is some lessons must be learned through experience

You can let the Holyspirit guide you and kep you constantly ahead and properly informed.

I know some people are stubborn though, to them tis applies.

guess my issue there was the must


It's still a must, for example.

Issues of the love, only by experiencing a breakup or a loss of a loved one do we know the pain that void brings. The holy spirit can comfort you when it happens, but the experience must happen for you to learn that.

Again, I disagree sir. You must not lose a loved one to know the pain one goes through when that happens.

You do not need a heartbreak to know what it feels like. Why should a heartbreak cause a void in a heart that is filled with GOD?

Even when these occur, we have a comforter in him. Your heart cannot be broken, if someone decided they didn't want to be in your life anymore or acted in a way that showed that, then it's their loss not yours. So a broken heart is a choice sir.

Having the HolySpirit guide you is the best edge you can have in this world where people allow emotions and situations rule over them.

How else do you suggest a person learns of that pain...

People love and live differently, some relationships are more cherished than others, losing your best friend turned wife would create a void, so I don't understand why you feel it won't.

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Quality of life = relationships

That's the perfect summary.

I am jealous of your friends when I was college I didn't have friends like this. I was the best in my class, but look at me now I am a single mother without a business. My course mate in the college is currently the wife of a governor, I used to teach her, but we were never friends. Now look at me, and look at her

This was deep, this is a classical story of everyone.

Everyday i try to connect with one person and hope to learn something new from them .

I still wished i had met a set of people earlier in life, but had i known always happens last.

Glad i could connect with you via steemit.( initially i used to think you were a bot when i saw you first on discord)lol

Had I known

That's the sad part of learning through experience, most times it comes with regret.
I'm glad I could share something you could learn from, and I'm not a bot... 😂😂😂😂