My Heartwarming First Day on Steemit VS. 4 Poisonous Years on YouTube

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

The plan was to write a second blog today about Angelo's @theywillkillyou and my own escapades in Colombia which you can read about here:

Instead, I was blown away by the warm welcome yesterday on my first day on this platform and I decided to dedicate today's blog to the cloud 9 that I was on yesterday.

I posted twice yesterday. The first post was to introduce myself and my YouTube channel, while the second post was the aforementioned post about Angelo and I going to Colombia to interview one of Pablo Escobar's former assassins.

Both posts performed beyond my wildest expectations. But more importantly, I didn't get a single comment trolling me or my mother or the sister that I don't have. I didn't get cussed out and I didn't have to sit there and watch people write about how awesome Hitler is. And much to my surprise, nobody threatened to rape me!keyboard-warriors-steamit-youtube.jpg

There are 3 possible explanations for nobody threatening to rape me:

  • They saw a picture of my girl and I, and rightfully assumed that she will fuck up anyone who gets too close to me.

  • They saw a picture of my face and decided it's not really worth their trouble (the most likely reason!)

  • This platform doesn't have a sizable population of lowlifes and keyboard warriors.

In all seriousness though, yesterday was one of the biggest eye-openers I have had in a while. It made me realise how POISONOUS YouTube really is. Let me make 2 things clear right off the bat tough!

Firstly, most of the people on YouTube that comment are normal and classy people who don't offend anyone and offer support or constructive criticism. I have a lot to thank to those people and I’m not generalizing. I know that every sane person active on YouTube would not be offended and understands what I am talking about.

Secondly, I am not going to sit here and wash my hands in innocence. I use a bunch of different writers and I don't micromanage them, so sometimes there are topics and questionable jabs within the scripts that slip through the cracks that I am not proud of or happy with. Which I guess means that my videos and I are occasionally a part of the problem.

BUT if YouTube was filled with the same quality/caliber of people that this platform is filled with, then my mistakes would probably be pointed out to me in normal fashion and I would more than likely take measures, because I would be embarrassed and wouldn't want to look like a fool. I also would want to incorporate people’s suggestions (which they were nice enough to take time out of their day for) in order to integrate myself more smoothly into this platform and follow the normal protocol that they’re so used to.

Nowadays, I almost never look at the YouTube comments anymore. I'm tired of having to filter through them and I'm tired of getting insulted at random; it's simply not worth it. I started fantasizing yesterday about being able to take mostly everything off of YouTube and moving it onto here full-time. I don't know in what shape or form just yet, but damn…HOW AMAZING WOULD THAT BE?!?!

A small sample of the lovely, classy crowd on my channel...

If it happens, it wouldn't happen anytime soon. It would be irresponsible to just abandon everything I have worked hard for in the last 4 years. But who knows? Maybe at some point, the Steemit platform gets the credit it deserves, and me and many others would responsibly be able to make the switch from YouTube and possibly from other platforms as well.

I'm grateful for Angelo for telling me about this platform, and I'm VERY grateful for all the support I received yesterday. Venting about YouTube is my personal way of thanking everyone who upvoted, followed, commented or even just read my posts. THANK YOU!!

P.S. If you thought the posts were crap and printed them out to use as toilet paper instead, I’m glad I could be of service to you as well!


Steem is better than Youtube. Period.


If I threaten to rape you ( assuming I can sneak by your girl and have a paper bag) you will very likely not upvote my comment or check out my stuff if I come across as a low life asshole keyboard warrior.
Since everyone wants to have fun here and earn some $, everyone is working togehter since we all work towards the same goal.

lol can you imagine how drastically youtube would change if it had the same system as Steemit does?

No that's beyond my wildest imagination :)

I've only been here for an hour, and I'm already considering how long it should take to migrate from Youtube over to Steem. :)

Yeah the whole set-up sort of encourages a positive environment which is awesome!

I dont know why I am laughing so much at this post

Was just trying to keep people engaged while getting my point across ;)

Because the excitement is overwhelming?

Also, as odd as this sounds, rampant threats of rape tend to have a negative effect on both your literal and figurative reputation.

actually I meant this post. I was laughing here.

But I am apperantly not smart enough to post under the right comment

lol im laughing my ass off at this post xD ahahaha

It's OK, I once put a credit card into a vending machine cash slot.

I wanted to follow you now since you are proofing you have humor, but I already do which proves to me I have good taste in my choice of following people which made me feel ok about myself again.

Thanks. =) Followed you back.

