Dare objectives:
- Shout "Steemit" at the top of your voice.
- Crowd must be at least 10 people.
- Must film walking away / crowd reaction.
First person to post a link to a video of yourself doing the above will get 5 steem sent directly from my account and any steem dollar this post earns.
Once you have done the #dare, I urge you to create another dare and keep the game going with larger and larger SD/steem dares. . Use/watch the hash tag #watcherorplayer, #dare #idareyou to stay in the loop of other dares happening soon.
See my other dare challenge here : https://steemit.com/watcherorplayer/@worstdevever/watcher-or-player-dare-1-high-five-as-many-people-as-possible-in-10-minutes-5usd-pledged