Game news: Legendary card in every keg for the next 24 hours!
Hello, as you can see in the picture there is a big promotion in Gwent which it will last only 24 hours.
So in this time every keg will give you at least one gold card which is an insane promotion!
If you ever want to start playing Gwent and you like to spend some real money to acceleret you game stat it's propably the best moment to do it (as free player you should be able to grind at least 4 kegs in this time - IMO it's really good). You can find more information about this promotion on Gwent Twitter
Also it's great moment to go back to this game. As you propably know Homecaming upadte is camming. We do not know the exact date but we can assume that this might be the end of October.
All information related to Homecoming Update and expansion Thronebreaker can be find on reddit:Homecoming,Thronebreaker.
I invite you to read about it in above links.
I'm really excited about upcoming changes in Homecoming. What do you think about it?
If you don't know this game you might be intersting in my streams on (@vimm) where I usually play in Gwent. See you there :)
Best regards
Mr W ( @woj3x )