Do you believe that kindness will bring you good luck?

in Boylikegirl Club3 months ago

The good morals that we acquire in our upbringing since childhood, we do not expect anything in return or to be kind in order for us to be given back, but rather they are values ​​and principles that make us feel inside joy, happiness and pride in ourselves because we are kind, and this in itself is greater than the reward, to feel that you are a good person who helps people and offers them a helping hand without expecting anything in return from them.

If a person has good morals, he will be happy in his life and his conscience will be clear. He will not harm anyone and will not spread evil and hatred, but will have a good influence. Dealing with others with kindness is only characteristic of a good person who loves goodness, and this will give him good luck in life, and the greatest luck is the love of people for him and his approval among those close to his family and friends. He does good, and in return he finds goodness in his life and is a contented and simple person who does not burden himself or burden others, but always provides goodness and assistance.
And he is lucky that his heart is pure and kind and he smiles at everyone and everyone loves him because his morals are good, and in my opinion every person who does good to others is lucky in things that may come to him later because he did good to others and helped them and I believe in divine justice and that every person who sows evil will reap evil and that every person who sows good will reap good and will find peace, reassurance and happiness in his life, and the greatest happiness that a person feels is to do good to his fellow human being without expecting him to return the favor because he knows that he will find good luck in his life because he is a person who has values ​​and principles and knows the meaning of humanity.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

You're actually right, if we do the right thing, we will get right thing in return, same goes to evil. But one thing is that we shouldn't be kind to people and expect something in return. The reward can be in different way and can be a surprise from someone we didn't expect.