Why Only Shawshank Redemption & The Notebook| The bitter truth| #club100

Salaam and greetings to all of you.

Why everyone loves Shawshank Redemption & The Notebook?


Last week I was reading the post of @netflixr about Netflix and believe me it seemed like that I was reading my own thoughts written by someone else.

It is now a bitter reality that Hollywood and other films or series production are only producing and are directing series based on politics or vulgarity. Maybe today's generation is the answer as it seems like that they are happy with this all. They are not aware with fact that commercial films were started to show the work of an artist.

Who is an Artist?
An artist is a person who can imagine the Love without being in love. A person who can make you laugh without being a joker. A person who can change your whole life without being a scholar.
And when those artists describe their imagination into words so they are known as Writers. When they described through paintings so they are known as painters. And those who act on their words are known as actors like William Shakespeare.

Directors and Producers are just far from this scenario. They are having skills to portrait the story of a writer into dialogue. The main root of any book or movie is the writers. But now we are seeing movies and series directed and written by the same person it means the person who wanted to direct the movie is writing the movie by himself. Almost all of the fictional and horror movies which we watched are not written by anyone, they are just directed..

This is the reason why we are faded up by the movies and series because they are not showing us the art or story they are just selling us the visuals and dialogues and sadly we are happy with it.

Meanwhile movies like The notebook and Shawshank Redemption are time worthy and loveable just because of the reason they are based on the novels which were written by the great minds.
And this is the reason all the movies and dramas from 90s were amazing because they all were written by someone, Artist!!!

Thank you!


It is not a lie, today's society got used to consuming digital content and nowadays content producers only produce regardless of the quality of the series or movies and the good content that seeks a box office success takes about 6 years to be produced and Targets are more expensive than normal content viewed on a daily basis.

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