The power and value of mistakes
There are days where I take a look at our homestead and feel disappointment. We had a dream and the dream is not finished. Our earthship still has hundreds of hours of work yet to get done. The yard has lots of work as well that sits idle as we focus on needs first.
When we first came out here we had a plan and we focused on that plan for nearly two years. When the money ran out we then realized we made a colossal mistake. We built the earthship far too big which took too much of our time and money. We did not get our economy going right away. We started scrambling to grow a garden, raise chickens, goats, turkeys so that we had meat, eggs and milk. We did not have any fences, coops, barns or any infrastructure to look after animals or grow food. Our focus took a swift and sudden shift away from our 'vision' and instead we headed for our 'reality'.
Wool washing station. Made from old bed frame, scrap 2x4 and tubs. Cost: $0
Not that our vision is in any danger as we come to realize that these issues are key components of independence and freedom. If we realized these lessons first, we would have focused our efforts and resources to establish the infrastructure we needed in order to live off the land. We were naive into thinking that building an earthship with solar panels and water collection was the answer. It was only a small fraction of the answer.
Now we were faced with doing this work with no money. Prior to this point, we had no issues with running to the store to purchase what we need. We bought solutions to our problems all the time and never thought twice about it. Now we are forced to get creative and build what we need instead. I shop at the local transfer station (dump) as they still allow people to scavenge. It is amazing what people throw away.
Wool is very dirty, so it needs to be washed a few times before use.
While our place is not finished and at times looks unkempt, it is beautiful. We don't have a nice manicured lawn, mainly because we don't own a lawn mower. Instead we let the goats and chickens eat it down and they do a good job of it too. Our earthship, even though unfinished, keeps us dry and warm. I have stuff laying around my shop, not as junk but as building materials that I can rummage through whenever I need to build something.
So while the mistakes we made were huge, we learned a lot from them. There are times where if I was to do it all over again, I would do it VERY differently. But I know in my heart that our process is important because we are sharing the lessons learned with others like yourself. This site is a testing ground and I test ideas all the time. We are working hard to figure out what it takes to UNGRIP completely. The knowledge is nearly gone as people walked away from this type of life style three generations ago. Few, if any, are working to decolonize as well.
Yes, this journey has been slow and painful, but it is all necessary. I am happy and satisfied now that I look back and see what we accomplished over the last 15-20 years. We have lived, learned and loved more in that period than most people do in a life time. I love my wife deeply, even when we have zero cash and are stuck here unable to travel. I'm not scared because we have everything we need here. Our needs are not met with money but rather with hard work, knowledge and experience. Our garden is growing like crazy and will provide for our needs for another year. Our life style runs itself and is not dependent on fiat currency.
Old tin from a grain bin makes a nice platform for drying wool. We were gifted 50+ fleece.
It is not easy to process the feelings that come up from the brain washing I went through as a child. But each day it is getting easier and easier. I work hard not to judge our situation because it does not look 'pretty' or 'finished'. Our place does not look like a nice city lot. I work hard not to make that kind of comparison as it is the difference between slavery and freedom.
I may never get this place done. It may be the job of the next generation or it may return to Mother Earth after we are gone. Who knows, it may even get bulldozed by those who fail to see the value and lessons learned from our efforts to UNGRIP for all the man made grids and return to living off the land.
Despite the mistakes we made, we learned A LOT and I work hard to share with others. That way you can do in two years what took us ten. Imagine!
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Your experiences are invaluable to me as a learning process! We have't reached the point that we are able to even build or grow on a decent amount of land as yet, but these tips will hopefully save me time and money when we are in a position to realise our dream! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! <3
You are very welcome. You are the reason why I share the way I do. It is rare to find people like yourself who are willing to consider what I share and work through the implications it has to our lives and relationships. I am honoured.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. After bearing the so much pain you transformed your lifestyle in a very innovative way, quite natural and independent. There is no doubt hardships comes, when you start something different than the system.
This is what you have achieved with the struggle of those 15-20 years. You utilized the God gifted potential of yours and made yourself a free human being from the system which is actually owned by the feudal lords.
You are a true leader, as you always want to see the fellow humans on the top in terms of best life style to seek the peace all over. You are always a constant inspiration to your followers and we all love your every single action @wwf <3
When i look back i realize that i could have done so many things better. I am sad for the people that never try. I have a friend that has lived at home all his life,and his parents let him. Now they have passed and he doesn't have a clue what to do. You have accomplished much, and the good and the bad just make the next project better.
Mis-takes. I am grateful that i am not alone. So many things to do differently, yet each one is so valuable. Thank you for honestly sharing! Xoxo
Slow and steady is the best way to go if you can. We all have made huge mistakes in our lives, but as long as we learn from them and are able to move on, we have made progress on our journey. Life never promised us a rose garden free from thorns and weeds.
Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew in our excitement. Just keep chewing and soon you will be able to swallow. A wise man once told me never to measure my success through someone else's eyes because they do not see what you see.
As long you are happy what does it matter what other people may or may not think? I have been working on this homestead on my own for the last 3 years, continuing the dream that my husband and I had for our future. It still is not complete and it may never be completed depending on circumstances here. My only sorrow would be in leaving everything behind...
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