I hope because of my great humor and my generous upvoting strategy and not just because I said I followed

That made me snort loud enough to follow... lol

Welcome to Steemit @world5list :)

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I had the same feelings. Usually on social media and forums people can be very toxic. But here people are friendly and supportive. Maybe because everyone has a common goal. At this point I am taking it in as much as I can and hope that it stays this way. Steem on

Yeah, not a single negative comment yesterday. I was amazed! ( which tells you something about all the other platforms )

Get on Steemit, those that try hard here get Rewarded. Youtube can be quite Toxic

I'm feeling blessed, I am already getting a lot of positive feedback WHILE still trying to find out exactly how the platform is working. The complete opposite of YouTube!

Check out some of my previous Post, wrote a lot about Steemit. Could learn from there, especially when it comes to editing your Post. Only 170K plus user are signed up on Steemit, right now. So much potential to Grow

Yeah I don't like exchanging a follow for a follow cause I feel like that's not what this platform is for. Not even sure if you followed or just commented but I checked out your profile because of your username and immediately decided to follow cause it looks very useful for a noob like me!

Steemit is better than YouTube, I hate to say this, but hereon Steemit, there are no thresholds, you can trade your SBD for bitcoin when ever you want, but with YouTube you need $100 which could take you a year to reach. YouTube leaves small youtubers in the cold, here on steemit, is a new home for them. YouTube suspends innocent channels but keeps the people who really deserve to get banned. Like my gaming channel was suspended when I did nothing wrong. I never spam. I don't like when people do it on my videos, so I won't do it on others.

Instead, I was blown away by the warm welcome yesterday on my first day on this platform and I decided to dedicate today's blog to the cloud 9 that I was on yesterday.

AWESOME, and so glad you felt that way!!! 😁

and this is classic! lol

But more importantly, I didn't get a single comment trolling me or my mother or the sister that I don't have. I didn't get cussed out and I didn't have to sit there and watch people write about how awesome Hitler is. And much to my surprise, nobody threatened to rape me!

As I wrote you and Angelo yesterday, I know very well what it's like when YouTube inevitably "turns on you". If we can all help even a few other YouTubers find a "light at the end of the tunnel" and make their way over to STEEMIT, it feels "a bit" like offering people a lifeboat off a sinking ship!

Alex, I am working on another post that I am going to publish today in which I am going to refer to the article you wrote about YouTube basically forcing you out of business, if that's ok with you?!

It's pretty much "public info" now, given it's "burned" into the steem blockchain! lol

So definitely, if you think it'll help with your article in getting "the message out", feel free to excerpt as you wish. But I do appreciate you asking, you are one classy dude! :)

That's also perhaps why there's not nearly as much "YouTube-style" trolling on steemit. Those with a high reputation, wouldn't generally want to risk tarnishing it by being an ass (or have some rape threat burned on the blockchain for posterity). And those who create fake troll accounts would, in most cases, be downvoted out of existence so fast they would quickly be rendered irrelevant.

And finally, here's one more amazing aspect of the steemit community that you may want to consider incorporating into your post:

Link: 🚀 From $0 to $100K AUD in 11 months thanks to Steem 🚀

Alex, you always seem to nail it when it comes to referring to the right posts at the right time ;) This @ausitbank post was truly inspiring! As always, thank you for sharing...

awww, no problem, I think your comment just made my day! 😎

Thanks for your kind words, and glad you found the post inspiring!

I'm not doing this for a resteem nor do I expect anything in return, but I just wanted to inform you as well that I'm mentioning you & your article in my next post...hope you don't mind the extra exposure :)

geez, fine then. but I've gotta warn you. I still might resteem it anyway, just to show you up! lol 😉

Hahahaha my man! You're the best...

Gonna get to reading that when I have some time on my hands. Already took a glance and it looks interesting!

Finally, the kind of people and community I've been searching for... a few of us have already done our homework on Steem and plan on making it our primary focus. Sooo much time wasted with the piles and piles of nonsense that is curdling into a cesspool of hate and fear-mongering on the rest of social media today. Looking forward to a fresh start!


Follow me and I'll follow you too, I am rather new here and am looking for as many new friends and followers as possible here on Steemit.

Look forward to reading your posts.


Welcome to Steemit!
We the people for the people!
Welcome to the people's NWO!

Thank you. Hopefully everything will remain as "clean" as it is now!

...We are going to have to fight for this!
Let it be a good fight!
We need good clear head shots and not a bunch of low blows!
Looking forward to a brighter future!

Youtube is a disaster. Looking forward to your posts and a big welcome to steemit. I am following your blog.

Thanks a lot. Now that I am just getting started it obviously means a lot!

Very welcome.

Just seeing you collect silver made me a follower!

I honestly don't know what that means yet... :s

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