in #steemchurch7 years ago



God's plan for marriage is clearly set forth in the Word of God, the Bible. Genesis 2.18

According to my understanding, there is only one statement about marriage that God includes four times in the Bible. And it is found in Genesis 2.24 Matthew 19.5 Mark 10.7 and Ephesians 5.31

As we said, then, God makes this statement four times: once in the Old Testament and three times in the New Testament. Once before the fall of man in sin and three after that event. From this we think that this statement contains the marital purpose of God for both the perfect man and the sinful man. It is God's plan for all times, in order to achieve a good and healthy marriage, and a good plan is as necessary for a good marriage as it is for a home construction.


First, God's design for the couple indicates that the husband and wife must leave their parents and their mothers. What does it mean to leave your parents?

Well, it certainly does not mean that you must abandon them and leave them altogether. Nor does it mean that they must necessarily be separated at a great geographical distance. Living too close to parents especially at the beginning of marriage can make it difficult to leave to live a new stage

It is possible to leave the father and mother and live in the house; although they are close, the way they relate makes them independent. Conversely, it is also possible to live thousands of kilometers away from parents and not leave them. In fact, it is possible that many have not left their parents even though they have already died as such.

Leaving parents means that their relationship with them must change completely, to establish an adult relationship from now on. It means that they must take care of and attend more to the ideas, opinions and practices of their spouses than to those of their parents. Not be enslaved to them in terms of affection, approval, help and advice



God's plan for marriage is that husband and wife should unite with one another. At the time young couples seem to marry the idea that if their marriage fails they can get a divorce. When they get married they promise to be faithful until death, but mentally consciously or unconsciously they add: unless our problems are too big. And that is a current reality

In many ways, marriage is like conversion. When a person converts to Christ he leaves his old way of life, his own righteousness, his own efforts to be saved, and he gives himself to Christ, who died instead of sinners. In this act of surrender to Christ, the person commits himself to Christ. The very essence of saving faith is a personal commitment to Christ for which the person promises to trust totally and completely in the Lord Jesus and to serve him faithfully and diligently.

Marriage according to God means that they know they will have to face problems, change opinions about everything, seek God's help, and resolve those conflicts instead of escaping from them. There is no exit from the link; They are committed to each other for life. They must adhere to each other today and tomorrow, as long as they both live.

Therefore, if you are to experience the total unity that God says is essential for a good marriage, you must turn to Jesus Christ. He removes
all barriers, destroy the walls that divide, cleanse from sin, break the power of reigning sin. He liberates the captive, he gives the Holy Spirit to man, who produces in him the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit, who makes it possible for sinful men and women to leave their father and mother, to unite with one another and become one flesh.

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Hi @windermarin! At SteemChurch we value the family, we believe in the institution of marriage as a divine design, therefore, what God united, man does not separate him!


The crisis of couple is the hardest you can live, affects all personal life, the spirit goes from one end to the other, the thoughts revolve around the unsolved problems with your partner who disturb you day and night losing peace . Communication plays a fundamental role, also leaving aside pride helps overcome conflicts.

This is my brother .. the part of communication is very important. Since 2 are going 1 and the prayer in communion is paramount for the development of the couple .. a great contribution thank you very much brother @emiliocabrera


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Gracias offgridlife

The Family is everything brother! God bless all marriages of the steemchurch