Perfect Reviews of Perfect Movies: My Cousin Rachel - Is It Stupid to Fall in Love?

in #movies7 years ago

I have just watched My Cousin Rachel, which reminded me a lot of movies like Atonement or Pride & Prejudice. Rachel Weisz, who played the main character, reminded me a lot of Keira Knightley for some reason. I don't know if it worked well to create this atmosphere of times with nobles and servants. To be honest, Rachel Weisz did a spectacular job and I like this movie a lot more because of her perfect acting! The others were also great, but not quite like Rachel.



The plot is simple - Philip (Sam Claflin) receives some messages from his beloved cousin that his wife is trying to kill him and steal all the wealth. Philip decides to help his cousin and goes to visit him, but sadly he only makes it to the funeral (not even). As a young and rebellious man, Philip decides to seek revenge and invites his cousin's widow Rachel Ashley (Rachel Weisz) to come visit him. And funny things start to happen as instead of confronting Rachel, Philip falls for her charm and loses his head. He even starts to give away his and his cousin's wealth to Rachel to get her fall in love with him as well. Sadly, it looks like Rachel is only playing with poor Philip and doesn't care much about his feelings, but only wants his wealth.

And the drama continues to the point when everyone goes crazy. I don't want to spoil all the fun for you, but I must say that you will have to decide who was right on who was wrong on your own. You will have to decide if it was love or lies.

My thoughts


  1. We all see things through our own realities and that creates a lot of confusion in the world. So, always try to see other people actions from their standpoint instead of judging them from your own little world.

  2. Sometimes there is no one to blame for bad things happening. That is when we go crazy.

  3. Love is a very dangerous thing - we all know it can make us act insane, but we still do.

  4. How can we ever know if a person we spent all out lives with actually loves us and is not pretending? Yeah, we cannot.

  5. Love is a pretty vague word and everyone understands it differently. So, what you call hate, others will call love. What you call pain, others call passion.

  6. Never drink some random herb tea, which someone insists you to drink.

  7. Trust no one... and trust everyone at the same time.

  8. There is no point in making decisions spontaneously... even though we must agree that those decisions are often the best.

  9. The same person can always be your friend or your enemy, and you have to find that out before they get a chance to act.

  10. It is even worse when the same person is both your friend and your enemy at the same time.


I don't think it's stupid... but I think with REAL Love, you don't have a CHOICE to fall or not.. :)

Sure you deserve it @writingamigo . Im beginning to follow you now. Emulating you from now onward

These are definitely perfect reviews for perfect movies! Thank you very much!

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